Sentences with phrase «find underground water»

With hazel was used by the Native Americans to find underground water sources.
The Mohegan natives were also believed to show English settlers how to use Y - shaped witch hazel sticks for «dowsing,» an ancient method for finding underground water.

Not exact matches

A July 2012 study by researchers at Duke University and California State Polytechnic University at Pomona found that salty water from deep underground could make its way into drinking water near the surface.
Most of the remaining 1 percent of the earth's water supply is found in underground aquifers which are recharged by rainwater seeping through the soil.
This pollution also finds its way into underground aquifers that supply our drinking water, so reducing it is a human health measure and could also save municipalities millions of dollars a year in drinking water treatment facilities and operational expenses.
Minerals and elements found in underground rivers that feed bigger bodies of water can affect water quality.
A 2012 ProPublica investigation of more than 700,000 injection wells across the country found that wells were often poorly regulated and experienced high rates of failure, outcomes that were likely polluting underground water supplies that are supposed to be protected by federal law.
An analysis of earthquakes in the area around the Salton Sea Geothermal Field in southern California has found a strong correlation between seismic activity and operations for production of geothermal power, which involve pumping water into and out of an underground reservoir.
When the desert expanded, it cut off some groups in refuges like the underground water system that Böhme's team found.
In 2010, Duke University researcher Robert Jackson found that, in theory, carbon dioxide leaking from underground storage sites — including in central Illinois — could contaminate drinking - water aquifers with pollutants such as uranium under the wrong conditions.
«So it is essential we understand how the water falling on the surface finds its way to the aquifers deep underground
A team of researchers studying water quality around hydraulic fracturing, the process used to extract gas from rock deep underground, have found a blueprint to move those conversations forward.
Their research also found that the South and West are experiencing decreasing flood risk, an unsurprising finding, he said, given that those regions have experienced both recent and long - standing drought, and that there is less water stored underground.
Since the spheres form underground as groundwater rises through the soil, the find suggests the water rose only so far and then stopped — without reaching the surface.
Between the evidence of past flowing water on Mars, Titan's hydrocarbon lakes, Europa's underground ocean, and Enceladus, it seems increasingly probable we'll find life somewhere else in the solar system.
The latest findings of microbial life flourishing in the extreme environment of subglacial Lake Whillans in Antarctica, which were detailed in the first part of this article, are further hinting at the possibility of life existing in a similar fashion as well in the mysterious, underground alien waters of Europa.
Amos Kincaid comes from a family of men who can find water underground.
Near the vessel's keel, divers can find thermal vents that radiate heated water from deep underground.
Charles found that the rocks along the underground river were a bit hard on his feet, and sandals or water shoes would make standing up in, and getting out of, the underground river much easier.
Areas are mashed together in odd ways; you might take a elevator up into an area that feels like it should be deep underground, or walk through a door in the upper levels of a castle to find yourself in a huge water filled cavern.
Nor does she mention that Dr Morner believes you can find water underground by using a stick.
As part of its survey, the USGS excluded areas of the country that are considered freshwater sources, and limited their assessment to rock layers at depths at which the carbon dioxide would be under sufficient pressure to remain in a liquid state, which would help the carbon dioxide mix in with the briny water found underground.
... except then these guys come along and find an extra 0.7 mm / year from aquifer depletion, mining of underground water:
A geothermal heat pump (GHP) taps into the earth's surface, using thermal energy that is found underground, in a pond, or in well water.
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