Sentences with phrase «to find meaning»

It's a lesson in loving — and using — your whole home, in finding meaning in each room.
However, I could not find a means of keeping the car in manual mode.
They kept journals for constant self - reflection to find meaning for what they were discovering, and to consider how their relationships to food were evolving.
This is a worksheet of finding the mean from a table for discrete and grouped data.
Beyond their innate strength, sense of curiosity and courage - they are people who find meaning in their choices.
As a psychologist, I continued to try to help people find meaning in their lives.
The first part is by finding meaning through awareness and understanding, processing life experiences.
What is Christian wisdom on finding meaning in the midst of aging?
Important aspects explored in our sessions together may include topics such as finding meaning, and increasing self - awareness and authenticity through growth and self - determination.
I was a part of a system that just didn't make sense — and long hours were spent grinding away, as I struggled to find the meaning behind what I was learning.
I met with 9 kick - ass women to talk about finding meaning in our careers, and it was awesome.
Throughout my journey with my podcast, I've felt touched by those who've found meaning within my story.
We all struggle at different times with finding meaning, making a living, figuring out our lives and finding love — I mean, sometimes we just feel like hiding.
But what exactly the new findings mean for sea level rise estimates is still unknown.
Get a complete picture of how students find meaning in text, using quick indicators of foundational skills development and a running record to measure reading comprehension.
Treatment is directed at finding meaning and purpose in life, increasing psychological and social support, building relationships with friends and family and improving coping skills to manage anxiety in daily life.
I thought, certainly, I would find meaning along the meaningless journey.
That's why many of us have a difficult time finding meaning or significance in what we do.
Having caught something of this heart - level experience and made it their own, children can then find meaning in the religious ideas and beliefs which they are taught on a head level.
This latest finding means that teachers should focus on evaluation and analysis during research.
An intact male dog will do just about anything to discover a mate, which includes finding any means necessary to escape your home.
Children of open adoption also find meaning in the choices that were made on their behalf.
The new research findings mean the toll should be reduced in the future.
Important to the topic of state pension plans, the report findings mean that states have more retirees to pay for.
We must find the mean places, the dark places, the dangerous places, and take the church there.
We can model finding the meanings of words and phrases within a text.
This teacher guide helps teachers find meaning in mathematics and help children develop a deeper understanding of the subject.
Many modern ebooks have the function of a dictionary that allows you to select the word you need and quickly find its meaning (translation).
When you find a fabulous city to work in, you'll meet amazing new friends and have fun making jokes and finding meaning together as medical assistants.
I hope to help you and your family find meaning, health, and happiness at whatever stage of the journey you may be in.
Based on the quote presented above, how do we really find the meaning of life?
Unfortunately, snapping your fingers and immediately finding meaning isn't an option.
It's also possible that people find meaning regardless of the outward utility of their pursuits.
I honestly hope that everyone finds meaning in their life.
Few people we know find meaning in that experience and institution.
At least until ESA finds the means to travel on its own dime.
I trust my inner guidance to find meaning over the rules and release any guilt about not living up to someone else's expectations.
However, finding him means avoiding the numerous online dating pitfalls that so many women fall into.
Dating wisdom and advice; the Jewish way in finding one's spouse Find the meaning, history and popularity of given names from around the world.
Good readers naturally do it: They ask questions, make connections, and find meaning while they read.
You should not compare two works, but rather find the meaning of the book and discuss the ideas raised by the authors.
I consider myself a fairly artistic person, but I struggled to find any meaning besides a tragic accident and full disclosure about medical problems.
The best - selling cultural critic finds meaning in art by turning it into a self - help tool, but loses some vital perspective along the way.
A new study found a means to produce an alternative energy source to gasoline that can help the environment rather than further polluting it.
His comment arose in the context of why humans could discover atomic power but could not properly find the means to control it.

Phrases with «to find meaning»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z