Sentences with phrase «films being made all»

And while we were spoiled by the LOTR films, there are some damned good fantasy films being made these days, as well as some very good book adaptations being done.
Smaller films such as Moonlight, Fences, and Hidden Figures proved to us that not only are there great films being made in the indie scene, but also by black through white people.
As Creed director Ryan Coogler has said when talking about the talented women he's worked with, there's always room for strong voices, who will end up elevating the overall level of films being made, because they'll have different points of view and experiences, in addition to talent.
Their room filled with haunted keepsakes and trophies can lead to many more films being made.
I'm in the belief that the city is a perfect fit for the production and could easily help boost the quality of the production, even if they are claiming the budget is smaller than the rest of the superhero films being made.
One gathers the film was only slightly closer to him than many of the other films being made at a time when he was looking ahead towards the launch of Disney World and other non-film ventures.
Audrey Hepburn stopped making movies right around the time the «New Hollywood» started gearing up, though not because she didn't have any interest in the more daring kinds of films being made, and not because the younger generation of producers and directors didn't want her.
It can easily be argued that in many of the films being made today, there is no place or room for respectful treatment of belief.
Yes there are plenty of great horror films being made these days but they are more often than not independent films that never quite get the attention they deserve.
In the early 1970s, cult filmmaker Jess Franco inspired by the Hammer horror films being made in the UK revisited the iconic monsters of yesteryear, placing them in the castles and crypts of the Spanish countryside, and bracketing the thrills with scenes of frank eroticism.
That thinking has limited the number of films being made and placed a greater burden on everything given a green light to shatter records, spawn sequels, and stimulate the senses.
«It was almost like The Twilight Zone: Not only how could this be, but why aren't there 100 films being made?
And even with the studio push for 3D, the number of 3D films being made is a miniscule portion of the market.
But with so many humdrum films being made, we welcome any technology that will boost the audience - engagement factor.
A representative for Bigelow told Business Insider that the film was made independently and relied on a variety of source materials.
«The film was made in the exact same process as my other films,» Leigh said.
That's why back in 2005, when Jannard was looking into it, few feature films were made with digital cameras.
And the film was made in eight days.
Compared to major studio projects like the forthcoming Aaron Sorkin adaption of Walter Isaacson's popular biography of Jobs, this film was made on a shoestring, with an estimated budget of just $ 8.5 million.
His decisions to honour God in both sport and mission, as well as his athletic prowess, have made him a hero among many Christians, and led to a film being made about him - Chariots of Fire - in 1986.
«I know I'm biased because I'm their friend, but I think it'll be something that will live on for generations because it's done with excellence, not knocking anything else, it's just this is production 50 years past where some of the other films were made,» he said.
The film was made for a mere $ 7 million, and has racked up $ 55 million so far.
And Muslims are taking no responsibility for why the film was made.
The film was made in California by a Californian (with something like 17 aliases and a criminal record), who is at this point, presumed to be a Coptic Christian.
Don't you see how they act when a stupid SNL - like film is made about them?..
In fact, Paulist Pictures» Romero may be only the first of several films about the assassinated prelate; for example, director Gillo Poncecorvo (The Battle of Algiers) reportedly has a Romero project under way (tentative title: The Devil's Bishop) But however many such films are made, none is likely to be as much a labor of love as Romero was.
A brilliant documentary film was made in 1984 of Leonard Bernstein conducting an orchestra and singers during rehearsals of his own composition, «West Side Story.»
His energy, his zest for life and his love of film was made apparent in every one of the thousands of essays he wrote.
All plastic film is made from waste bi-products from the petroleum industry.
Best of all, the studio explains how the films were made and executed — and some areas are hands - on.
This film was made during World War II, by Commander James C. Maloney and Commander J.J. Cammisa, two United States medical officers stationed in Okinawa during the struggle with Japan.
I had the privilege of watching this film on the Disney lot, and afterwards going behind the scenes at Disney Animation studios to learn a little bit about how the film was made from story to art to animation.
This law, however, is often disregarded when such political films are made supporting the ruling People's Action Party (PAP).
The sound designer of Jurassic Park, Gary Rydstrom of Lucasfilms, says he wished he had heard of Suzuki's work before the film was made.
As part of the «Future Research Leader» program of which Thijs is part of, a short feature film was made about the ongoing research in the Ettema - lab.
That being said, the good news is that it's therefore pretty easy to make a Dorothy costume, and since the film was made in 1939 Dorothy herself is already vintage, so we don't really need to give her a pinup makeover.
Our drive to Hollywood was really scenic; we drove by Sony's and Fox's studios where their films are made.
This film was made for 3D!
«Battle Royale» is definitely recommended for any Tarantino fan or someone looking for an original viewing experience because yes, this film was made before «Hunger Games» was even written.
One of Charlie Chaplin's masterpieces, this hilarious and heart - rending film was made and released as a silent with music track in the post-talkie era.
Mexican films are making waves.
Before the film was made, Spielberg had offered Holocaust survivor and director Roman Polanski the job of making the film, but Polanski declined.
When a typical horror film is made, they complain and when a fresh and original idea is penned into a film, they still complain.
The film was made with obvious relish by everyone involved, and it guarantees a mindlessly happy two hours to all who take the time to see it.
All of these films were made independently (only one, the poorly received The Guru (1969), has been made for a studio during the course of Merchant and Ivory's years together), and ably demonstrated the kind of technical expertise the filmmakers were capable of achieving with a very limited budget.
This film is made up of interviews with every member of her family (and then some), as well as lots of footage from their past.
Now I like the first Hoodwinked movie very much, and for a low budget CG film its very funny and keeps you entertained, so when I heard they were going to make a bigger budgeted 3 - D sequel I was interested, but the better CG doesn't add to how poorly this film was made, the CG may be better, but the lip synching is terrible and the voice acting isn't that good.
Hayes, the director, has clearly done that intentionally, basically pretending that his film was made in the 1950s.
This shamelessly simplistic hokey film is made to order for those consumers ripe for the taking for all the pic's product placements and viewers who can become teary - eyed after absorbing all the awkward sentimental blows of such mush.
What is interesting is (like some original sci - fi concepts) back in 66 when this film was made the idea was of course deemed fantasy, these days I don't think it is, well with robots anyway.
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