Sentences with phrase «final criteria»

I'm not forgetting final criteria like fit and budget.
So get to know your market and then use these rules of thumb to focus your search, rather than using them as final criteria.
When it comes to some of the «rules of thumb» like the 1 % rule and the 50 % expense rule, these are really more quick analysis tricks to help you understand whether a property is worth looking into further... not final criteria for whether or not you should buy.
This understanding of the general human shape of play provides us with a final criterion with which to delimit play's boundaries.
The final criterion holds that the means used in a war's prosecution must be proportional to the ends.
A final criterion is the adequacy of the symbol to religious experience — its authenticity in expressing the state of a person grasped by an ultimate concern and in representing that which concerns him ultimately.
The final criterion of judgment is: «Inasmuch as you did it [or did it not] to these my brethren, you did it [or did it not] to me.»
Shaw's final criterion is the possibility of the music's being the «creative miracle of revelation.»
The biblical view — both Old Testament and New — makes obedience to the will of God the final criterion of the good life.
Such codes, like the Sabbath, were made for man, not man for the codes; and the final criterion of «rightness» must be the degree to which sexual self - expression in mutuality can play its part in freeing man from bondage to that which holds back or prevents his movement to realize the subjective aim of full manhood.
Some go so far as to call Christians to meet a final criterion for salvation.
In that first Commission report [in 1986], Governor Sawyer set forth what was then and what must be today the final criteria for decision - making with respect to a repository, whether in Nevada or anywhere else in the country:
As a class, review the final criteria statements.
After rounds of additional feedback and public hearings, the department is aiming to release the final criteria in the first few months of 2015, she said.
The goal of this competition is to «support LEAs that demonstrate their commitment to identifying teachers, principals, and schools who have a vision and the expertise to personalize education and extend their reach to all of their students,» says the introduction to the final criteria.
However, there is one final criteria you must consider when applying for either federal or provincial rebates: These rebates are only available on homes valued at $ 450,000 or less.
The lender will qualify you in advance by evaluating 2/3 of the final criteria: your consumer report and income.
If it's positive in all three of those periods, then it makes it to our final criteria, where we take all of the stocks that match every characteristic that we look for and we rank them by that 12 - month price appreciation.
Assist in the placement of candidate dogs who do not pass the final criteria for service or therapy work
The final criteria is the shampoo's special features.
The final criteria look at the reach of the hotel program, like the number of properties (10 %) and in how many locations around the world they are (15 %), as well as the diversity of hotels (5 %)-- from city hotels to beach resorts and from budget to luxury hotels!
The final criterion was based on historical links between the artists and curator.
The final criteria will be that none of my information is traded with any other party.»
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