Sentences with phrase «finally wrung»

This new hatchback could potentially pick up a lot of buyers who have finally wrung the last few kilometres out of their old Toyota Matrixes and want something similar.
As a young monk Martin Luther wrestled with this question year after year until he finally wrung from scripture his answer: Put your whole trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior and you will have eternal life.
It'll take many more sell - offs and the collapse of many more iffy stocks before this over-enthusiasm, after nine years of central bank nurturing, is finally wrung out of the market.
It'll take many more sell - offs and the collapse of many more iffy stocks before this hyper - enthusiasm, after nine years of central bank nurturing, is finally wrung out of the market.
And it will take many more sell - offs and the collapse of many more iffy stocks before this over-enthusiasm, after nine years of central bank nurturing, is finally wrung out of the market, and this can take many painful years.

Not exact matches

The strategy forced the directors of CIA and IRS to reply, and finally — after all this time — wrung a down - in - the - mouth public apology from Clarence Kelley, the FBI head who has been under pressure from the ranks of bureau faithful not to confess Hoover's wrongdoing.
If we are struck by Francesca's courteous speech, we note that she is also in the habit of blaming others for her own difficulties; if we admire Farinata's magnanimity, we also note that his soul contains no room for God; if we are wrung by Pier delle Vigne's piteous narrative, we also consider that he has totally abandoned his allegiance to God for his belief in the power of his emperor; if we are moved by Brunetto Latini's devotion to his pupil, we become aware that his view of Dante's earthly mission has little of religion in it; if we are swept up in enthusiasm for the noble vigor of Ulysses, we eventually understand that he is maniacally egotistical; if we weep for Ugolino's piteous paternal feelings, we finally understand that he, too, was centrally (and damnably) concerned with himself, even at the expense of his children.
By Jillian Lauren After months of hand - wringing and waiting, we finally transitioned a new three - year - old son into our home!
Once you have done your own little bit, as you have done for months now, to damage the Corbyn campaign, by your constant nitpicking of his competence and leadership skills and policy development shortcomings, and regular defence of the «soft Left» who have so blatantly failed to support him all year, from a supposed position on the Left (so much more effective in the current battle for the dominant narrative than criticism coming openly from the Labour right), will you too finally, (sorrowfully and with much hand - wringing») declare for Owen Smith at the opening of voting, David?
If, meanwhile, each time you make a concession you reduce the amount — $ 5, $ 4, $ 3, $ 2, $ 1, and finally 50 cents — you can make that last little bit you give feel like it was wrung out of a turnip and convince your counterpart that there's no more where that came from.
But all attempts failed to wring out from Hitler the order finally to evacuate the encircled area and break out with his troops westward.
After all the fussing and discussing, all the hand - wringing and studying, isn't it finally time to do a far better job of attracting promising candidates to the principal's office?
Finally, we got to wring out the 2012 Mercedes - Benz E63 AMG in Europe.
Then when you have finally secured a contract with a publisher you will once again value their help in wring the book, editing your book and designing your book cover.
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