Sentences with phrase «find rational person»

You'll find rational person or something like that in more than one source.

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A wise person will never invest in a company the day it's founded, for the simple fact that there's no information available to make a rational decision.
His ability to compute numbers without the aid of a computer or calculator, the skill to measure up a person's character from thousands of miles away, and the rational approach to investment and business may never be found in one person again.
We find no rational biblical or theological basis to condemn or deny the rights of any person based on sexual orientation.
In the first place, we must return to the peculiar situation in which Mascall finds himself in claiming rational necessity for a position that most rational people reject.
Most rational people find mass murder unhealthy.»
Because the rational structure of the human mind finds its source in divine rationality, this Word illuminates the eye of the soul turning ordinary persons into prophets who can begin to read creation.
I understand anyone who hesitates to step into the path of their buzz - saw, but we just must find strong, rational people to lead.
apparently you don't know much of definitions (PLURAL) of person... persons are nOT always considered human beings... One of the definitions you will find in the dictionary of a person is «a self conscious rational being»... that is not exclusive to human beings
Our civilization's moral code was founded on Judaeo - Christian revelation, which in turn gave rise to a rational conviction that every human person is made in the image of God.
The essence of the human person, that which specifies the human person amongst the entire animal kingdom (of which he is a part), and that which sets him apart as a species, is to be found in his rational nature.
These findings could lead to a more rational approach for telling people which foods are a better fit for them, based on their microbiomes,» he said.
I found myself begging her to be rational, to say what she thinks, to stand up to people who were harming her.
Yes, there is an argument for increasing capacity, but as the NAO found, long distance inter-city journeys for the business elite (and MPs of course) is not where any rational person would chuck at least # 50 billion to start the fight against crush - hour conditions.
Rational and compassionate people will surely find nothing to disapprove of in the recommendations of the Commission today.
A sense that politics shouldn't be so different from the rest of life, where rational people do somehow find a way of overcoming their disagreements.
It's only rational that people who've found love online should continue their relationship offline too.
Instead attempts to find rational causes for the weird things people claim to experience.
While this sounds rational to people who believe in our founding principles that «government which governs least governs best» it raises issues as to precisely how institutions that once caused a nation a risk can now drive student proficiency beyond 40 %.
So I don't know, I kind of see the kobo people as the good guys, because of their partnership with the independent bookstore, rational price... I don't like the super aggressive attitude of amazon, but again Amazon gives you the feeling that if you don't find it in Amazon, you can not find it anywhere else, which is probably true, and that is a good feeling and add to that their books are the cheapest.
The example was used to show how irrational some clients can be; even when your returns are in the top 1 % of all investment managers out there, some people can still find something to complain about (as an aside, that is why the truly successful mutual fund managers quickly exit the public domain once they have made «enough», and then they tend to go super private by either managing their own money or investing privately on behalf of some particular clients that they know to be rational — when you're worth tens and tens of millions of dollars, you don't need to deal with people that don't truly believe that good value investing often means underperforming the S&P 500 at least one out of every three years).
His ability to compute numbers without the aid of a computer or calculator, the skill to measure up a person's character from thousands of miles away, and the rational approach to investment and business may never be found in one person again.
Instead attempts to find rational causes for the weird things people claim to experience.
If you want to make it an issue, find people in the center who speak in tones like this — who can sit across and not yell and not throw out invectives and not even use language like people like me create — but have a rational, common - sense dialogue over the challenges of what changes in climate could be doing, are doing, and what is the best way to deal with it.
A usually sane, rational, successful, well educated person who has unwittingly found a faith without realising it.
I'm sure you will find plenty of people here willing to discuss the science with you in a rational and friendly manner, provided that you behave in a similarly mature manner.
Rational Thinker Thanks for those links... I think most thinking people understand the so - called debate on the validly of Global Warming has nothing to do with a wish to find out the truth of the situation..
I find it amazing that normal rational people use this to shut down their brain and not consider the possibility of new input showing their assumptions to be wrong.
However I have not found very much research addressing the reasonable question of whether current climate models provide the high accuracy that a rational person should agree is needed to justify large scale social and economic adjustments.
Anger, confusion and hurt feelings often cloud rational thinking, and many people find that they can not rationally come to an agreement with their soon to be former spouse.
It's easy to see why — no one wants to think about death, people may find their options confusing, and they think that life insurance is a gamble and they're «wasting money» if they don't die — but for many people it's not the rational decision.
Instead attempts to find rational causes for the weird things people claim to experience.
The researchers found that in moments of clear, rational thinking — before someone we're attracted to walks by — we are aware of the type of person who would be best for us: someone whose attitudes toward money are similar to ours.
The court found that there was no rational basis for the spacing or notification requirements and that the statutory scheme violated the FHA as there was a discriminatory effect on handicapped persons.
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