Sentences with phrase «financial guy»

If you've got a really good tax guy or financial guy who'll do some of that work for you, even better.
I'm sure financial guy learned his lesson well.
And to avoid financial place to go down during an entire years, putting the entire Europe in recession (financial guys don't like incertitudes;)-RRB-
Besides, the New York financial guys [a favorite target of the traditional art galleries] all seem to be losing their jobs at the moment.
Before the first two years were out, Bass's financial guys finally did in the cult — the cult is spending all their money, they thought the cult were idiots.
«I was either going to be an average comedian who knew a lot about money, or I was going to be a financial guy who's funnier than everyone else.»
Then he hired a financial guy; he interned at Morgan Stanley in consecutive off - seasons; he attended a financial seminar in London.
«We call that a «Dead Cat Bounce» because it was down so hard yesterday, no matter what, it's probably going to bounce a little today,» wealth manager Jay Blanchard of The Financial Guys said.
Sure, financial guy's comments shouldn't have been shared with his date.
The financial guy whose online dating excel spreadsheet was spread all of the Internet was big news this week.
Even the financial guy was nice and professional 5 start dealership!!!!! Highly recommended!!
Ali was our financial guy and he gave us a great deal that we could not pass up.
Darrin was the financial guy and gave options and once again not pushy.
I really don't understand why the financial guys in the publishing world don't do their sums properly.
(I can almost hear you groan: Great, the financial guy says I need a budget.
My other partner, Mark Brockhaus, who's more of our financial guy, still likes to tell me that we could be renting out those parking spaces for X amount of dollars each month.
A friend and financial guy is trying to hook me up with an Indexed Universal Life policy.
Dave Ramsey, the financial guy, just gave us 7 Practical Tips for Dealing With Job Loss at Christmas and his suggestions are actually practical any time of year:
But most people on this board are financial guys and I can appreciate that.
And the financial guy will give you the best way to leverage the most you can, for the best returns.
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