Sentences with phrase «find measurable differences»

It's exceedingly difficult to find measurable differences in the tonal quality of the cherished old violins and more ordinary ones, let alone explain what causes them, comments Colin Gough, physicist and expert on musical acoustics at the University of Birmingham, U.K. Gough sees problems with the new study.
If the stars» positions actually deviated from Einstein's predictions but to a lesser degree, those earlier experiments would not have been able to find a measurable difference in the stars» positions.
HLDI couldn't find any measurable difference between the study and control groups, indicating that City Safety doesn't increase the likelihood of being struck in the rear.

Not exact matches

A reviewer named Earl compared the accuracy of this scale to three balance beam scales at a local hospital and found that any difference between these scales and the Taylor device were not measurable.
The district court held that the composition claims were inherently misleading because «they imply a compositional difference between those products that are produced with rb [ST] and those that are not,» in contravention of the FDA's finding that there is no measurable compositional difference between the two.
To paraphrase a spy, scientists often find education - focused conferences and meetings insipid, focused more on the manipulation of vague ideas and ill - defined symbols than on real and meaningful (and measurable) initiatives and outcomes — but these HHMI Professors presented a wide array of well - conceived and - executed (not to mention well - financed) projects that are likely to make a real difference in the education of tomorrow's scientists.
As part of that effort, a team including UChicago cosmochemist Nicolas Dauphas performed the largest study to date of oxygen isotopes in lunar rocks, and found a small but measurable difference in the makeup of the moon and Earth.
«We have analysed the data further and found that there are no significant differences in the main data measurables available from analyses of the mammograms and the pathological specimens.
They found that there was no measurable difference between the concentrations of stem cells in the various samples, despite the fact that the in vivo sample was part of a dynamic environment — which included enzymes and blood flow — making it easier for the stem cells to migrate away from the target site.
The solid diagonal lines in Figure 2 illustrate the relationship between the share of high - need students and the share meeting the standards at school districts, with orange for the CST and teal for the SBAC.5 We find a statistically measurable difference in the strength of the relationship between SBAC and CST scores and the district - wide percentage of high - need students.
Make a measurable and sustainable difference in the Greater Houston pet population by offering affordable pet care services, rescuing and rehabilitating homeless companion animals, finding forever homes, and providing education about responsible pet ownership.
If he did not find differnt trends, when UHI, by definition, is a measurable difference, then the direct implication is that he did not find UHI when he should.
Look ONLY at CO2 and you will find that a doubling does have some headroom to make a measurable difference.
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