Sentences with phrase «find magic»

If you find some magic pill that allows you to grow your portfolio to 25 (lol... 25) properties, while still keeping high paying corporate job in 3 yrs (lol)..
It's very hard to find the magic we've created internally.
If you find magic success, be prepared to be critiqued and criticized by colleagues who can't imagine how what you do works.
Realizing that my knowledge is miniscule motivates me to pay closer attention to how children find magic in playing with language.
The opportunity to help others find the magic of the process is an amazing gift.
My clients who are seeking an encore career often put themselves under enormous pressure to find the magic bullet that will help them figure out what they want to be and do at lightning speed.
ABS opponents seem to find some magic in the name «Harvard» as if it gives greater legitimacy to their claims.
one of my long - standing disputes with present paleoclimate is the fixation on trying to find a magic multivariate method to extract the «signal».
Even if we could find some magic switch, today, that would turn off all of our coal and gas and oil consumption — even then we would still have to adapt, because a certain amount of climate change is already baked into the system.
HARMONY KORINE — Yes, these line paintings are based and looped, like a trance or an obsessive teenager doodling on the back of a notebook, trying to find some magic pattern, a stoner pattern, melted and finding forms, connecting dots.
People tried to debunk it by playing armchair detective, people tried to find the magic solution to get the song, people emailed sites and magazines everywhere about the idea.
Rather than trying to jam everything under the sun into your game, narrowing your scope and laser targeting on the most interesting elements can let you really find the magic in a simple design.
Kirby and Prince Fluff then team up to find the Magic Yarn needed to stitch Patch Land back together, find a way back to Dream Land, and stop Yin - Yarn from wreaking havoc.
Find magic stars in Galaxy levels, and try to avoid pointless clicking if you do not want to lose all tries.
He wants to find magic dragon balls that will comply with his requests.
Your main objective is to find magic stars on the Super Mario Levels.
In 32 levels, Giana has to fight against bad monsters, huge spiders and lots of other creatures to find a magic diamond that makes it possible to return to her own world.
Jump into the water to the left of the Crazy Cap shop, swim through the waterfall and you'll find a magic painting leading to Bowser's Kingdom and three coins waiting in front of it.
Add in specialty items like magic lamps to see ghosts or the potestaquistor to find magic disruptions and the game really gives the player everything they need to successfully complete the title.
You explore a maze of memories, find magic in mundane objects, and form a friendship over several sessions.
On the fantastic green and quiet island of Bohol you can find Magic Oceans Dive Resort.
It's well worth the driving adventure to find this magic place.
Inside the red brick walls guests will find a magic world of contrasts — with serene comfort, stylish design and a hint of Nordic luxury.
Find the magic of giving back, as Macy's celebrates a national weekend of support for our community.
It's happening at the Humane Society Animal Care Expo in May, when we present «Become a Wizard of Wellness, Find the Magic to Minimizing... Learn More
Put your thinking cap on for Become a Wizard of Wellness, Find the Magic to Minimizing Disease Outbreak.
Become a wizard of wellness, Find the magic to minimizing disease outbreaks You will all become wizards of wellness through this engaging and hands - on session about how to prepare for and what to do when faced with an unexpected disease outbreak in your shelter.
If they look thinner than usual, you can move up by 5 calories per pound of weight until you find a magic number.
It's happening at the Humane Society Animal Care Expo in May, when we present «Become a Wizard of Wellness, Find the Magic to Minimizing Disease Outbreak.»
While you won't find a magic formula that sets out hard - and - fast rules for divvying up income, financial planners offer several ways to budget.
The most specialized people in any field are aware of just how little they know — that you can increase your chances of success but you can't find a magic method or get an exclusive path to success.
There's a drive to seek out the best way to promote books, to get on the Top 100 lists, to find the magic key to «discoverability» that will bring more book sales.
Right now access is extremely limited and only open to people playing the daily contest called «Find the Magic Quill» and answering book related questions.
Henry believes he must find the magic marble that he and his friend shared, and the trail leads him to New Orleans immediately following Katrina.
You're sure to find magic in a fine Christmas picture book — the best of which will earn a place in your heart and become a treasured part of your family traditions.
The Beta program is entitled Find the Magic Quill and is a fairly straightforward trivia contest.
Once you find your magic bullet (your best strategy) give it your all.
To stop her, Walker must find the magic first.
The concept of how to find the magic in an educational app came up recently during our weekly EducationalAppTalk forum.
Subie's clunky, bug - eyed cars still struggle to find the magic juju — mostly because too many look like they wandered away from a government fleet.
your «You can find magic wherever you look.
- I only allowed students to find their magic numbers once I'd checked all of their answers were correct.
On top of that, each subject included at least a dozen standards, yet teachers had to find a magic formula to come up with a single grade.
Trying hard to get through their day to day lives; trying to find magic in a frequently unmagical kingdom.
I do find Magic Mike interesting because generally the only way media portrays male nudity or sexuality is for comic effect while female is often for sex appeal.
After this we find Magic Time: A Tribute to Jack Lemmon.
The role of the poet is to find that magic and make it concrete.
Things seem to proceed according to formula, that is, until Benedict manages to find the magic ticket, allowing him to pass from movie - land into the real world.
Your long, long takes find magic in the most unassuming things.
No person in this world is a dating expert, but the examples set by successful people can help you to find a magic formula to become successful.
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