Sentences with phrase «find systemic bias»

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Saying that you're dedicated to tearing down systemic race - based bias doesn't mean that you have to make sure that you go hug a black person, it means that you no longer find yourself as the center and most important part of your story.
In fact this leads to some systemic biases, the main pollsters using quasi-random polling, ICM and Populus, both find too many Labour voters in their raw samples and have to use weighting to correct it.
It says ««we have found enough evidence of legally actionable gender bias going on with a certain company, or group of companies, and it's so systemic that we're actually going to charge all the major studios or TV networks or even the talent agencies.»»
«To see a woman operate successfully, but still find those barriers a result of that historical and systemic bias in her pursuit to the top, is a really interesting struggle.
A selection of Cindy Sherman's legendary «Untitled Film Stills» serves as a bridge between the necessarily aggressive second - wave feminism of the 1960s and»70s and our modern era, where women have emerged on the mainstage of artistic innovation but still find themselves struggling with deep cultural undercurrents of bias and systemic suppression.
An excellent discussion of these systemic biases can be found in an article by the prolific writer Ida Abbott ( titled «How Political Dynamics Undermine Gender Balance in Law Firm Leadership and What Your Firm Must Do About It.»
But said it found no evidence of systemic political bias, though it couldn't discount that a lone wolf might be able to game its system.
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