Sentences with phrase «final measure»

Below is a figure from this article that compares the real - time and final measures of the U.S. output gap.
According to Rae, the next steps of the pre-application process will involve the completion of a few final measures prior to the submission of a formal loan request.
As a final measure, «depending on the seriousness of the issue, we could insert an undercover investigator to work alongside the employees to gain firsthand knowledge,» Ramos explains.
Both versions were rushed along in the hopes of a final measure arriving on the president's desk before Christmas.
While we must still admit that nature reveals to us only the answers to questions selectively focused by our interpretive structures, we may reaffirm that we are still in her leading strings, to reverse Kant's point, because reality is the first motive for the natural process of thinking as well as the final measure of its results.
«Only the one for whom neither reason, nor principles, nor conscience, nor freedom, nor virtue is the final measure, but who offers all this, when called in faith and in sole allegiance to God to obedient and responsible action.»
For our feeble memories, past experiences are largely lost, but we are not the final measure of truth, reality, or value.
Value - for - God is the final measure, not value for us.
There Ivan rejects this universe since it does not fit the contours of his «Euclidean» reason, which Ivan takes to be the final measure of things.
As them, «Do you take the Bible to be the literal word of God and to be the final measure of all that is true.»
It just means that our own minds are not the final measure of everything that is.
Which is, in the final measure, a shame.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie told reporters on Monday that the final measure was a compromise, of sorts, even as good - government groups called its threshold «completely arbitrary.»
The final measures passed Sunday by the Senate provide for the flow of funds to state agencies, money to be sent to school districts, public college tuition to be cut or raised for students depending on their family incomes, and non-fiscal matters, including the legalization of ride - hailing upstate.
A handful of Republicans and at least one Democrat opposed the final measure.
At the same time, local governments have recently suggested language that would allow for reducing the cost Medicaid spending, but there's no indication that measure has been included in the final measure.
There are some final measures we need to take to boost enterprise, back the next generation, and help working people keep more of the money they earn.
The Senate's failure to pass the final measure «won't create any governmental problems over the next few weeks,» Paterson said.
As the Senate develops and votes on its own bill and both houses work to send a final measure to the president's desk, I will continue to put Central New York's interests first.»
Sen. Liz Krueger, a Manhattan Democrat who has been urging her colleagues to crack down on sexual harassment in state government, said she was «very disappointed» that the final measure wasn't broad enough.
«As the Senate develops and votes on its own bill and both houses work to send a final measure to the president's desk, I will continue to put central New York's interests first.»
The final measure makes a deep cut to corporate rates and, over a decade, will deliver a majority of its benefits to the most affluent individuals.
As a final measure of possible environmental influence, we assessed the rate of resource depletion through tool - assisted foraging by recording the number of prey items consumed during daily foraging events.
Final measures It is important to control what can enter and leave the organisation via removable media and personal IT devices, especially as such devices become more widely available and used in schools.
Our final measure of overall economic well - being is the annual incidence of adult poverty.
Which brings us to our final measure:
The final measure passed with unusually broad support and little vocal opposition, with just 12 opponents in the Senate and 64 in the House.
But the final measure contains plenty of compromises.
The research team say this final measure of engagement is of particular importance.
Researchers Critique Final «Measures of Effective Teaching» Findings The recommendations in the final Measures of Effective Teaching work products may not be supported by the project's hard data, the National Education Policy Center contends in a review of the project.
As a final measure, it safely brings the A4 and A4 Avant to a full stop.
The final measure of how effective EyeSight can be, however, will rest with the insurance industry: the larger the discount they offer for Subarus equipped with EyeSight, the more assured you can be of its effectiveness.
The final measure of quality is the medal (a bestseller), not the process that got them there.
But the final measure of quality is not what it went through to get to the top, it is being at the top of the sales.
The final measure would require nursing home facilities to carry at least $ 1 million in liability insurance, which would make it easier for victims and loved ones to recover damages in the event the facility is found liable of nursing home abuse, neglect or negligence.
Later in the day, however, the South Korean presidential office stated that any potential bill is not a final measure.
The way in which the family copes with childhood chronic conditions is the focus of the final measures in this review: The Coping Health Inventory for Parents (CHIP), the Family Coping Coding System (FCCS), and The Family Narrative Consortium Coding Scheme (FNC).
The final measure of dyadic relationships, the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire (SRQ; Furman & Buhrmester, 1985), was designed to capture aspects of sibling relationships.
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