Sentences with phrase «to find fault with»

Everything here is clean and very well maintained, we couldn't find any faults with how this place was run.
It will generally not take long for this group to also find fault with you and your church, and start to cause problems in your congregation as well.
You are personable, but your constant inner critic finds fault with everything you do.
You are NOT instructed to find fault with people because you think they're going to hell.
Also, while not a fundamental error, the court found fault with how the net value of the estate was calculated.
The drama queen easily finds fault with others and rarely ever remains happy.
The hotel, accommodation and food were all excellent as were the staff and could not find fault with anything.
There's little to find fault with in its looks, build or performance.
Mortgage lenders are notorious for finding fault with the slightest items on a home inspector's report.
They get more irritable and start to find fault with many little things in their relationship.
I do not believe it is wise to be negative or to always find faults with our sport.
You would do better to commit your life to being a better person than in finding fault with anyone else — you'll look a lot better during judgement day.
Apart from the disappointing atmosphere and tight leg room I can't really find fault with the ground.
It's difficult to find fault with someone for trying to earn a living.
This is a game that I can barely find any faults with, except borrowing some elements from other open world games.
When I have to look this hard to find fault with something, though, I'd consider it a good thing.
From the corporate perspective, one could hardly find fault with such a decision.
On the tracking side, you'll probably find fault with the sleep tracking, should you choose to use it.
Some of my friends find fault with it, but my daughter looks at the meaning behind the story.
As a reader, it seemed to me that the mother tried to justify her denial by somehow finding fault with the request.
Sometimes it feels like people are going to find fault with whatever you are doing.
Others find fault with doctors, rather than patients.
There was a risk in doing so, of course, as experts tend to find fault with questions posed to them.
Surely no one would find fault with students being asked to be quiet during independent reading.
In most comments section, people usually find fault with the content presented in the blog that may slightly miss the mark.
The reader has lost patience with reading the book and now finds fault with the story and gives it a bad review.
However, the courts sometimes find fault with investors themselves, says this article.
It's interesting to see some of the responses that try so hard to find fault with wind projects while completely ignoring the current environmental and health impacts of fossil fuel plants.
Climate - change skeptics will most likely find fault with this research, as they have with similar efforts in the past.
But the bulk of the 26 - agent office found no fault with this sort of inside office antics.
There are a lot of people that use their logic to justify their own willingness to not believe in a creator, and to find fault with everything else within it.
I do not find fault with those who use the historical data to assess the long - term value proposition of stocks.
The food fabulous, really could not find fault with anything..
Mortgage lenders are notorious for finding fault with the slightest items on a home inspector's report.
This is a game that I can barely find any faults with, except borrowing some elements from other open world games.
It is nothing but your own arrogance which attempts to find fault with anyone.
Even if you're one who finds faults with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, there's so much to be found in the extras of this set that you can pretty easily overlook the film's quality.
The Karolinksa decision does find some fault with Macchiarini.
Yes we can improve but we will always think that, we could dominate the world football like Barca has in the past and we will still find faults with players... Lets be honest with ourselves and admit that currently it isn't that bad, look at UTD and Chelsea league positions after all their spending over the years if you need an example.
One of the most often criticised aspects of games is repetition: players often find fault with games that are too linear in their mechanics, even if they have tons of content surrounding it.
It is difficult to find fault with at least its title, considering that the average price of oil over the preceding 10 years was $ 28 a barrel but rose to $ 45 over the ensuing decade to reach a peak of almost $ 150 in 2008.
More people are disagreeing with you on your posts Charlie so mabey you should try and be a bit more of a fan and stop trying to find fault with players who really don't deserve it You sure your not a Spuds fan CB

Phrases with «to find fault with»

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