Sentences with phrase «find qualitative differences»

If they have the same qualifications and experience, (common when you have a range of people who've all met the job criteria) interview questions have to find qualitative differences.

Not exact matches

The critique of simple location finds positive expression in the thesis that differences in spatiotemporal relations entail lack of qualitative identity in a non-vacuous sense — a lack of identity which can not be the function of some mere accident, external to the concrete entities involved.
To test the robustness of this finding in light of the possible effect of these 2 infants, we repeated the UniFrac analysis after reassigning those 2 infants from the mixed feeding group to the exclusively formula — fed group, and no qualitative differences in the results were observed (data not shown).
There are important cultural differences between academia and policy making: differences in time frames, in the attitudes and responses to quantitative and qualitative findings, but also in whose interests we think we are serving.
Our quantitative and qualitative findings lead us to speculate that there may be both a lower and an upper threshold beyond which increased or improved use of data by school and / or district personnel simply will not make much difference.
Of course these are some of my favorites, too, but they are not the type of books found in the winners list, there is a qualitative difference.
And, having repeatedly misrepresented research on infant - mother (I use «mother» here synonymously with mother - substitute or primary caregiver) attachment, as «parents» and «caregivers,» implying that they are all equal (Lamb's own research has found otherwise), and making the completely misleading statement that «most infants» are attached to «both parents» this ostensibly indicates... that children suffer separation issues from all kinds of human beings, that there is no particular qualitative differences between one of the «attachment figures» or another, that separation from one is like separation from another, and that all of this separation stress is ameliorated if the child simply is left with another fungible «attachment figure» aka here «the other parent.»
After several rounds of qualitative testing, we found that users were able to see the difference between prices on their Loan Estimate to those quoted on the Closing Disclosure and they were able to identify costs they could shop for, among other findings.
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