Sentences with phrase «find bone»

Plus, I could only find the Bone Meal for $ 11, is that the same?
I think that skeptics and policymakers try to find bone in egg if they want 100 % certainty of science.
Dogs and cats are curious creatures by nature, and in addition to this trait, canines find bone meal and blood meal to be very palatable.
I honestly think that at this point in the «state of the art» the best thing you can do is find a bone surgeon that you and your vet feel comfortable with and let him or her do what they think is best after evaluating the joint surgically.
Power chewers are different, though; they will find this bone a piece of meat.
As a result, it's genuinely difficult to find a bone - stock CRX Si like this that hasn't been savaged beyond recognition.
While house - sitting for a client, Lee and Tim find a bone and a gun in the backyard, sparking a mystery that must be solved.
Hi my name is kelvin jones am new here just fooling around the internet when I came across this site am an easy going man, loving, caring but fun to be with wish I can find the bone of my bone and fleash of my fleash am from uk and I also hope to make new friends
Do you find the bone to be like that?
Make it yourself - Bone Broth Recipe Though you might be able to find bone broth at local health food stores, both Myers and Hartwig suggest making it yourself.
If you slide the bar under your traps, you will find bone (this is the spine of your scapula).
Just as you wouldn't find chicken feet, or chicken breast, or beef ribs on a shelf (unless they are overly processed, pickled or cured), you shouldn't find bone broth on a shelf either.
By boosting our digestion we may find bone broth to be another powerful tool in our arsenal to curb sugar cravings.
We find bone after bone after bone.
He says that in most hospitals, trying to diagnose a TBI is pretty much like trying to find a bone fracture before X-ray machines were invented.
Just because little ones are tiny, doesn't mean they don't already come with a predisposition to what they genuinely find bone - tickling funny.
5) That said, parents of racially or ethnically diverse children may want to bank cord blood because it IS statistically harder to find a bone marrow match in these cases.
Since it's rare for me to find bone - in, skinless chicken at the grocery store, I usually buy it with skin and just pull off the skin myself before breading the chicken.
He founded Bone Fide Wealth, LLC, a boutique wealth management firm in New York City that specializes in helping Millennials achieve their goals.
I would also imagine that a million years from now if an evolutionary thinking society finds the bones of a Dachsund then finds the bones a a Great Dane they will come to the conclusion the Dachsund because it is smaller — or was found deeper in the muck?
What do you have to say about people still finding bones on the rooftops of the building around ground zero.
The news here should be that we managed to find some bones at all!
I understand the urge to refute the Bible, but this discovery says nothing other than the fact that we haven't found bones older than the 10th century B.C. Does that mean there are none?
Finding bones that incontrovertibly belonged to Jesus wouldn't change much, other than perhaps modifying some extreme opinions.
Topher, they have found other bones from those extinct species before, that's why they know when how old the previously found bones of the species are.
Two children just found a bone of a mastodon, a mammal that got extinct 10,000 years ago.
Just about any fresh, firm - fleshed fish will work in a ceviche but be sure to choose one that is free of small, hard - to - find bones.
In January 2007, after not finding a bone marrow match, Jaden lost his battle.
«It was reported in a very informal way in Nature: «Sir: I found a bone and I'm showing you a picture now.
«Sure, we could find bones at other places in the world, but we find so many right here in Utah,» Britt said.
«Forensic research finds bone density affects size of bullet holes.»
Their oddness piqued her interest — dinosaur fossils aren't common along the East Coast to begin with, and it's even rarer to find bones with a clear pathology.
He hit pay dirt: His team found a bone bed containing at least three Teleocrater individuals, including a braincase and jawbone.
Success in finding bones boils down to a lot of luck, says Robert Anemone of Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, who once blundered into «the best locality we ever found» — a cache of early primate bones from between 40 and 50 million years ago — after making a wrong turn during a trip in the Great Divide basin of south - western Wyoming.
You could even have a virtual archaeological dig as a team, finding bones, and then learning about what they mean,» he explains.
When Skinner and his colleagues looked at the metacarpals of early human species and neanderthals — who also used stone flakes for tasks like scraping and butchering — they found bone ends that were shaped like modern human bones, and unlike ape bones.
People have found stone tools at archaeological sites, and they have found bones lying close by, but McPherron points out that no one ever finds a million - year - old hand still holding a tool.
Nevertheless, there is still the problem of finding bones with intact DNA.
Unhatched dinosaur embryos are also very rare fossils, but Luis Chiappe of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and a group of Argentine palaeontologists had earlier found bones in some of the thousands of eggs they uncovered in Patagonia.
Here you can find the bones of moa - nalo, the giant flightless ducks that once ruled Hawaii.
«It's essentially like finding a bone of an animal but that doesn't tell you if there's a live breathing animal,» says Daniel Bausch, a professor of tropical medicine at the Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
(One rare otter was left out because researchers could not find bones to scan, and two others were excluded due to their similarity to other species).
Finding a bone changes everything.
«Ron found bones,» I shout to the group.
Biologists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution found bone damage consistent with decompression sickness, caused by nitrogen bubbles in the blood as an animal surfaces too quickly.
Paleoanthropologists have found the bones and teeth of hundreds of individuals of A. afarensis from between 3 million and 4 million years ago.
«Finding these bones opens a new chapter in the story of Denali dinosaurs,» he said.
However, using an ultrafiltration technique that cleansed the bone of modern carbon impurities that can give inaccurate younger dates, they found the bone was more than 46,700 years old.
The story of our origin is further obfuscated by the fact that scientists have long had to rely on DNA extracted from extremely hard to find bones and teeth — often buried in inaccessible areas — to understand how we came to be and what our family trees look like.
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