Sentences with phrase «financial priorities like»

balance different financial priorities like saving for short and long - term goals and paying debt?

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Take your financial life to the next level through actions like seeking new income sources, making debts your priority and separating friendship from business.
The memo explained that the bank created internal teams that would invest in «major priorities» like the blockchain distributed financial ledger technology, advanced data analytics, and robotics.
Or did he back away due to practical considerations, like the urgency of the global financial crisis or failure to find viable policy options that could satisfy diverse priorities?
At the same time, the myth of the overpaid public employee is being used to undermine a range of progressive priorities, from financial reform to job creation bills like the Local Jobs for America Act, which would boost the economy by preserving public services and public sector jobs.
They are not superficial not things like «tall» or «drives an expensive car», rather core values like «treats me like a priority» or «financial stable».
Meeting that goal, however, can sometimes be difficult due to other financial priorities, like paying for a child's college education or caring for a parent.
Separating true financial priorities from flash impulses is an increasing challenge, even when you're trying to do the right thing with your moola — like saving for the future, insuring against catastrophic risks and otherwise improving your financial standing.
Then there's the fact that, with all that money going to his mortgage, Cooper was most likely neglecting other financial prioritieslike his retirement.
Things like swim team, tutors, space camp, Boy Scouts, and family - centered vacations were their financial priorities.
Life insurance is a necessity — just like food, clothing, and shelter — so make it a financial priority.
However, your own financial targets may include other bigger priorities and investments, like a down payment for a new house.
Like many young families, the Martins (we've changed names to protect privacy) are finding out that their new addition is forcing them to take stock and come up with a whole new list of financial priorities.
While life insurance may not seem like a top priority at this time in your life, it will be a crucial part of your financial life at some point.
3.1 We will undertake a comprehensive review your current financial situation, including an analysis of your income (all the money that comes into your household), your essential and priority expenditure (things like rent or mortgage, gas, electricity, food, transport to work and any repayments towards loans that secured against an asset such as your home), unsecured debts (such as credit cards, overdrafts and personal loans) and assets (things you own that have a saleable value, such as property and cars).
With competing financial priorities in your life, you may have more debt than you would like.
Although it might feel like your financial situation is dismal, Orman teaches money - management techniques that focus on setting priorities, achieving goals and finding solutions.
Also, as climate finance becomes increasingly available at the global level, it would be essential to enact appropriate assimilative national capacity in Pakistan to direct this finance towards nationally identified priorities as well as channelize it transparently and efficiently through consolidated financial mechanisms like a National Climate Change Fund which has been proposed through this study.
For instance, 43 % of employees have, or would like access to financial education and awareness from their employer whilst 36 % of HR directors rank performance management as their main priority.
Financial decisions that seemed like distant goals suddenly tend to be at the top of your priorities list the moment you turn 30.
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