Sentences with phrase «financial manipulation»

These recent years abandoned those values in favor of financial manipulation and debt.
The finance minister also stressed that there might have been possible financial manipulation and price speculation in the market.
In the time of negative interest rates every conceivable financial manipulation is in play.
We have been appointed lead counsel in virtually every major financial manipulation case in recent years — including for each of the class actions related to manipulation in the CDS markets, ISDAfix, gold benchmark pricing, Interest Rate Swaps, and sub-sovereign and agency («SSA») bonds.
I don't think President Romney is that interested in going after his colleagues in finance and financial manipulation in particular.»
The resources of the poor peoples and countries are being taken over through intriguing and insidious ways of legal financial manipulation, such as through the Stock Exchange, and cross country financial transfers through the banking system.
Because of our financial acumen and our credibility in the courtroom, we have been appointed lead counsel in virtually every major recent financial manipulation case — including those asserting manipulation in CDS markets, ISDAfix, gold pricing, Interest Rate Swaps, and sub-sovereign and agency bonds.
Security tokens provide several benefits over traditional financial products such as decreased fees, reduced risk of financial manipulation by banks, and increased access to investors since anyone with an internet connection can participate.
Bruno Le Maire said in a sweeping economic speech Monday that he has ordered a former central bank chief to draft potential new rules, warning against the «risks of speculation and possible financial manipulation» linked to bitcoin and other such currencies.
This includes litigation arising from opt - out opportunities in class actions; financial manipulation cases; distressed investment scenarios, including insolvency and restructuring; allegations of improper fund management or inadequate disclosures; alleged securities laws violations; and other complex financial disputes.
Highly visible, highly competitive, linked with Wall Street and the financial East, they were a steady source of stories of financial manipulation and skullduggery in high places.»
Yet there are other important, but less well - understood, areas where catastrophic business invasions, data and financial manipulations, and ransom lockups and accompanying demands are just as likely to arise.
But I'm also wary of manipulation, financial manipulation.
«Peter Cooper built a completely free, merit - based learning institution that produced some of our nation's greatest minds, but in recent years, those values were abandoned in favor of financial manipulation and debt.
This can lead to violence outside of the courtroom, kidnapping children, financial manipulation, spreading rumors or other methods of asserting control.
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