Sentences with phrase «film keeps you guessing»

Not bad at all.this film keeps you guessing in ways you never do a lot in horror films.Rob Zombie directs theses actors like I've never seen a horror director do before.this movie is truly amazing, people are calling it «terrible» I call it «good» it's the kind of horror film that actually deals with characters and not just pointless blood and guts.I felt like all these characters really did go through something, and this movie is truly just about them overcoming it.I don't consider this a horror film, I consider this a drama / horror film, cause that is what it is, and I love it.this mvie isn't just about a killer killing people, it actually deals with the people he's after anf even deals with himself at times, which I truly loved.Rob Zombie has proved to me again that he could direct.perfect seq...
There's a fantastic scene of game - playing in which Howard's misogyny is laid on the table, and the film keeps us guessing as to just what his intentions or end game will be.
This film keeps you guessing as to exactly what it's up to with every scene (no film was more carefully plotted this year), and reveals its true intentions only very late in the game.

Not exact matches

Stir of Echoes is a good psychological horror film that keeps you guessing till the every end.
The film keeps Superman at a distance (if you had guessed «They turn the Superman sequel into a Batman movie,» come on up and collect your winnings), and as such this doesn't give Cavill much to do.
The film keeps the audience guessing with twists and red herrings, and even when there is nothing left to discover, it remains an incredibly fun journey into a hauntingly beautiful land.
The film's humor hits with absolute accuracy, and the twists and turns throughout keep the viewer guessing about which direction the next threat (or next comedic beat) is going to come from.
The story, about a man who is kidnapped and held captive for two decades and seeks revenge upon his sudden release, is very similar to the original, but just different enough to keep fans guessing; Lee has suggested that his film has an even darker ending than Park's.
Director, Hany Abu - Assad crafts a fast - paced, compelling and carefully scribed film with darkly engaging characters and a surprising story that keeps you guessing right to the end and leaves it open.
In this very odd world, many questions will be dying to be answered, and while most of them are, it is the true beauty that keeps you guessing when the film concludes.
The film just keeps you guessing.
The plot twists and turns and it keeps you guessing till the end, and that's what makes the film good.
A wonderful period film first and secondarily an interesting mystery - romance that keeps you guessing about the big questions until late in the narrative.
The film legitimately keeps the audience guessing what lies ahead and is guaranteed to catch you off guard.
The performances were all very good, especially that of Gordon - Levitt, and if what you need is a film that keeps you guessing rather than spoonfeeding you the same old stuff, this might fit the bill.
From there, the film lives up to its misleading name in one major way: it's one big campaign of misinformation against the audience, attempting to keep us guessing as long as possible.
The film becomes to reliant on keeping you guessing the next turn, that it forgets to tell its own story.
She's sexy and almost inscrutable in her intentions; like Finnick, Johanna keeps you guessing right until the end of the film.
The mystery element of the film wants to keep us guessing until the very end, but it means that when the film closes, we haven't connected with anyone who isn't Gleeson, Reilly or the eventual killer (even there, more characterisation would have been appreciated).
Watching Hanna, it's easy to see why there was so much buzz around Seth Lochhead and David Farr's screenplay in the few years before the film went into production; the story of the mysterious young warrior is structured in a way that immediately draws the viewer in, and keeps us constantly guessing as the details of her enigmatic past steadily come into... read more
He'll keep you guessing — as will his very fine film — until the shocking final moments, and you will have plenty to discuss afterward.
«Ex Machina» is the rare film that truly keeps you guessing, even when you think you know where it's going.
Although the film's ultimate payoff feels a little too big, and too insufficiently explained, to justify all of the obfuscation that led up to it, the script keeps the audience engaged and guessing right up to the end.
The director keeps us disoriented within the layer in which they're being held, never quite revealing what we're actually observing until late in the film, and that lack of geography keeps you guessing around every corner.
But yet, there was some... quality to this film remaining that managed to keep me there, along with, I guess, the other six people who were in my theater.
The first film directed by screenwriter Alex Garland (28 Days Later, Never Let Me Go, Dredd), Ex Machina is not nearly as profound as it seems to think it is, but is still (mostly) very watchable and filled with enough strange and unexpected twists to keep the viewer guessing to the end.
At the film's recent press day, Shyamalan and Blum discussed their creative partnership and the most surprising aspect of working with each other, why the scares in this film are deceptively simple yet terrifying and original, how the mock documentary style format gave Shyamalan new cinematic tools for keeping the audience guessing, his directing style, what he was looking for in his young actors, why he cast experienced stage actors for the grandparents» roles, his collaboration with award - winning DP Maryse Alberti, how he recruited Oxenbould to shoot the chase sequence underneath the house, why he likes treating B genre movies like they're A dramas, and more.
The beneficiary would be Colin Firth, whose film may have only a week's jump on Bridges» in the UK, but is a well - loved local stalwart; I'm guessing the Limeys keep it cosy.
The whodunit element is clever enough to keep most audiences guessing and the film is definitely an intense thrill ride that will keep the typical moviegoer on the edge of their seat.
The characters are entangled in unexpected ways, and the twists and turns throughout the game kept me guessing until the very end, when, in true film noir style, the grand finale was revealed.
Each thing that comes out of his mouth is crazier than the one before, and he will keep you guessing throughout the film.
Director Sidney Lumet - working from Kelly Masterson's screenplay - has infused Before the Devil Knows You're Dead with a complex, time - shifting structure that doesn't work quite as well as one might've hoped, though there's little doubt that it effectively keeps the viewer guessing through the majority of the film's running time.
My guess is the theatrical experience keeps the audience in the film's peculiar mindset a lot better.
Unfortunately, there are interesting twists and turns that are necessary in con / caper films to keep you guessing and playing along.
Although a tad over-written (by screenwriter Guy Holmes in his first script sale), the serpentine plot is guaranteed to keep you guessing, while director Dorado and cinematographer Óscar Faura (The Orphanage, Julia's Eyes) ensure the film is always beautiful to look at.
Densely plotted, if sometimes suffocatingly so, TV director Michael Pearce's feature film debut keeps you guessing on matters of culpability right through to the closing exchange.
The guessing game keeps the audience hooked and the big scene at the end of the film feels truly earned and exciting because it all comes full circle.
He loves to keep the audience guessing, paying deft homage to his favorite films with a delicate affection that's as endearing as it is subtle.
A Most Violent Year: This gem is a film about the merits versus moral compromise of the American dream, and a slow boil drama that keeps you on edge for its full 125 minute running time because there is absolutely no guessing what is coming next.
Perhaps O'Russell used the device to give her additional camera time (6) Amy Adams kept me guessing throughout the film.
In keeping with the current international style, Denis's film is much slower and rather more obscure and somber than Ozu ever was The sense of light playfulness in Ozu, helped by the jazzy scores in so many of his films, is almost entirely missing here, but that's OK, I guess.
Like any good Hitchcock film (or any good mystery, for that matter), Tell No One always keeps you guessing and never fails to surprise, all while continuously building an emotional foundation that makes the shocker ending feel like a shotgun to the chest.
«This is an explosive, character - driven film, smartly told in a way that will keep audiences guessing throughout.
What makes this film riveting is how it keeps you guessing not only whether John's scheme will succeed but whether or not Lara is guilty.
Michael Siglain, director, Creative Franchise, Lucasfilm, Disney Publishing Worldwide understands how Star Wars fans prepare — inviting the anticipation and speculation to begin while assuring us that «the filmmakers have a lot of surprises in store, and the hints and puzzle pieces in the publishing program will keep fans guessing until the film opens.»
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