Sentences with phrase «film someone did»

Here are ten well - known horror filmmakers who have popped up frequently in a variety of films they didn't make themselves.
Generally it means a fairly high overall quality of programming, and a number of films they don't play very often the rest of the year.
When was the last time an all female action film did well?
With a 90 mm... but what film do you use these days?
Creating that fear - inducing setting is what this new film does so well in telling the story of thirty - three Chilean miners who were trapped underground for months in 2010.
But he also gives the film an energy the first film didn't have.
The selection will be updated regularly as new films come onto our radar, and we'll also note when films do get picked up.
If nothing else, his debut film does show he has the skills to warrant wanting to see more of his work in the future.
The fact that we have so much drama going on in one film does at times make it feel like a soap opera act.
The best horror films don't present this dilemma.
This new film doesn't have a title yet but it's apparently about the art world.
Which films did he choose for his best of 2010 list?
But the second film does contain a «34 - year» time jump from 1980, so, do the math.
But the original film didn't feel like a big success.
I'd like to pull them aside and say, how many films did you grade in coming to your evaluation?
It's not an exact comparison since film doesn't have generations, per se (yes, they are several different formats) or competing platforms.
What other films do we have, besides this one, that really capture the exhilarating rush — and the decadent come - down — of the 60s culture - revolution?
Let's not waste too much time on this film (I always say that about films I don't like, however, and then keep on writing...).
Of course a number of good films did succeed in breaking down the barriers of language and the constant need to explain them by referring to the political turmoil of the country.
Could painting or even film do justice to mass transit?
As great films do, it surpassed all expectation.
But there's no law against asking people for money, just as it's not a crime when your second film doesn't quite measure up to the first.
Their latest film doesn't fit into either of those categories or really follows anything the brothers have done in the past, which clearly, is exactly what they we going for.
Black level looks great and edge enhancement is only there if you really, really look for it, proving once again that bad films don't mean bad transfers and vice versa.
«Run All Night» is proof that quality action films don't really need to reinvent the wheel each time out as long as they make it spin this smoothly.
The entire film didn't always take advantage of the extra dimension, but the parts that did, looked like they were jumping off the screen.
Whether it has a shot at breaking into the Best Picture race, well... most animated films don't.
Both of her previous films did have their moments, but this is certainly the weakest of the three.
New Nightmare is more aggressive in both scope and structure, allowing it to comment on the art of story telling in a way that so few films do.
Although enjoyable, the third film doesn't hold up to the first two.
Today, most low - budget and even medium - budget films do not get a theatrical release.
It's hard for me to believe that they saw the same film I did.
I will always prefer their older films and they somehow feel more natural to me that recent film does.
It would be nice and hopeful to say that the resulting film doesn't reflect that chaos and turmoil, but it would also unfortunately be a lie.
That doesn't mean the smaller films didn't have global ambitions, or the larger ones didn't tell personal stories.
It pains me how many great foreign language films don't quite make the cut.
What do you think when you see so many of these female - driven films doing well this year?
But then, zombie films don't seem to need a plot, so why do games?
What's been bothering me is how many Competition films don't have any chance of winning.
Most of the time, festival films don't live up to those expectations.
Female - centric films don't typically do well, but beyond that — this is a film that doesn't strike you as a «must - vote - for» film.
But clever specialty films do not often deliver the box - office returns necessary to justify their high marketing costs.
The million - dollar film does not exist anymore; one - and - a-half to two million dollars is now the standard low - budget film in the studio system.
This is the first time since 2008 that their top film did not match their top director.
Even though the latter film didn't offer anything worth writing home about, his other turn behind the camera was a solid drama.
Most local Australian films do not last longer than two weeks in cinemas; I hope this film can break that drought.
But the hollow film doesn't seem to have much to say about life's realities, let alone shed any light or hope on them.
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