Sentences with phrase «financial smarts»

"Financial smarts" refers to the knowledge and understanding of managing money wisely and making informed decisions about personal finances. Full definition
Nor does a lack of financial smarts inevitably doom you to subpar performance.
A free online database of personal finance education resources for use by teachers, parents, and everyone committed to financial smarts for students.
And a 2013 survey by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority found that financial literacy actually declined slightly between 2009 and 2012, despite widespread efforts to boost financial smarts.
Saving, spending, budgeting, balancing — it all seems overwhelming, but Chuck Bentley breaks financial smarts down to a simple equation.
Beth Kobliner, author of «Make Your Kid A Money Genius (Even If You're Not),» believes financial smarts can be taught early.
Understanding how interest compounds and accrues on a loan or credit card is one of the most important pieces of financial smarts anyone can have, since it can prevent you from paying more than you originally borrowed.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad taught Mike Bergida financial smarts, so he decided to check out Kiyosaki's educational board game, CASHFLOW 101.
Other features include a user - friendly hosted wallet interface, a developer - friendly and extensible codebase, financial smart contract features, and a robust testing infrastructure designed to prevent bugs and regressions.
To avoid the nearly unlimited pitfalls and traps takes planning and a wee bit of financial smarts.
I love following Krystal's money journey and wish I had her financial smarts early in my twenties.
By taking the time now to teach your teens fundamentals about money, they'll have the financial smarts to succeed as adults.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad taught me some financial smarts, so I decided to check out Kiyosaki's educational board game, CASHFLOW 101.
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