Sentences with phrase «final outing»

Four matches ended in a 3 to 1 final out of four matches.
Pharmacy prices for brand prescriptions increased by 58 % over the past five years, while final out - of - pocket costs for all prescriptions declined by 17 %.
You'll find answers to those questions and more in this splendid final outing.
Hugh Jackman's moving, R - rated final outing as Wolverine is now in theaters.
One - man film industry Noel Clarke concludes his «Hood trilogy with an uneven but respectable final outing for anti-hero Sam Peel.
They desperately want to get something positive out of the season and will play hard in the final
The third and final outing with Tobey Maguire as the webslinger earned $ 336.5 million domestically and $ 890 million worldwide.
A prequel, God of War: Ascension is the fourth major title of the God of War series, and Kratos» final outing on the PS3.
One of Alex and Brett's final outings together was a Heat game against the Milwaukee Bucks, a field trip with more than 50 members of the Douglas High School business and marketing club five days before the shooting.
So many of ou rplayers will go into the Fa Cup final out of form anyway.
It started strong, from the Oscar heavyweights - one of which was wrongly proclaimed Best Picture at the Academy Awards - to a startlingly dark and violent final outing for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine.
As we hit the Autumn, we edge ever closer to Winter and the traditional Christmas episode of Doctor Who, and the much - anticipated final outing of Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor.
Film is a continuation of the James Bond film franchise and will serve as Daniel Craig's possible final outing as 007.
Offering entertainment far beyond the norms associated with television movies and other Disney Channel fare, The Even Stevens Movie is quite a fun final outing for a television show that made its unique contributions to the «family comedy» genre.
Hugh Jackman insists that Logan is final outing even though Ryan Reynolds is attempting to talk him into reprising his role in a crossover.
Here it is: Matt Damon's fourth and not necessarily final outing as the CIA's amnesiac super-assassin gone rogue, Jason Bourne.
Starting in 2012, The Mindy Project has accrued five seasons with its sixth and final outing debuting back in September.
The series final outing for the original PlayStation and still one of the best it has to offer.
I love how they mentioned 20 hrs being bloated, yet if the adventure clocked in at 8hours you know damn well they would probably knock it for not being lengthy final outing.
Gex's third and final outing plays very much like the previous installment, but Crystal Dynamics has seen fit to try...
Despite being Hugh Jackman's final outing as Wolverine, the real star of Logan turned out to be Dafne Keen.
Yu Darvish came up just short needing one final out for the 24th perfect game in MLB history.
Matcovich said that while interest in Jeter's final game may be higher than for Rivera's, a drop in Yankees» ticket prices could still occur, especially if Jeter's last scheduled game turns out not to be his final outing.
When they finally met for the first time since last year's regional final on Wednesday night at St. Thomas, it was Nick Vera and Andres Antonini wiping their feet on home plate after Raiders home runs and then closer Nate Thomas on the mound after striking out a batter for the final out of a 5 - 2 win in a matchup that could be a Class 8A regional final preview.
Astros catcher Brian McCann hugs pitcher Charlie Morton after the final out.
And because, until the final out is recorded, no loss is an absolute fait accompli, the torment of hope never relents.
The cascade from people seeing that the final out had happened, to finally seeing that CUBS WIN!
The final out.
Watching them celebrate the final out was sublime:
There are four teams who haven't ever had the molten thrill of 40,000 throaty fans screaming for the final out or run in a World Series game.
Remember, AJ (in front of the plate) and Incarte's great throw, that would have been the final out!
For Team Zhang, they didn't leave with the desired result but they played well in their final outing this Summer.
He did surrender one run on three hits in the seventh before inducing a ground ball to second base for the game's final out.
When the final out was recorded it was once again Team Bartlett with their hands held high..
When the final out was recorded Team Lehrman had closed out their 2nd 1 - run W over Team Stone of the season, and this time it would launch them to the Final4!
Team Lutz wouldn't go quietly into the night as they made it a Game before their final out..
When she regained the signal, she heard only the final out and the score: Reds 4, Sox 3.
On the next pitch, Williams lifted a fly to Al Kaline for the final out.
Kenta Maeda came in and got the final out, a weak pop - up from Carlos Correa.
Dodgers fans were on their feet howling for the final out.
Jonathan Schoop, who had the game - winning hit against Taiwan, came on to get the final out with two runners on, then was mobbed by his teammates.
In the ninth inning, Bailey got Brandon Crawford to ground out, he struck out Tony Abreu, and then the final out, Gregor Blanco, to bounce out to third.
Corbett waited until the final out, which reduced Texas» record to 46 - 48, 6 1/2 games behind Kansas City.
Matthew Beck then took over and popped up the final out of the inning, an admirable feat considering the Tigers were hemorrhaging runs at that point.
After Sergio Romo recorded the final out for San Francisco, the party started in the streets of the city by the bay.
Should Newcastle put on a show to mark their final outing the in Premier League, hopefully they can grab an unlikely win over Spurs, allowing Arsenal to leapfrog them.
As Hyun - soo Kim gently settled under a fly ball for the final out of the seventh inning, a bad human being chucked a partially full can of beer at him.
Five players came up to the plate in that inning, and the worst of those hitters made the final out.
Which is why it was so bizarre when, on Sept. 23, Puig made the final out of a loss to the San Francisco Giants on an inexplicable stolen base attempt.
The ball that Keith Foulke tossed to Doug Mientkiewicz for the final out is sitting in the first baseman's safe - deposit box, and last week Mientkiewicz, to the chagrin of the team, said his «retirement fund» was staying there.

Phrases with «final outing»

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