Sentences with phrase «film team»

I strategize, produce, direct, shoot, edit, and build and manage filming teams for everything video related at World Nomads.
The Guardian film team discuss the Bafta nominations and the films and performances that have been snubbed
Los Angeles Times film team members pick their most anticipated films at TIFF, including Guillermo del Toro's «The Shape of Water» and Darren Aronofsky's «Mother!»
We have an award - winning film team, a large and continuously growing social media following and a survivor's impactful tale to tell, all in the pursuit of ending the puppy mill industry.
The Los Angeles Times film team pick their most anticipated films at Toronto International Film Festival, including Guillermo del Toro's «The Shape of Water» and Darren Aronofsky's «Mother!»
Ke Sun's reflection onto a sample coating with the nickel oxide film his team developed.
The casting team really take the credit for any high scores the film
It starts with a concept that's right out of an issue of either Cracked or Mad, with parodies of characters from several different films teaming up with each other for an adventure, but at every turn, it attempts (and fails) to score its laughs via gross - out gags, slapstick, or just the uttering of obscenities... though, of course, it never gets so obscene that they lose their PG - 13 rating.
Rice oversees the company's global TV and film team with co-president Graham Taylor.
In 2014 theartsdesk film team presents their picks of the year with a list of 13 diverse titles from great homegrown and international directors.
The Belizean film team gathered 17 animals (an ocelot, a puma, a jaguar, and exotic birds) to appear in the film.
Finally we will come home to Australia and continue filming the teams we have been following for the last year.
The Guardian film team's round - up of Tuesday's movie news, plus a review of the George Clooney thriller Money Monster
We have an award - winning film team, a large and continuously growing social media following, and a survivor's impactful tale to tell — all in the pursuit of ending the puppy mill industry.
The Guardian's film team, Catherine Shoard, Xan Brooks, Andrew Pulver and Henry Barnes, round up the nominations for the 65th British Academy film awards, which will see The Artist, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and My Week with Marilyn in the running for multiple gongs on 12 February
The film team review the final part of The Hunger Games franchise, in which Katniss Everdeen leads the armies of Panem into the Capital to dispose of President Snow
The film team review this week's new cinema releases, including the final part of The Hunger Games saga and Gaspar Noé's 3D sex film, Love
The film team get to grips with the mangled Russian accents of a bevy of RADA - trained stars as Tom Hardy chases a serial killer across the 1950s Soviet Union
The film team review Sacha Baron Cohen's ribald new comedy about a man who discovers his brother is a secret agent
The film team review this week's big cinema releases in the audio - only version of the Guardian film show
The film team review Judi Dench and co's second jaunt to India in the sequel to the global box office hit
The film team review this week's new releases, including Guillermo del Toro's full - on gothic romance and Yorgos Lanthimos's absurdist dating satire
The film team review Joe Wright's Peter Pan prequel, which follows the magical orphan on his journey to Neverland
The film team review Guillermo del Toro's graphic gothic romance about a beautiful young heiress lured into the haunted home of her new groom
Indiewire has added two members to its film team, with David Ehrlich joining as a senior film critic and Graham Winfrey as film reporter.
The film team review this week's big releases, including Rebel Wilson rabble - rousing as dating pro and Kurt Russell chasing cannibals across the American west
The film team review this week's releases, including Steven Spielberg's scintillating spy thriller and Todd Haynes's lesbian romance
The film team report from the Cannes film festival, which is heavy with highlights one week into the running.
Day five at the Toronto film festival means more new releases for the film team (and their new friend, Sid the raccoon).
The film team review Todd Haynes's adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's novel about the lesbian love affair between a New York socialite and a young shop clerk
Tony Leung won Best Actor for playing Ip Man, he said that he represented the film team and could only take 10 % of the credit.
Two nights ago he and his wife, actor Chang Chen, cinematographer Christopher Doyle and his film team celebrated.
The film team review this week's big releases, including Thomas Vinterberg's sumptuous adaptation of the Thomas Hardy classic and an all - online horror about a ghost in the internet
The film team stagger towards the end of the 40th Toronto film festival.
Then, with the orchestra no doubt tuning up to play him off, Leto made an awkward (if well - meaning) nod to the ongoing crises in Venezuela and Ukraine before thanking Focus Features and other parts of the film team.
The purchase includes an extraordinarily comprehensive, creative, and practical curriculum guide, written by Blueshift Education in collaboration with Donté, Molly, and the film team.
The pupils were split into two film teams and truly immersed themselves in their roles.
Interestingly though, all of the cars have a manual gearbox, per the film team's request.
One of those connection things — someone that I met at a party at London Book Fair several years ago ended up on the film team for the KDP vids and thought of me when they decided to do something international... the power of relationships and personal connection!
An interesting fact about the film: the film team spent 10 days in Missouri, and the battle over Prop B (the puppy mill bill that was defeated) is a featured segment of the film.
The film team was especially interested in telling the story of how the facility succumbed to arson in September 2010.
Visit Spain sent my film team and me to discover their beautiful country.
My film team and I jumped at the chance to interview Maui's chefs and designers.
The primary goal of the Kickstarter is to help fund the film team's expenses as they travel to locations like MAGFest (Music and Game Festival) and to international locations in order to interview composers and artists and to cover game music events.
The rousing message from Lush, the Humane Society, and Rob Stewart's parents and film team is, get involved.
A set of YouTube videos of the question session after the screening (1, 2, 3) depicts a big group hug, in essence, between the audience and film team.
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