Sentences with phrase «final pitch»

Voters show up to the caucus site and hear final pitches from representatives or supporters of each campaign.
Democrat Zephyr Teachout and Republican John Faso are making final pitches to voters in New York's 19th Congressional District.
The Russian president himself made Sochi's final pitch before the IOC vote in Guatemala City.
In a brief final pitch on Thursday, a prosecutor, Janis Echenberg, urged jurors not to let Mr. Howe's checkered past distract them.
I had the honour of being one of four judges at The Final Pitch where the top five companies had 15 minutes to explain how their innovation would improve access to justice and why it was worthy of a portion of $ 50,000 in seed money.
In a brief final pitch, a prosecutor, Janis Echenberg, urged jurors not to let the checkered past of the government's star witness, disgraced former lobbyist Todd Howe, distract them, assuring them Howe will «have his day in court» for the misdeeds to which he has already pleaded guilty.
Because he's ineligible to pitch in Monday's World Series Championship against International champion Puerto Rico, Bermudez's final pitching numbers for the tournament are two saves in 4.1 innings pitched, no runs, one hit (an infield single), 12 strikeouts and no walks.
(You can watch all of the 2017 finals pitches here.)
The third and final Pitch Perfect is definitely an improvement on the second, a finer balance for what makes a good movie.
They may be from around the world, but founders must be available to attend the live final pitch - off on the FutureBook Conference on 1st December, where a panel of judges will award the BookTech Company of the Year from a shortlist of five finalists.
Purchase tickets here to the 2017 SingularityU San Francisco Global Impact Challenge Final Pitches, in which Sean Raspet will be presenting.
So in December, the alliance made its somewhat desperate final pitch to CarbonWA: Throw out your 350,000 signatures and join our effort.
Last month, Ryerson University's Legal Innovation Zone (LIZ) and Ontario's Ministry of the Attorney General hosted The Final Pitch of the Ontario Access to Justice Challenge.
This was his winning final pitch in his application: «I would like to learn more about the practices that occur before the data is delivered to my desk [and further] my knowledge beyond a technological standpoint.»
In Toronto, Alexey Togunov (MAG Innovation), Mona Datt (Loom Analytics), Moira Forbes (Government Services Integration Cluster), Vandana Taxali (Entcounsel) and Monica Goyal (My Legal Briefcase) assisted teams with generating ideas, problem solving and developing final pitches.
In the week leading up to The Venture Final Pitch, the finalists will attend an Accelerator Week in Silicon Valley, the epicenter of the start - up world, where they will receive mentorship from influential figures in social enterprise and companies such as venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, Google, Duarte and IDEO.
And Amazon is now selling the Kindle edition of «Ball Four: The Final Pitch», which includes a fascinating look back — more than 25 years later — by the book's original author!
The leaders of the Labor and Liberal parties made a final pitch for voter support today as another opinion poll suggested the result of tomorrow's state election is too close to call.
Maybe the candidate will just make a final pitch for why he or she is perfect for the job.
«But, the same VCs who ripped apart my students ideas in March fell in love with the evolution of those ideas at our final pitch in June.
The semifinalist of the is set to be announced on Wednesday, followed by a final pitching round that will determine the winner of the IDR200 million (US$ 15,000) cash prize.
When he stood before the IOC in Singapore in 2005 to deliver the final pitch for London's 2012 Olympic bid, Sebastian Coe pledged millions in aid for SDP to benefit 12 million people in 20 countries.
There were first pitches and final pitches, wins and losses, dingers, and more dingers.
After throwing that final pitch, he was pulled from the game, rotation, 25 - man roster, and eventually the organization.
He talked for 30 minutes in his final pitch about the commitment to excellence and changing the culture and way of thinking throughout the program.
Pitching his last game at Yankee Stadium on Thursday night against the Tampa Bay Rays, Mariano Rivera got the final pitching change from longtime teammates Andy Pettitte and Derek Jeter.
Her final pitching stats for the season were hard to believe: 23 - 0, 0.07 ERA, 365 strikeouts, six walks, 10 hits allowed.
Ultimately, my husband and I spent more time playing the age old game of chase - the - toddler and keeping him out of harm's way than we did watching the actual game, but we made a family memory that will stretch far beyond the final pitch.
The mad dash leading up to tomorrow's presidential primaries is today, with candidates and their surrogates criss - crossing the state to make a final pitch to voters of their respective parties.
They are not given airtime for the final pitch.
The candidates, they will make their final pitches to New York voters right after this.
Such is budget day in New York City, when dozens of lobbyists and nonprofit advocates descend on City Hall to make one final pitch to lawmakers on behalf of the groups they represent.
In his letter, Langworthy also suggested all of the candidates get 15 minutes each at the convention to make their final pitches before a planned straw poll of all the county chairs.
Nick Clegg has urged voters to vote with their hearts, in his final pitch to the electorate before today's vote.
Politicians were busy today making their final pitch for votes on the last day of campaigning.
While the seven councils don't have to make their final pitches until October, the Capital Region's presentation seemed to target improving weaknesses.
The Democratic mayoral candidates scampered around the city Monday in a final pitch for votes as a new poll showed that the only drama left in the race is whether...
The governor, in his final pitch to voters, defined his GOP opponent Astorino as an «ultra conservative» who he says is against many social issues that Democrats are for, including a woman's right to choose abortion.
With the Buffalo School Board less than a week away from deciding the future of four city schools, two of them were making that final pitch for support Thursday night.
New York's 24th Congressional District candidates Rep. John Katko (R - N.Y.) and Democratic challenger Colleen Deacon made their final pitches to voters in a televised debate Sunday.
Through this initiative, Dr. Tecpoyotl stayed two weeks in London to receive intensive training on technology commercialization, by specialists of Isis Innovation, the Office of Technology Transfer at the University of Oxford, obtaining the third place among Mexican projects presented at The final pitch session.
Its expositional crutch proves most inadequate when the team ascends the final pitch to the top after years of preparation in no more than a minute of screen time.
But the action sequences, while cutting a spectacular path of destruction, go on far too long (an ongoing «Transformers» issue), including the final pitched battle, which displays dazzling firepower but extends for roughly an hour.
Actor Josh Gad attends Chivas Regal «The Final Pitch» at LADC Studios on July 13, 2017 in Los Angeles, California.
President Trump gave a final pitch on the importance of tax overhaul on Wednesday, as the House and Senate said they had reconciled the differences between their bills.
Now, each state must send a five - person team to Washington the week of Aug. 9 to make a final pitch to the peer reviewers, who can adjust scores based on those interviews.
Opponents of a proposed set of school science standards made a final pitch to state education managers Tuesday during the last of five informational meetings organized by the Utah State Office of Education.
Each finalist then prepared a full proposal, and the mayors of the seven cities presented their final pitches at a live event in Washington, DC in early June.
This is your final pitch to sell your book.

Phrases with «final pitch»

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