Sentences with phrase «finding echoes of»

I ended up finding echoes of it throughout my existing wardrobe — sometimes lighter, sometimes darker.
These findings echo those of the 1994 classic «Built to Last,» in which Jim Collins and Jerry Porras reveal that over a more than 60 - year period, purpose - guided companies earned six times more for their shareholders than their narrowly profit - focused competitors.
In the details of the transfiguration one finds echoes of theophanies in Exodus.
By coming and dying and rising again, He showed us the ideal in which we might find an echo of His grace, the model on which to base our own longing.
The study's findings echo those of previous studies, including a study of Swedish prostate - cancer patients by the same team of researchers.
Many viewers will find echoes of their grandparents, parents, or even themselves in these characters.
For me, I am a big horror fan, so I found echoes of 1989's «Society», Stepford Wives, The Faculty to name but a few.
I found echoes of The Lives of Others in the routine surveillance of citizens, but this is more confrontational and brutal and Rasoulof hasn't the safe distance of exploring a fallen regime.
Let them find echoes of «too» throughout the poem.
These findings echo those of Wallace et al. (1999) and Miller et al. (1999), that a focus on a particular topic (such as a new curriculum) and type of teacher leader activity (such as dissemination) in a preparation program was manifested in teacher leader practice.
These findings echo those of earlier evaluations by the Royal National Children's Foundation (RNCF), 2007, and Claire Maxwell et al. in which improvements were seen in the academic attainment, social skills, self - esteem and resilience of disadvantaged children placed in boarding schools.
Their findings echo some of the concerns raised by the Royal Society in its report on school science published last summer.
The overall research findings echo those of a 2003 Institute study of side airbag effectiveness in cars.
Do you find echoes of Quinn and Belle in the friendship between Ona and Louise?
Moriyama focuses in on the lost and the discarded, and finds echoes of living through the breakdown of traditional values in post-war Japan.
(Today, we find echoes of The Meeting in, for instance, photographs of Damien Hirst with François Pinault.)
In the jumble of styles, viewers will find echoes of Jasper Johns» precise patterns of color and the painterliness and symbolic imagery of Philip Guston.
In his writings, I found echoes of existentialism.
Some will find echoes of this attitude to members of famous establishment families in the recent calls (eg, the letters in The Times (6 and 8 Aug)-RRB- for the re-appointment of Dame Elizabeth Butler - Sloss to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse).

Not exact matches

A Nanos poll sponsored by The Globe and Mail echoed Ondrack's findings, indicating more than three - quarters of Canadians regard smartphones as a neutral or positive factor on lifestyle.
It's a sentiment echoed in a recent survey by Boston Consulting Group, which found that 80 percent of domestic consumers are willing to pay a premium for products made in the U.S. America's luxe, high - quality image also extends overseas.
What the president told Republicans, in other words, largely echoed the report's findings — and it makes perfect sense he would do so: killing the hype on both sides of the Keystone debate is the first step toward turning the conversation into a civilized exchange that can lead to compromise.
Fidelity's findings echo many of the conclusions from the institute's research, but one drawback to comparing generational giving behaviors is that you don't know how younger people are going to give when they're older, Mesch said.
The full report echoed many of the findings that Republicans on the committee released in March.
It said Russia was responsible for carrying out cyberattacks against the US, disseminating hacked emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee, and launching a social media disinformation campaign — findings that mostly echo parts of the US intelligence community's assessment of Russia's interference in the 2016 election.
But the Mueller indictment echoes subsequent findings that masses of false or misleading social media activity was engineered by Russia's Internet Research Agency, as part of a plan to «defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful functions of the government through fraud and deceit» beginning as early as 2014.
It has echoes, though, in dating offerings of decades ago, when people would record little biographies on VHS in hopes of finding love.
Reforming this cornerstone of the European Union is a vast field for political fragmentation that will also find echoes in the constant terror threat on the continent and the rise of far - right and anti-immigrant parties.
Bill Beament went looking for an echo of past glories in one of WA's most famous gold belts and found...
Echoing decades of anecdotal evidence, a new study of about 2,000 cases of exoneration found that black people are extremely more likely to be wrongfully committed of a crime.
«For those of you feeling alienated, it gets better,» says OneWheaton's founding statement, signed by about 700 GLBT and straight, alumni, echoing Dan Savage's national «It Gets Better» campaign for gay youth.
... For they are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited.»
Neuhaus» «thought experiment,» an argument that echoes a similar line of reasoning found in von Balthasar's Dare We Hope «That All Men Be Saved?»
One might find at least a tiny echo of this inadequate notion of reform in his initial impulse to rebuild Christ's Church by attending to ecclesiastical masonry — an episode in the early steps of his pilgrimage toward Christ that makes me think of present - day temptations to live the New Evangelization by getting top - drawer management consultants to advise the Church on messaging.
Akbar's religion died with him, but some of its ideas lived and found an echo during the next two generations.
But, like pacifism itself, this absolutist interpretation of the right to life found no echo at the time among Catholic theologians, who accepted the death penalty as consonant with Scripture, tradition, and the natural law.
Thomas Derr, at Smith College, gave Richard a copy of my 1986 book First Things» a title Richard echoed when it came time to found the magazine First Things.
Christian businessman George Otis, echoing the same theme, wrote: «God's hand was in the founding of this country and the fiber of Christ is in the very fabric of America» (The Solution to Crisis - America [Revell, 1972], p. 53).
RESOLVED, That we affirm distinctions in masculine and feminine roles as ordained by God as part of the created order, and that those distinctions should find an echo in every human heart (Gen 2:18, 21 - 24; 1 Cor 11:7 - 9; Eph.
Bishop Paulose shows how these thoughts of Feuerbach find echo in the comments that Marx made later on religion and God.
In his highly influential Introduction to Christianity Joseph Ratzinger found great value in this creed, which he called «at all decisive points an accurate echo of the ancient Church's faith... in its kernel, the true echo of the New Testament message» (Ignatius Press, 1990 edition, p54).
The central affirmations and emphases of each tradition now often find echoes in the others.
I find their arguments convincing, I am less convinced by their contention that echoes of secular humanism's world view in certain.
I see the restlessness within us human beings, the sense of discontent with what we are and who we are, to be no less than the grip of God's grace upon us, echoing St. Augustine's cry in his Confessions: «Thou, o God, hast made us for thyself alone, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee.»
The conclusions of this British study of PVS, which is among the largest and most comprehensive available, echo the findings of an earlier U.S study of PVS patients referred to the Healthcare Rehabilitation Center in Austin, Texas.
We shall argue later that the explanation for these phenomena is that the saying is a Markan construction, modeled on the saying now found in 13:30 and deliberately echoing the last part of 8.38, but with variations from botrh of these sayings which can be accounted for in terms of the Markan style and of the specific use Mark intends to make of the saying as a promise tro a church facing the possibility of persecution.
The idea of occupational councils found an echo in Article 165 of the 1919 Weimar Constitution, a development that Pesch enthusiastically supported.
And yet, echoes of the divine can still be found throughout The Goldfinch, even within the often despondent Theo.
When we speak of the double efficacy of the risen Christ as ideal and as objective datum for present becoming, we might do better to speak of a «triple efficacy» of the love of Christ, for that faith, love, and communion with God which are Christ's find innumerable, if only partial, echoes in the lives of individual believers and in that system of relationships which they comprise within the world.
The three dialectical moments of testimony — event and meaning, the trial of false testimony, and testimony about what is seen and of a life — find their echo, their reverberation, in the movement of consciousness that renounces its sovereignty.
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