Sentences with phrase «final curtain»

The phrase "final curtain" refers to the end or conclusion of something, typically associated with the end of a person's life or the end of a performance or event. Full definition
There could have been no finer final curtain for him than this.
If Ready Player One turned out to be Steven Spielberg's last film, it would make for a grand and fitting final curtain call for his brand of escapism.
The third act of The Architect is an absolute mess, with inconsistent tonal shifts, a disheveled and confused conclusion, and an inconsequential final curtain that suggests an overwritten script that, while watchable, it too busy trying to please everyone.
The razor - sharp responses and wailing soundtrack combined for an awesome final curtain call of the naturally aspirated high - revving Maranello - born V8.
The role will be Daniel Day - Lewis» final curtain call before he retires from acting.
Over the next two weekends, about 150,000 visitors will hit Desert Trip and spend nearly half a billion dollars once the final curtain falls.
Near the final curtain a deus ex machina ending is attempted in order to extricate a difficult plot, but this «God» strangles on the machine that was to lower him onto the stage.
Head of the class / front of the queue Leverkusen No other top - flight side has started the summer recruitment campaign as decisively and sure - footedly as Champions League participants, Leverkusen, who within a week of the final curtain of 2015 - 16, had not one but two high calibre signings to announce in outstanding Austrian defensive midfielder, Julian Baumgartlinger and multi-purpose Hoffenheim and Germany forward Kevin Volland.
Hope you enjoyed the final curtain for Liam Fox... for now.
It is being hailed as a «win - win» for citizens and government: the final curtain in Albany's «battle to save Ladder 1.»
He may be PM for hours or days, or perhaps until the autumn; whatever, it seems the giant figure of recent British political history is soon to be taking his final curtain.
More from Peter McHugh - Queen's Speech: nightmares past and present - Final fight for votes as election day looms - Leaders debate - the final curtain call - Final debate preview: Leader's prepare for the great debate - Time for Cameron to cosy up to Clegg?
In recent years, cosmologists have been trying to face this final curtain.
We will all have to face the final curtain some day, but there's no point in marking time in the waiting room to the afterlife while there is plenty of nectar yet to be squeezed from the abundant, living world around us.
And now, the end is near And so I face the final curtain My friend, I'll say it clear I'll state my case, of which I'm certain I've lived a life that's full I traveled each and every highway And more, much more tha..
Despite Les Misérables» iconic status among stage musicals, its much - loved story that leaves audiences emotionally devastated by the final curtain, and a marquee - friendly high - profile cast sure to boost ticket sales, director Tom Hooper's bloated big - screen version of the Victor Hugo classic doesn't necessarily deliver on its potential.
They screamed during a railroad ride through the vaults of Gringotts, cheered when their favorite teen couples kissed, laughed when Mrs. Weasley (Julie Walters) swore at the witchy Bellatrix Lestrange (Helena Bonham Carter), and cried bittersweet tears as Harry, Hermione and Ron took their final curtain call.
However, for those audience members approaching or well into their golden years, Quartet reminds viewers that while life may become more difficult, it doesn't have to end until the final curtain drops.
A final curtain bow from the godfather of Japanese animation Hayao Miyazaki.
Yet the melodrama and the yelling arrives before the final curtain; and that's okay, because it's an intensity earned through the thoughtful, complex meanderings that led to it.
The Handmaiden quickly proves itself as yet another glorious masterpiece of visual style and effective narrative that eats away at your brain long after the final curtain has been raised.
There's a lot to look forward to as The Hunger Games heads towards its final curtain call in Mockingjay Part 2 later this month on November 20th.
«And now, the end is near and so I face the final curtain...» We'd rather we didn't have to but it's time to say goodbye to Orphan Black.
Disney and ABC announced this week that this season will be the final curtain call for At The Movies, with the last episode to air on the weekend of August 14, 2010.
The massive cast are catered for extremely well for the final curtain call, with special shout outs to Caine's Alfred for providing the emotional core for the trilogy, and a certain not - to - be-named-here someone who shows up for two scenes and almost steals the movie out from everyone.
If PBL is a play, then the math or science or history or writing — or whatever you teach — make up the scenes that propel each act toward the final curtain call.
When the last 850CSi rolled of the production line in late 1996, the final curtain fell on AHK.
Taking off at 0309 hours, Qantas snatched the honor of being the last to take off, in a dramatic twist, as the final curtain fell.
After 17 years on the Championship Tour, the final curtain for the Australian legend is dropping at the place it all began — Bells Beach.
28 May Sherlock Holmes: The Final Curtain - Could this be the final curtain for the world's greatest detective?
But tonight it's the final curtain for someone... because Dolores Molinero, the Queen of Drama, has been cruelly murdered.As the new crime investigator in town its your job to unravel this tale of love, passion and intrigue to unmask a murderer.
Something being so good you want more is a good thing I guess, but I couldn't shake the feeling of dissatisfaction after the final curtain dropped.
Georg Baselitz and A. R. Penck, just a few years older, each developed a symbolic language for suffering — while Jörg Immendorff and Anselm Kiefer, just a few years younger, picture German culture as a total work of art without a final curtain.
So much so that life's final curtain call, as seen through the brushes and pens of artists of the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries, is the subject of the J. Paul Getty Museum's latest exhibition, «Heaven, Hell and Dying Well: Images of Death in the Middle Ages.»
In reality, conclusions are muddy, there are no final curtains, and life just goes on.
These new definitions would also seem to be the final curtain call on the «Metro» and «Modern» labels that have been used to describe apps made for Windows 8 and 8.1.
At 65 years of age, having been a Builder, Tradesman, Conciliator with TARION New Home Warranty Corp., Real Estate Appraiser, Financial Advisor with investors Group etc., to name some of my experiences, not to mention an excellent Realtor etc., I have seen it all... almost; I'm not yet close to the final curtain.
And now for the final curtain, my last piece of advice.

Phrases with «final curtain»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z