Sentences with phrase «financing purposes»

The term "financing purposes" refers to the use of funds for financing or borrowing money. Full definition
For financing purposes not all lenders will consider an assignment as the new purchase contract is between the original buyer and the new buyer and not with the developer.
DO NOT take a photo of your documents and keep them on your phone OR consider those as good forms for lender financing purposes.
After the inspection, your lender will set up an appraisal to inspect the home for defects and determine the home's market value for financing purposes.
For customers who borrow money from IB to purchase securities, IB is permitted by securities regulations to utilize for financing purposes up to 140 % of the loan value of the stock these customers hold with IB.
Is it possible through mutual fund investment to redeem Rs 25000 in lumpsum for use of another personal finance purpose?
The AGP team includes lawyers who specialise in financial regulation and taxation, real estate and development, insurance and M&A, can offer bespoke project - structuring solutions for financing purposes in manufacturing, construction, medicine, energy etc..
«It is a known fact that cryptocurrencies are quite often abused for illicit financing purposes.
The filing of the reports to FINTRAC invokes its jurisdiction over those reports, but FINTRAC also has jurisdiction over the transaction by its regulatory oversight of real estate agents and banks for anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing purposes under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (the PCMLTFA).
Large global sellers, by contrast, who choose credit insurance primarily for financing purposes, retain a portion of the credit risk on their balance sheet and manage it through their tighter payment terms and conditions.
For financing purposes, bankers will look for a valuation that focuses on liquidation value rather than a company's prospects as a going concern.
However, there are several student cards that offer similar or longer introductory periods, so you'll want to examine all your options before you decide to use this card for financing purposes.
He has recently co-designed and financed a purpose - built 12 - sided building on the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens in London, housing the legendary Cabinet Gallery.
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