Sentences with phrase «find folks like»

This is why I find folks like Maura and Chris and Daphne to be so inspirational: they're sticking it out and still doing great work.
I think most of us find folks like you, born again Christians in particular, are essentially a bit of the extremist side of religion.
He'd come to the conference precisely to find folks like Rusk — which, as he defines them, are entrepreneurs with a message but no bullhorn.

Not exact matches

It's just small and thin enough — even for folks with smaller wrists like myself — and the premium wrist straps provided in the demos feature the kind of materials found in Swatch or higher - end time pieces.
Schools were scrambling to find enough English - speaking teachers to fill their classrooms, and they needed folks like the Freys to find candidates.
Spend enough time listening — and observing great listeners in action — and you'll find yourself hiring not necessarily folks with significant experience in your specific field, but the sort of people who truly care, and who make your customers feel like your company is grateful for their business.
For some it's the ability to telecommute, for some they'd like to work from a home office occasionally; other folks would just love to find a career - oriented job that allows them a part - time or flextime schedule.
I know I stand a bit closer to the extremes but at the same time I find myself like a lot of folks more scared of the extremes on both sides.
I wish folks like fred could realize how miserable they are and find their way to love.
I find that people like to be lead, we have a lot of folks that are so wounded they need the vision of someone else to create a sense of hope for themselves.
Other folks, like Brennan Manning, find great comfort in...
Other folks, like Brennan Manning, find great comfort in a God that can use messed up people, people like us, people Manning called «ragamuffins.»
One could only hope that either found themselves stuck in a tree in a sack, and like the truth of the Grimm's folk tale, both would replace themselves with the earnest truth seeker.
Why is it JVD that around 2 thousand years of our civilizations ongoing mannerisms are daily being subjected to folks like you who would rather be religiously bound up and hog tied in transfixed ideologies that will never truly find their messiah's returning?
Most civilized folks are interested in finding out what THIS current life has to offer and probably share the feeling that once it's done, you don't get another ride like, so WHY take a chance (i know... you'll have your «faith» rebuttal) and rush in the inevitable, especially if you're having a good time in life?
I find it interesting how folks like to pick and choose what they want to believe of their religions.
Innumerable examples of like folk beliefs and practices may be found in any so - called advanced culture.
to J.W. and fred — i think its rather silly to argue anything as fact if its cleary thought based (i.e. lacking proof / evidence) when asked about the where did we come from or how the universe (whatever) i always answer with i don't know, but then i pose an idea — i state openly thats its only an idea... if any one of you religions folks would simple agree to the FACT that what you BELIEVE is real is REALLY only an idea until proven (much like evolution) then i would find much more pleasing conversations beyond the realm of atheists... but alas, i am still waiting — i found some but most are imovible in there beliefs that god is real, provable, and most def.
So I wish you well, I will continue to read your blog, laugh and cry over some of your cartoons, and maybe, just maybe, I can find a group of folks like myself who just want to be church, live church, not act church, or agendize church.
I loved the story, characters, and writing in Americanah, but like a lot of folks, found the ending anticlimactic and a tad disappointing.
With a forward by Elizabeth Esther, and contributions from folks like Joy Bennett, Travis Mamone, and Kristin Tennant, you'll find many familiar faces in these pages.
Atheism is abhorrent, amoral, and anarchic, and those who truly understand this will find their way back to religion like Francis Bacon and many other highly intelligent folk who once fell for the supposed enlightenment of atheism.
For folks like «If Horses» he or she believes that they can change folks here they soon find that it is pointless.
Safer found many like - minded folk.
Well, looks like his ship has finally come in, because the folks at have found out something cool about his lineage.
Barth is the best way forward for evangelical theology, but I find that folks like MacArthur don't trust him.
Just like in the garden in Genesis some folk still want to find a loophole to do their own thing and that is where the enemy blinds them.
Whether or not you find this position, one held for centuries by countless Christians (church fathers, saints, and regular Christian folk like me), to be valid, I trust that we can peacefully disagree on theological points and affirm others like the Triune God (albeit there are differences here as well — Athanasian Creed, anyone?)
For those of you who will continue to mock God even if mis - lead folks like these didn't exist, may God's love and mercy find it's way through to your hearts.
Burning Man is full of such dechurched folk, feeling like they have now found an exciting and compelling spiritual vision for the future of planet earth.
I advocate for doing that when folks go gluten - free, but certainly when you find something you like and want to stick with it, the food pantry will be the lucky recipient of your other mixes.
When I am teaching folks how to make pie dough or biscuits, I find that novices have the best results when they learn the grating method first; once they see what it should look like they can decide to use a pastry blender or a fork / knife to cut in the butter.
1) Inspiration: Out of inspiration to make their own flavor and taste for their own liking 2) Desperation: Out of desperation because some frozen burgers found in the supermarket and restaurant / cafe's are burgers with ingredients which can contain allergic substances such as gluten (folks allergic to gluten), Monosodium Glutamate (folks allergic to MSG) etc..
They crossed the deserts and seas to find like - minded folks in the West to help.
Einkorn wheat flour, an ancient grain some wheat sensitive folks find tolerable, has a soft, lemony, nutty flavor; which makes it perfect for simple pastries, like muffins!
I found that folks who scream and holler all the time get ignored but like any tool, when used appropriately, it can help get the job done correctly.
When the final gun sounded, we found out why folks did not like Notre Dame big all year.
Find your own niche philosophy, your favorite resources, jump in and get involved, and surround yourself with like - minded folks who don't mind sharing the journey with you!
Here is my only chance to try vaginal birth, but I find myself not really «holding on» to it like all the ICAN folks I know.
A place where it is safe for children to be themselves, for them to experience a bit of freedom, and to find like minded folk at every turn.
I do however find it concerning that some folks are using terms like «bad habits» when referring to co-sleeping.
And since it's an unconference, self - appointed «experts» (like me) can't overshadow new folks doing new things — if you want to talk about something other people might find interesting, just schedule a session and watch the crowd roll in.
The good folks at Slate have found a revealing pop culture / political culture connection: by mashing up a clip from the movie Election with footage from the current Democratic race, they find Hillary Clinton's inner Tracy Flick and capture what it must feel like to have some young upstart...
The good folks at Slate have found a revealing pop culture / political culture connection: by mashing up a clip from the movie Election with footage from the current Democratic race, they find Hillary Clinton's inner Tracy Flick and capture what it must feel like to have some young upstart come along and steal your moment.
But the Democratic nominee got a huge, if not decisive, boost along the way from folks like Lewis — whose former organization, the disgraced, defunded and now disbanded ACORN, was a founding partner of the really big winner in this year's mayoral election.
«Generally, we find that on the heels of something like this, that folks are looking to raise taxes,» either directly through a carbon tax or by rule changes that raise power prices, Neefus said.
Another study, from Tufts University, followed people age 65 and older for three years and indicated that those with a higher intake of potassium — found in foods like spinach, broccoli, kale, cantaloupe, and bananas — maintained more muscle than the folks who ate half as much of the mineral.
You wan na find someone like that and I would be honored and privileged, folks if you follow me.
Possibly due to things like small intestinal bacteria overgrowth and some GI issues so I'm personally through my private consulting business, you know, with the coaching calls that I do with folks, I've been walking a lot of people through a lot of gut issues and this is something I found to be more and more the cases is the combination of bacterial overgrowth and fodmap consumption being a big issue so.
The fact that the FDA has come in gangbusters and like the gestapo to raid Amish farmers who were milksharing with neighbors or folks trying to find access to healthy & whole milk.....
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