Sentences with phrase «film medium»

I'm beginning to think that comedy is a format ill suited to the feature film medium.
Stop motion is a rare film medium that needs to be shown off more to the public eye.
What distinguishes Catherine Wheatley's work from other scholarship on Haneke is her close examination of spectatorship and the consideration of the connection between film medium and self - awareness.
Price's chosen film medium gives an almost tangible quality to the clay, enhancing the sense of character and creating intrigue around the objects in the videos, more so than if they were encountered in the real world.
The video was created in collaboration with on - scene colleagues during her artist residency in Morocco a year ago, and is Koch's first venture into a 3D film medium.
Keaton developed a distinctive comic style which merged slapstick with a sophisticated sense of visual absurdity, and often included gags which made the most of the film medium, involving props, sets, and visual trickery that would have been impossible on the vaudeville stage.
Experimental filmmaker Bill Morrison created this non-narrative feature, which derives a large portion of its visual beauty from the physical nature of the film medium itself.
And while his skills as a gag writer and physical comic were remarkable, Keaton was one clown whose understanding of the film medium was just as great as his talent for taking a pratfall.
In fact, the film is especially comparable to the former, which also uses the film medium to portray a mental illness through some sort of impending doom.
By using the film medium to explore the ever - shifting internal landscapes of faith and identity, Wendigo succeeds and satisfies in a way that few films even think to attempt.
Because it's all about deafness, it doesn't rely on spoken dialogue, so it asks the film medium to step up and show what it can do.»
Charlie Kaufman's screenplay hits the right notes in its adaptation of Chuck Barris's indescribably bizarre autobiography, understanding that the life of an anti-television television show maker is timed perfectly for the film medium that finds itself at a crossroads where, increasingly, the pictures are approaching their television counterparts in self - reflexivity.
The discussion, led by Film Comment Digital Editor Violet Lucca, touches on modern audiences» emotional distance from older works, the enduring power of the film medium, and the particular experience of younger generations of cinephiles.
Renowned for its impressive cinematography and lighting, along with the use of interconnected sets and intimate close - ups, this was a film that pushed things forward as far as storytelling through the film medium.
He also wrote the comics Kick - Ass and Wanted, both of which were adapted for the film medium.
John Cameron Mitchell might be one of the few true artists working in the film medium today.
I'm excited to share this report of a promising new hub named for audiences to experience and enjoy more from this branch of the film medium.
But it is; though the onstage action takes place entirely on the back porch of Catherine's house, the scope is expanded here for the film medium without burying its heart in the
Recent installments in the franchise have made fans of the books wonder whether the film medium can do justice to the increasingly complex plots of the later Potter stories by J. K. Rowling.
In this sophomore feature, Wheatley showed a fierce command of the film medium, creating a dizzying religious parable set among a world of violent crime and ethereal justice with dreamlike sadistic cults operating levers best left unmolested.
Bostic's musical abilities extend beyond the film medium.
According to Altman, adaptations lacked the freedom «to exploit the versatility of the film medium» compared to original film musicals.
Polke's attraction to the film medium began in the 1970s, and from that time forward he was rarely seen without a camera.
The rapid technical development of the film medium is an inspiration for the Spanish artist Daniel Canogar.
The Close catalogue, for example, includes a digitized version of» Slow Pan for Bob» (1970), a rare foray of Close's into the film medium.
Her work explores the potential of the film medium, weaving an intricate web of references — between film and theater, painting and poetry, fiction and documentary.
the film medium initially served merely as a documentation of the actual work, namely the performance.
In the artist's words: «Time intervals stacked one over another in a kind of geological «deep time» form the basis for much of my thinking about the film medium
He says to the audience: «Now, I have tried to tackle the film medium with the feeling of a painter.
In Siegel's installation, spaces of production, performance, and spectacle merge and interchange, unhinging the fixity of the film medium.
Photographic and film mediums are an integral part of this show, exploring the translation of political propaganda into a contemporary visual language.
His works typically begin with found footage, layering «viscerally distressed found film strips with provocative images, anarchic visual patterns, dirt, mold and other detritus in a sensuous, even ecstatic, vision of entropy and mortality — inscribed directly onto the film medium
Out of that pool of variation, which is getting to be a significant sample size, comes this one video that manages to land on a simple concept that plays to the strengths of the film medium — namely that it is visual.
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