Sentences with phrase «finally stated the obvious»

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We resonate to the old rites of passage, and wonder what business it is of the State finally to set them aside, with no obvious reason, and with no clear mandate for doing so.
This is certainly obvious in terms of widening the area of human co-operation — in uniting families into peaceful communities with equitable distribution of responsibilities and privileges, and then creating from these the larger communities of states and nations, and finally developing from these a world society dedicated to the fullest realization of every member of the human family.
I know it's a case of stating - the - bleeding - obvious, but after last season's terrible start it is imperative that Arsenal continue their winning run now that the Premier League is finally getting up - and - running.
2018-04-08 15:16 After months of speculation and some very uncomfortable twitpics and interviews, Chelsea Handler has finally admitted the obvious: she dated 50 Chelsea Elizabeth Manning (born Bradley Edward Manning, December 17, 1987) is an American activist, politician, and former United States Army soldier.
After months of speculation and some very uncomfortable twitpics and interviews, Chelsea Handler has finally admitted the obvious: she dated 50 Chelsea Elizabeth Manning (born Bradley Edward Manning, December 17, 1987) is an American activist, politician, and former United States Army soldier.
Finally, someone stated the obvious.
Finally, it should be obvious, perhaps, but needs to be stated explicitly that if a warmer climate produces positive net benefits rather than damages, then, in principle, one can not even conduct a cost - benefit analysis.
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