Sentences with phrase «find a job because»

«There were times we'd be told, «Go to the East - West [Shrine Game] practices and find a job because Bill's quitting,»» recalls Bill McPherson, a longtime friend of Walsh's who was a 49ers assistant from 1979 through» 98.
There are a ton of statistics that show we have skilled students out of college in the STEM fields that can't find jobs because many are held by lower paid legal immigrants and visa holders.»
Schwartz may be having trouble finding a job because he's neck - deep in US Attorney Preet Bharara's Moreland Commission probe.
That said, I'd definitely find another job because Kindle publishing is a slow process, so you probably need to support yourself as you're building up a book catalog.
Once they graduate, they may have a hard time finding a job because that degree doesn't have that many growth opportunities.
I've been mostly unemployed, have had a great difficulty finding jobs because I was a...
However, they can't find jobs because of the weak economy and a flaw in the student loan program.
The lower pass score and resulting higher pass rate will only make it harder for new law school graduates to find jobs because of the increased competition.
They are also a valuable resource for individuals who are having a difficult time finding a job because of addictions or homelessness.
You may not be able to find a job because you're not proactive with your search and applications.
Our clients tell us that they are stuck in the classic catch - 22 — they want a job to gain experience, but can't find a job because previous experience is required.
Deborah sent me an email today and asked, «I'm having such a hard time finding a job because I'm moving to Dallas from Florida.
I help my candidates find a job because I have over 20 years experience as a time served mechanical engineer, and 8 years in technical engineering recruitment.
This candidate is likely to still find a job because he truly does have highly marketable technical skills.
Resume writing is one of the hardest aspects of finding a job because it is hard to know what employers look for.
Your resume and cover letter are generally the difference between being out of work and finding a job because these are the primary methods that employers use to gauge the abilities of a prospective employee.
Maybe you found your job because you know a guy.
It's a catch - 22: You want a job to gain experience, but you can't find a job because previous experience is required.
Makes me sad to think that I worked so hard to get certified but can't seem to find a job because of my limited experience, plus feeling like I'm «shut out» because I can't afford be a member of the club.

Not exact matches

More often than not, you will find yourself doing meaningless tasks — which don't really need doing — simply because you're procrastinating the important jobs you think will be difficult.
And you benefit too, because empowered employees almost always find ways to do their jobs better.
Aside from this, the company's search engine is one of the most powerful for undertaking job searches online because it allows people to find opportunities across a multitude of platforms some of which include LinkedIn, DirectEmployers and even Facebook, among many others.
«You can't find another part - time job because what kind of availability are you going to give them?»
All those talented and experienced people who now have no jobs because they were sitting ducks have found that new job creation has mostly been in low - paying sectors.
Maybe you need your HR team to fill job openings, but what you really want is for them to find the right candidates, because that results in higher retention rates, lower training costs, and better overall productivity.
That's why there is one piece of gear I've found that makes the job easier, mostly because it's mobile and works with my iPhone (or an iPad).
In fact, he says when he started out, most people had to quit skateboarding to find real jobs because the sport afford any career opportunities.
It's not enough to «find» time to spend with your children, because the job will always find a way to fill every minute.
Despite your capabilities, you find yourself consistently delivering less than the job demands because you lack passion for it.
Marla Malcolm Beck, CEO of Bluemercury, said in an interview with Adam Bryant of The New York Times that she always reminds students that «nobody ends up in the first job they choose out of college, so just find something that is interesting to you, because you tend to excel at things you're interested in.
«It was important because I was jobless and I'm older and I was horrified,» says Heringer, who found another healthcare job by browsing the HR pages of companies featured in her job leads e-mails.
On - demand jobs are appealing to Millennials because they offer exactly the type of flexibility they desire — the ability to set their own hours, seamless technology to find and complete work, and the ability to take on work or «gigs» that appeal to them most.
I — I do sweat the specifics, because I think they matter, whether one more kid gets health care, one more person finds a job, or one more woman entrepreneur gets access to capital to follow her dream — those just may be details in Washington, but it really matters to those people and their families.
It's because an even larger number of people, 396,000, joined the labor force than found jobs.
I also find this really interesting because we're now able to see how much a low - end American job is worth... in tacos.
«A lot of people launch companies because they either can't find a job or don't want to work for someone else,» Winbush observes.
But as of last month, 31 percent of the small business owners and CEOs polled said they had jobs they couldn't fill because they couldn't find qualified workers.
You may actually have more control because if a vendor doesn't do a good job, you can just find another.
Unemployment, measured in a different survey, edged down to 7.7 % from 7.9 % in January and, for once, not just because more Americans gave up the job search: 170,000 said they had found employment, meaning those who dropped out of the labour force were less than half the total.
Finally, I would also say that we don't shy away from challenges because we know that the end result of hard work will be that we're helping more people to find jobs.
Instead, if on the same post you offer me an eBook on «How to find your perfect job» - a topic that is only loosely related to the blog post - you are making an assumption that just because I'm interested in interviewing, I'm automatically interested in finding a new job.
One study by economist Elaine McCrate found that any reduction in wages associated with the benefit of flexibility is modest at best and, in fact, many jobs with greater flexibility have higher wages.137 Furthermore, the volatility of earnings for many independent contractors would offset any compensating wage differentials, because workers can not compare the value of flexibility to higher earnings when they aren't able to predict their earnings as independent contractors.138
And eventually you start to find that a high - wage job requires a master's, and then a doctorate — not because the job is that complicated, but because employers now have the luxury of imposing such demands.
She started blogging because she was having trouble finding a job after graduate school — a job that would help pay off those loans.
Obviously some workers prefer to be independent contractors — but mostly they take these jobs because they can not find better ones.»
A large part of our day is spent trying to find data that is relevant to our jobs, and what we can ignore — because we don't have time to digest it all.
OR I like work flexibility because... by finding a job I love, I will never have to work a day in my life.
It often takes time for economic immigrants to find proper jobs because of a lack of recognition of foreign credentials, real or perceived language or cultural competency issues, and / or the lack of Canadian work experience.
And because of the state of the economy finding another job can be difficult.
According to Mindspace's findings, over one - fifth of 18 - 24 year olds, some of which fall into the new Generation Z group, say they have rejected a potential employer because of the poor design of the office or lack of amenities, whilst 16 % say they have actually left a job because of these reasons.
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