Sentences with phrase «final gift of love»

As a caring part of Koefran's service, families can download this Guide to Planning Ahead to make sure that the final gift of love is exactly as each family wants it to be to celebrate the unique relationship with their pet.

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In such a framework, we can have «Christ without myth,» where he is understood as «the final reality of God's love that confronts us as sovereign gift and demand in all the events of our existence.»
In John's image of God, moreover, it is clear why in the Synoptic gospels the first and greatest commandment is always the commandment to love, and why John echoes this in the final commandment which Jesus gives his disciples, and why Paul singled out love as the greatest of the spiritual gifts.
This leads Christian anthropology to a Moral Realism which recognizes the Human Community in the ultimate sense, like the human experience of friendship and love, is a gift of Divine Grace, and that therefore there is no final path towards it through technological, political or legal organization.
Director Derek Cianfrance took twelve years to stew on what he wanted to say about love and marriage in his film Blue Valentine, the principle actors, Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling, had over half a decade to think about how they would bring Cindy and Dean to life — this rare gift to the creative process paid off astoundingly as the final product is second only to Ingmar Bergmans» Scenes from a Marriage in its capacity to lay bare the wounds of love after the veil of the honeymoon phase has been lifted.
In powerful stories, various contributors describe being touched by strangely coincidental reminders of friends and family who have died, receiving «urgent but gentle» commands from unseen voices or finding solace in final gifts from loved ones.
While it is something that many people do not like to discuss, having your funeral and other final expenses are already taken care of can be a gift to those whom you love.
You can buy a $ 5,000, $ 10,000, $ 15,000 or $ 20,000 policy to restore the value of your existing insurance that has been eaten away by inflation, or to give as a gift for someone you love, or more practically, to help pay final bills and tax expenses.
Your policy can be used to restore the value of your existing insurance that has been eaten away by inflation, or to give as a gift for someone you love, or more practically, to help pay final bills and tax expenses.
At its most basic, Life insurance may help you keep your final expenses from being a burden on those you leave behind... one of the greatest gifts you can give to those you love.
Having a life insurance policy to cover the cost of final expenses, as well as any other debts that you may have, can be the best gift you can give to your loved ones.
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