Sentences with phrase «financial detriment»

"financial detriment" means experiencing negative effects or harm in terms of money or finances. It refers to situations where someone's financial well-being or situation is negatively affected or damaged. Full definition
The sad part is, sometimes parents support their children to their own financial detriment.
And it is incumbent upon us, in the best traditions of the Bar, to speak up for unpopular causes to our own financial detriment.
All practitioners should welcome this decision, not least because the likely date of the cause of action can now be identified with some confidence, at an early stage, without the need to carry out a detailed factual analysis of when a claimant first suffers financial detriment.
There is considerable and growing evidence that 1) at least half of teachers today will not qualify for even a minimum state pension benefit; 2) state pension funds now carry roughly $ 500 billion in debt and are eating up larger and larger shares of teacher compensation; 3) most teachers would have a more valuable retirement if they participated in a traditional 401k plan; and, 4) today's teachers, to their own financial detriment, subsidize the pension of currently retired teachers.
(3) As soon as the judge can do so without serious financial detriment, the judge should divest investments and other financial interests that might require frequent disqualification.
The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce said that while it favored expanded parental leave benefits, there was a «strong belief among many business owners that once again, to the financial detriment of small businesses, a mandate is being adopted in San Francisco that would be better dealt with at the state or federal level.»
to the financial detriment of our future, Ted and Ernie apparently agree with you and Glassie.
' A fool and his / her money soon to be parted» scheme solely benefiting VW - Audi - Porsche to your financial detriment.
Therefore, he shunned private patronage — often to his own financial detriment — and avoided commercial viability.
In my opinion, many lawyers have not adopted a true corporate structure because they are reluctant to give up control, particularly to nonlawyers, even if it is ultimately to their financial detriment.
«As I understand counsel for the respondent in this Court, he was of the view that the company could not relocate its business to the financial detriment of the respondent without creating a fundamental breach of its contract of employment.
They are also entitled to reimbursement for any financial detriment created by the injury such as medical bills, lost wages, and more.
The former husband argued his former Wife's spousal maintenance should be terminated under the legal theory of a «marriage by estoppel»; arguing he justifiably relied upon his former Wife's intention to remarry to his financial detriment.
Our attorneys have successfully represented members of limited liability companies in legal actions against other members of the company who have used their position to the financial detriment of the company.
The logical conclusion of this argument that native title is a financial detriment to mining is that native title should be extinguished.
«What most don't realize is that we are not being nickeled and dimed to our financial detriment, but fived and 10'd instead.
I always put their interests clearly ahead of my own, sometimes even to my own financial detriment.
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