Sentences with phrase «financial support mechanisms»

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PEGASE is a mechanism the EU set up in 2008 to facilitate direct financial support to the PA..
NATO: The Conservatives support NATO expansion - notably for Georgia - and a new mechanism whereby nations that do not fight contribute to the financial costs of those who do.
A paper published in 2013 in the journal Forest Policy and Economics said that while the emerging governance structure needed for the mechanism to work appears promising, international financial support is essential to keeping the DRC's forests intact.
To address this problem, China needs to reform its assessment mechanism, including giving young investigators enough time and financial support, extending assessment time from 1 year to 4 or 5 years, and assessing quantity and quality of the papers together.
The Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine supports and expects employees who may have concerns about incorrect financial reporting or improper conduct by Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine personnel to report such matters using the mechanism described in this policy.
It would support further consultation and dialogue between governments and the private sector to design scalable innovative funding mechanisms to secure the financial resources needed to unleash the full potential of ICT for learning in line with the 2030 education agenda.
Such a mechanism can incorporate specific individual traits — such as being identified as special education, gifted and talented or an English Language Learner — and adjust financial support accordingly.
There is an urgent need to scale up financial flows, particularly financial support to developing countries; to create positive incentives for actions; to finance the incremental costs of cleaner and low - carbon technologies; to make more efficient use of funds directed toward climate change; to realize the full potential of appropriate market mechanisms that can provide pricing signals and economic incentives to the private sector; to promote public sector investment; to create enabling environments that promote private investment that is commercially viable; to develop innovative approaches; and to lower costs by creating appropriate incentives for and reducing and eliminating obstacles to technology transfer relevant to both mitigation and adaptation.
In relation to CCC's research programme he focuses on financing mechanisms and financial products to support policy incentives.
Scientists — and the universities where many of them work — rely on governmental agencies like the National Science Foundation to establish valid and transparent mechanisms to evaluate research proposals and to give financial support to the most deserving.
The fund is one of three financial mechanisms that supports adaptation in developing countries.
The role of the Warsaw International Mechanism is to promote the implementation of approaches to addressing L&D associated with the adverse effects of climate change, by enhancing understanding, strengthening dialogue, and enhancing support (financial, technical, and capacity - building).
Public funding mechanisms will be inadequate without addition support from private investors and strengthening of local capabilities in financial engineering and credit worthiness.
Providing technical and policy support regarding revenue decoupling mechanisms to ensure that they sufficiently remove the financial disincentives that utilities face regarding demand - side resources, while protecting consumers
«We also support the idea that the Warsaw COP invites action to phase - down HFCs under the Montreal Protocol, with its effective and proven mechanism for technology transfer and financial support for developing countries.
So far, the only financial support that has been pushed through the text is more market mechanisms, despite major opposition from the developing world.
China needs to embrace the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) market to try to get more international financial and technological support and to boost carbon credit trading with developed countries.
The new AWG - LCA 8, item 3 on nationally - appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) by developing country parties released this morning creates either a registry as part of the financial mechanism or some other mechanism to record NAMAs from developing countries, specifying only NAMAs seeking or receiving support would be required for verification through an international mechanism or registry.
«Pastoralist communities need more investment in good basic services such as health care and education, flood - proof transport and communication links, financial and technical support services, livestock - marketing opportunities, drought and flood mitigation and preparedness systems, access to climate information, and effective conflict - mitigation mechanisms.
In 2017, the World Water Council started a project that aims at identifying the most appropriate financial mechanisms that could better support the development of the sanitation sector throughout the world.
We decide that the Copenhagen Climate Fund shall be established as an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention to support projects, programmes, policies and other activities in developing cotmtries related to mitigation including REDD - plus, adaptation, capacity - building, technology development and transfer as set forth in decision - / CP.l 5.
To support implementation of the Paris Agreement, the WCA has advocated for an international mechanism to be established to provide financial and other support necessary for countries to accelerate deployment of HELE technologies.
Parties agreed to establish a committee tasked with «[assisting] the Conference of the Parties in exercising its functions with respect to the financial mechanism of the Convention in terms of improving coherence and coordination in the delivery of climate change financing, rationalization of the financial mechanism, mobilization of financial resources and measurement, reporting and verification of support provided to developing country Parties.»
The TPD includes a mechanism to pursue solidarity among Member States, via financial support and physical relocation based on the principle of volunteerism.
Tracking data «also supports robust consumer protections including safety mechanisms that range from fraud detection in financial services to prevention of online threats,» say the advertisers.
Such beliefs often lead to ignorance about Life Insurance as a support mechanism, and its ability to safeguard your family's financial future, even in your absence.
The massive support that Symphony has received shows that it can emerge as an industry standard with the service that lets employees form discussion groups and offer mechanisms to smoothly bring in outside information, such as financial research.
• Ascertained that effective support functions were in place to support the hotel's operations, including facilities management and supply chain and procurement • Created and implemented yearly measureable and achievable business plans • Collated and analyzed revenue generation trends of the hotel to identify critical areas for revenue enhancement • Established financial reporting mechanisms to comply with the hotel standards • Oversaw the operational stability and functionality of the hotel, paying special attention to service delivery standards
Providing support during times of extreme upheaval such as births, deaths, divorces, financial distress, long term sickness, and anxiety she understands the ways in which life stressors can bring about unhealthy coping mechanisms and aims to aid in the client identifying healthier ways of managing stress and anxiety.
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