Sentences with phrase «final rule in the book»

Not exact matches

«The Congressional Review Act is a pretense for the majority party in Congress to wipe rules off the books without ever talking about the merits the agency had in mind when it made the rule final,» Rena Steinzor, a law professor at the University of Maryland, said in an email.
I'm in the final stages of finishing my second book, The Rules of Netiquette: How to Mind Your Manners on the Web as well as an exciting screenplay.
An important rule in editing is as the author of the book, you should never do the final edit.
Yes, the Man Booker Prize not only goes to a book published in the UK by a «formal» publishing house (don't worry, just in case you're confused and think your book is eligible, the rules are nice enough to state further down that you're not welcome), but also expects the publishers of the six books whittled down to the shortlist to foot the bill for advertising to the world that this book made it to the finals.
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