Sentences with phrase «film grounded»

Connection from the vehicle grounded frame is accomplished via a wire conductor or incorporated into the circuit board's thin film grounding conductor pattern routed through one of the hold down bolt / screw into the metal frame to achieve necessary ground connection.
Some have mentioned the Roger Moore era of Bond being represented in this film, but Craig keeps the film grounded.
Keener's performance keeps the film grounded even as blunt scenes of the opposing camp's machinations flirt with soap opera villainy.
While his idolization of the superheroes he grew up with approaches commentary on the blind loyalty of the fanbase, Holland keeps the film grounded with believable youthful restlessness.
Trier masterfully navigates the mystery elements of the story, dishing out just the right hints to potential supernatural elements while keeping the film grounded in Thelma's point of view.
It's a film grounded in reality, defiantly dismissive of the paranormal, and eager to shine.
Whenever Helen shows up the film grinds to a halt with a near - audible clunk.
Daniel's cast keeps his film grounded, and we forgive the neatness of some resolutions and the less - than - perfect editing; at least I do.
A trio of captivating performances helps keep the film grounded even when writer - director Olivier Assayas gets adrift in the plot
Still, their earnestness is what keeps the film grounded.
Although Youth in Revolt has quirky comic affectations, the subdued styles of Arteta (Chuck & Buck) and Cera (Superbad) keep the film grounded, proving that the director and star are as well - matched as Nick and Sheeni.
The comedy is as awkward and desperate as it needs to be for a film grounded in the complex reality of familial relationships were connections have become untethered.
The little subtleties of Brooke and Tracy's relationship reflect that and keep the film grounded as the story freefalls into farce.
Such as when Paisley loses his rag at a petrol station, it's so dramatic in its nature that it deviates away from the naturalistic elements, which should be so strong in a film grounded so greatly in fact.
Those, joined with a somewhat quirky tone, help keep the film grounded rather than being overwrought.
The film grinds on through the rebels» last stand on the barricades, and chucks in several more one - take close - up solos — including poor old Éponine bravely belting out her swansong with a musket ball in her chest.
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