Sentences with phrase «find grant funding»

The agency would help religious organizations and houses of worship find grant funding.

Not exact matches

Roberto Torres, co-owner of the Black and Denim Apparel Company, discusses their successfully funded Kickstarter Campaign, how they found out about, and were awarded, several business grants, were featured in Entrepreneur magazine, and got their products in the Oscar, Grammy, and BET awards swag bags.
After selling Trader Classified Media in 2006, John MacBain has been focused on philanthropic work, founding the Geneva - based McCall MacBain Foundation, which grants funding for efforts in education, health and the environment.
Those planning to start up «the right business» will have a much easier time finding government grant programs that may provide the needed funds.
Overall, the company has brought in close to $ 950 million since it was founded in 2008 — taking account of initial seed funding, grants and partnership deals with big drugmakers — giving it war chest to finance operations well into 2019.
A team of researchers with a hot idea or newly granted patents can find venture capital funds eager to provide millions of dollars in startup funding.
Having recently received a $ 250,000 federal grant and made its first investment in a female - founded Austin business, True Wealth Ventures is one venture capital fund that's ready to lift the under - funded sector of women - led companies in Austin and across the nation.
Any artist or organization found to have broken that commitment would be subject to a review process that could result in loss of grant funding.
With the help of World Relief's federal Matching Grant program, he was able to fund his CNA certification and find a job that would accommodate his school schedule while covering the families living expenses.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
A charity, funded by public and private grants, we were founded in 1999 to promote close and positive relationships between men and their children.
The charity, funded by public and private grants, was founded in 1999 to promote close and positive relationships between men and their children.
She also a Founding Board member and served on the Northwest Regional Potlatch Fund Foundation Board as Secretary and was a trainer for the Technical Assistance Program grant writing workshops on Tribal Reservations throughout the 4 state region, WA.
One of the suggestions for school districts who require expensive new equipment, but struggle to find the funds, is to pursue grants and scholarships to overcome budget restrictions.
When asked how schools paid for the ovens, Carithers noted that in addition to using the funds from the sale of the fryers, the grants appeared to be an effective catalyst to motivate many schools to find creative funding methods from local, state, and federal sources.
A 2015 KSHF - commissioned series of case studies of 19 schools in seven states explored the effects of these federal kitchen equipment grants on students and meal programs and found that equipment bought with these funds helped many schools overcome challenges reported in the 2013 study.
Now, local government secretary Greg Clark claims to have found the answer: by 2020, local authorities will be financially self - sufficient, with funding from local revenue sources such as council tax and business rates to take the place of government grants.
«With the conceded disparate funding, compounded by the fact that taxpayers within the poorer school districts end up subsidizing, at least in part, the tax credits granted to taxpayers within the wealthier districts, I find that plaintiffs have stated a viable equal protection claim,» Lynch wrote.
European parliament tightens controls on party funding after several Eurosceptic groups allied to Ukip were found to have misused grants
The investigation found that Haldar has misappropriated $ 25,000 in grant funding to a private school foundation, leading to the university's discipline against him.
If the state reimburses at a higher rate than budgeted, or a grant is found where now state money instead of budgeted town money is used, the fund balance increases.
Wills was found guilty in July of directing thousands of dollars in public matching funds and grant money to a shell company that was meant to distribute campaign literature.
Local leaders will be in Albany today to find out how much state funding will come to the community as part of two separate regional grant competitions.
Help is available to switch tariffs, find out about grants for heating improvements, and access emergency funds for people who need help to heat their homes.
Both believe that one of the great challenges that the position of town clerk faces is one of record storage and ways of finding grants and funding to digitalize town records.
Mr. Russell also suggested finding a «funding mechanism» for the commission's proposed $ 1,000 grant besides the CPF fund.
In early February, the National Science Foundation announced new standards for its research grants, under which grantees could have their funds suspended or revoked if their institution finds that a grantee has committed harassment.
«If funding dried up at the Osher Center and we were not able to get large grants that demanded my level of expertise, I'm not sure that I would find a lot of openings.»
«In recent years, [NSF] has struggled with the logistics of evaluating a rising number of grant proposals that has propelled funding rates to historic lows,» but «one piece of the agency has found a potentially powerful new tool to flatten [submission] spikes and cut the number of proposals: It can simply eliminate deadlines,» Eric Hand reported last Friday.
I've found out about university offices such as the Graduate Student Recruitment and Retention office and the Graduate Student Grants and Services office that offer support to all graduate students and put out information that I can use to find funds to finance my education from outside the department.
«Due to lack of PhD grants offered by the Spanish and regional governments I was not able to be funded in Spain,» he explains, however, «Finding a PhD in the UK took me a month.
Many established researchers hiked the number of grants they receive and the number of scientists working in their labs, but newer investigators saw virtually no rise in funding through the Research Project Grant Program (R01) grants considered crucial to establishing an independent scientific career, Stephan found.
If team members find that there is a true market, they can then make a «go» decision and, for example, start a company, submit a small business innovation research (commonly referred to as SBIR) grant proposal, or make a pitch for venture capital funding.
These grants cover 1 to 3 years, with some additional longer term funding such as for the recently founded?
That review, presented today to the ACD by OAR acting director Robert Eisinger, found that about 20 %, or 242 of 832, extramural grants fell on the low priority list (they made up 16 % of the funding, or $ 65 million).
► «[A] novel analysis finding a link between how U.S. graduate students in the biomedical sciences are funded and their first job after earning their Ph.D. turns one piece of conventional wisdom on its head: Students supported on a research grant are more likely to take a research job than those funded by other mechanisms,» including training grants and individual fellowships, Jeffrey Mervis wrote today.
You recently secured $ 480,000 in funding over the next two years from the Jacobs Foundation and are pursuing additional philanthropic grants, but have you considered charging for the site or finding a corporate sponsor?
It found that once an NIH - funded lab grows to a certain size, each additional grant produces a smaller productivity boost.
In a new study funded in part by a National Geographic Society / Waitt Fund Grant and published in Behavioral Ecology, Rudolph and McEntee found that victorious colonies might offset this challenge by recruiting members of the losing colonies to help.
In my relatively short experience in Canada, I've found that funding is limited and grant applications are very competitive.
Newly public data on grant funding success rates reflect one impetus for abandoning the set - aside: At many institutes, AIDS grants have been much easier to get than non-AIDS funding, suggesting that officials were struggling to find ways to spend the money.
One motivation may be that «[a] t many institutes, AIDS grants have been much easier to get than non-AIDS funding, suggesting that officials were struggling to find ways to spend the money,» Kaiser wrote.
Under existing grant programs, the NIH finds it difficult to estimate the number of trainees they fund or the disciplines in which students receive training, says Hiatt.
People recognize that getting grants funded can be a matter of make or break in a career, and so I have found people more sympathetic than I would have expected toward what I would consider unseemly behavior.
Although you may not find a funding program to support a course in scientific writing, a proposal for a comprehensive «soft - skills» curriculum is likely to be received warmly by the funding agencies if it is written into other research and training grants; such training, after all, is best regarded as one facet of a comprehensive research and training experience.
Benedict Chivers, a PhD student funded by the Leverhulme grant at the University of Lincoln, said: «Our findings suggest that the sound generators in grigs represent an early evolutionary stage in the bush - cricket lineage.
The work was partially funded with a $ 100,000 grant from the National Science Foundation's citizen science initiative, which encourages scientists to find ways to expand knowledge of and access to research.
An in - depth analysis of grant data from the U.S. National Institutes of Health finds that black Ph.D. scientists were far less likely to receive NIH funding than a white scientist from a similar institution with the same research record.
With respect to research funding, Sutton and Killian found that applications for NIH research grants submitted by MSTP graduates were often classified as «laboratory research» much like proposals from applicants who had received only the PhD degree.9 These data indicate that MSTP graduates are not filling the role initially intended for them.
The findings are some of the first to come from a U.S. Department of Defense - funded brain imaging grant to Saint Louis University to learn more about the nature of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in veterans and civilians.
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