Sentences with phrase «film student»

I've also been getting emails from film students who are interested in learning how I did certain effects.
The style has also changed, seeing the zombie outbreak in a faux documentary captured by a group of film students.
The whole thing feels sort of tossed off, like it was made by film students over a couple of weekends.
I'm a lonely 21 year old film student that goes to a school with less than 15 % girls.
The request is nothing new: It seems there's always someone crying out against film students or East Asian studies majors, wondering why these damn kids don't just study petroleum chemistry.
He is such a perfect representation of the awkward creative film student.
The five films the students voted for turned out to also be the five most entertaining pitches — the ones with humor and emotion that told stories.
Those documentary - styled scenes of that iconic 1999 hit have not been copied much, as self - documentation has moved from the domain of film students to anyone with a smart phone.
GWFF was founded in 1982 and provides scholarships for film students at universities in Europe and the U.S.
Shot in vérité style in the vein of popular films like Paranormal Activity and Cloverfield, Trollhunter follows three Norwegian film students as they travel to the mountains to catch a real - life troll on camera, a creature whose existence has been covered up for years by the local government.
Regardless of your final take, most cinephiles will muster at least a modicum of interest in a film with 11 directors and 12 writers... each NYU film students during James Franco's time on campus as an adjunct professor.
An integral part of the festival, the symposium allows 50 college film students from around the world access to free passes, a cash stipend and a curated schedule of movies and discussions with the filmmakers.
When shooting the showdowns between police and gang members, Carpenter roped in a lot of film students from USC, who relished in the opportunity to play with fake blood and provided him with many inventive screen deaths.
The two were graduate film students at Columbia University in New York when they first read a The New York Times article about Avery's arrest in connection with Halbach's murder.
Luckily, he was adopted by an aspiring film student who found the tuxie to be an inspiring muse.
Currently a full time film student in Seattle.
So when the USC film student noticed The Room on the Laemmle Fallbrook marquee in early July, he had to drag his friends to see it.
were drunkenly quoted to me by local film students during my barhopping seshes in «Wilmywood» — in the series McBride plays Kenny Powers, a former champion Major League Baseball pitcher with a major league penchant for cocaine and soundblasts.
A group of film students finds out when they stage just such an event at an abandoned movie palace.
Characters are unfortunate enough to be subjected to pratfalls and sight gags that would make many first - year film students embarassed, and it comes as no surprise to see the writers» previous credits include such gems as Never Been Kissed and The Prince & Me.
The program provides aspiring film students with real - world experiences in managing all aspects of filmmaking and the opportunity to work alongside and be supported by teams at major global marketing, cinema, and cinema equipment companies.
On a moonlit gondola ride back down to town after the screening, I talked with a few young film students who seemed very much sold on — and reflected by — the film's depiction of that strange, gangly, liminal time in one's life.
As it stands you are a wonderfully underemployed NYU graduate film student whose likelihood of ever earning enough money to retire these loans would be like winning the lottery.
In response, Hogg, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who filmed students hiding from the gunman in their classrooms, was quick to respond, tweeting a list of a dozen advertisers and encouraging followers to immediately call them and ask them to drop Ingraham.
In the more substantial «Life After Film School: Rob Letterman» (21:52), three film students ask practical questions and get candid answers from the director about his Sundance and DreamWorks Animation experiences, his plans for Stretch Armstrong, and, most of all, Gulliver's Travels and its unique challenges.
Johnson learned about the contest from his son, a New York University film student, and decided to enter on a whim.
Ken Loach sends out editing distress signal, Pixar answers; Twitter changes the role of the literary critic for better and worse; Oliver Stone reminisces on his postwar experience as a New York film student studying under Martin Scorsese; marching band does incredible, incredible stuff.
Watching Winer's remake is akin to watching a group of B - stock film students try to recreate Citizen Kane.
Allen chats with three film students about her career, starting with her time in college and ending with her work on Ramona and Beezus.
Summary Capsule: A killer, sigh, starts offing film students doing a movie about, sigh, urban legends
Fatheree and Lindvahl are very proud of the high - quality film their students produced, but they're more impressed with how the kids worked as a team while employing a wide range of skills.
The public voted both for the five semi-finalists (with the help of a judging panel that included Toronto Raptors» star Chris Bosh) and for the winner, who turned out to be Ryan Coopersmith, a 21 - year - old Concordia film student.
His Romeo and Juliet and Moulin Rouge movies are practically required viewing for modern film students, but his flashy, excessive style strikes some as the wrong tone for what might be rightly considered the Great American Novel.
John «Jack» Thompson, the former Westport Central teacher accused of secretly filming students at his Willsboro home, accepted a plea bargain on Thursday and pled guilty to four felony counts of unlawful surveillance in the second degree.
And now Schrader has made «First Reformed,» a film that even freshman film students will be able to easily connect to this influential earlier movie.
Even hard core film student geeks will turn away.
In addition, one of the organization's core values is identifying new talent and nurturing young filmmakers by awarding promising talent with «Directorial Debut» and «Breakthrough Actor» awards as well as grants to rising film students and by facilitating community outreach through the support of organizations such as The Ghetto Film School, Reel Works Teen Filmmaking, and Educational Video Center.
- Dr. Vastel (1) In 1991, documentary film student Alison Millar recorded...

Jack Nicholson became notorious for his reluctance to be interviewed, but in 1971, as his star was rising after Easy Rider , Five Easy Pieces and Carnal Knowledge , he sat for a pair of interviews with a couple of unknown film students from the University of Southern California.

The project began as an eight - minute film called Doris And The Intern by then - film student Laura Terruso.
This year's festival featured a lot of new shorts by SCAD film students, and the premieres of new features such as Bill Condon's «Kinsey» and «Undertow,» by David Gordon Green, who found many of his crew members at SCAD.
Future film students will compare the Russos» boring, backlot Wakanda against Ryan Coogler's vibrant vision of the same setting in Black Panther to study the difference between a real filmmaker and a couple of hired hacks.
Many of the scenes here look completely amateurish, like a B movie made by a below - average film student.
Much of the film feels amateurish, the kind of work a precocious film student might produce.
Moreover, Peter Bogdanovich has suggested that contemporary film students possess no conception of film history prior to Raging Bull — also released in 1980.
When Angelina Jolie arrived at Oscar rehearsals Thursday morning, she had some wisdom to share with a group of film students clustered backstage at the Dolby Theatre.
Charlie (Joe Moran) is a neurotic film student who's in love with his classmate, Juliet (Jocelyn DeBoer), but doesn't have the confidence to muster a conversation outside of the classroom.
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