Sentences with phrase «film with someone»

This is a race with a lot of films with pockets of fans.
Does making films with characters in small, limited settings interest you?
Though considered by most to be an outdated myth, some have claimed that foreign audiences have less appetite for films with largely black casts.
It's an action film with such over-the-top and unpredictable violence that it's hard to imagine this version will ever make it onto broadcast TV.
It isn't thought provoking sci - fi but it's a great action film with great characters.
In addition to his fighting accolades, he's an aspiring actor who has been in several films with more in the pipeline.
She's not put off by gore / violence, but she typically doesn't watch films with said subject matter.
He was in fact talking about another screenplay that he's been working on, which is a horror film with time travel elements.
The story hits many of the some notes as the first film with much less success.
Do you think the writers of «Saw» can create a horrifying feature film with so many short stories?
Similarly, men were not more likely than women to write significantly more positive reviews about films with only men filmmakers or featuring a male protagonist.
The well - structured text provides an endless selection of films with character strengths and virtues as dominant themes.
That's because it's produced in a similar way, shot on film with a single camera and no laugh track.
It's a mounting desperation that yields few laughs, particularly since the bulk of the situations are taken wholesale from the first film with little to no spin.
But it just turns up a boring film with not much to save it from making you sad.
Another CGI packed film with many great actors but that doesn't reach the potential it should having in account the cast and money spent.
Maybe I was expecting too much from a short film with that title.
He is sometimes drawn to films with little or no box office potential because he believes in the material.
Anyway, it was a feel good film with great acting from the three leads.
79 % of the reviews written by men and 64 % of the reviews written by women were about films with exclusively male directors and / or writers.
That said, it is a fun film with very well developed characters, good pacing, and strong writing.
Since this is in an indie - produced film with razor (thin) budgets, they basically gave us the song after they saw the section.
I think they recognize the «little man» often enough that smaller films with smaller directors could land in major discussion.
It was first shot as a live action film with actors, and then hand - painted over frame - by - frame in oils.
Where this low budget British feature differs from the majority of films with similar premises is that both parties involved are men.
Fallen is a terrific film with plenty of twists.
In short, this is an amazing film with memorable quotes, more great characters and a great villain.
This looks like one of those ideally quintessential indie films with all the right romantic touches and existential questions, and I want to see it.
It's a low - budget film with even lower consequences but it plays with all of its heart.
While it wasn't quite as good as it was being out to be, it remains an interesting film with several things to like about it.
I have seen it, and while I didn't love it like so many others, I thought it was a very solid film with an amazing performance from the mother.
The build material is imported Japanese PET film with multiple layers.
While many independent Christian films have been criticized — especially by fellow Christian artists — for producing simplistic films with bad acting and low production standards, this is certainly not the case here.
Thank you for continuing to make original films with imaginative stories.
Note: watching foreign films with subtitles count as a language lesson.
An animated film with a great blend of heart and video game references.
I look at film with a different eye, now that I have a degree in film.
Combining a superhero film with a spy thriller, as well as a few new great characters makes this film a big step up from the first.
This is a well written film with a great cast that are just great to watch on - screen.
This is a very unique film with wonderful moments, a lot to chew on, a gorgeous look, and some excellent tunes.
How does this movie differ from other films with similar characters and themes?
Well this was just another boring reboot of the original film with nothing worth wild here at all.
This is a mostly enjoyable film with a sucker punch of a stark ending.
I think I thought I could make films with big stars but it turned out I couldn't.
The company has also made many one - minute films with the objective of increasing insurance awareness.
It's an entertaining film with an issue you can talk about.
The movie is a remake of the 2007 British film with the same name.
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