Sentences with phrase «final rendering»

The phrase "final rendering" refers to the completion or the last version of something, usually a piece of work, like a project or a design. It means that it is the very last and final version that will be presented or used. Full definition
Some links will not display near - final renders of a figure.
In the Hellblade demonstration, every nuance of the digital character's facial expressions, lighting, visual effects and sets are visible in real time to final render quality.
Samar will take us from concept through final rendering, all the while discussing in detail the various stages of the project.
We look forward to sharing final renderings in the coming months.»
Here is the image of the official final render of the device, and the good thing is we can clearly see that the device comes with the in - screen fingerprint scanner and no wonder why but comes with just a single rear camera.
Created digital environment sketches, models, and final renderings successfully matching the clients» design intentions for interactive web environments and virtual events
Despite these differences, 3D computer graphics rely on many of the same algorithms as 2D computer vector graphics in the wire frame model and 2D computer raster graphics in the final rendered display.
One hopes that the make - up will look more seamless after the final rendering, for nothing should detract from the performances of Hudson and Howard, which elevate Winnie to a higher calibre.
Below you'll see some progressions from sketch to final rendering, storyboards, and concept art.
The attention to detail even included the avatars themselves; though all the actors were filmed using performance capture, just like the rest of the movie, for The Shining scenes, the final renders were sent through a «grainer lens.»
These are just conceptual renderings at this point, more illustrative of our collaborative process than a final rendering.
I worked so hard to get this video ready and somehow managed to let it get completely fucked up in the final render.
So he decided to pay his respects with a final render:
Please join us on Thursday, May 21, 2015 from 7 pm to 9 pm at the United States Patent and Trademark Office as Samar shows us how a final rendered project is created.
Freud is known for the way he describes the body through his works — it's complex and examined yet simplistic in their final rendering.
This gave the final rendering more of a film feel.
The Futuredontics ruling would appear to say yes, because it considers the final rendered output of the HTML, which now suddenly includes infringing content.
The final rendering must have a 100/100 score and must be pixel - identical with the reference rendering.
Successfully orchestrated complex projects from the idea stage through design, mock - up, and final rendering to meet customer expectations, while building customer loyalty.
Once all of the design decisions were made, Doug emailed me the final renderings for the coat closet.
One detail that really stood out to me when I received the final renderings was that Doug was not only able to illustrate the color of melamine that I selected, but also changed the color of the floor in his design software to match our flooring so that I could really see the space come to life.
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