Sentences with phrase «finding offensive»

Solidly told by German writer - director Fatih Akin («Head - On», «The Cut»), it displays decent if unexceptional TV - movie chops until a pile - up of plot holes and wild story twists take it somewhere so crude that you'd be forgiven for finding it offensive.
His passes are not finding the offensive players and things went downhill quickly from there.
His 88 - yard scoring pass to Green with 7:58 to play was crucial, coming on first - and - 20 after the Sooners had moved to within a touchdown and seemed to be finding their offensive rhythm.
Memphis began by playing awesome defense against bad teams, then finding an offensive groove in a 77 - 3 humiliation of Bowling Green.
Instead, people make discreet changes in their settings on the site to limit the views they find offensive from showing up in their feed, without provoking outward shows of conflict with people.
But now, the internet report said, the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority can ask the company to remove any material it finds offensive.
«The MTA found it offensive — but not the breast - augmentation ads,» says Agrawal, who's career includes investment banking and semipro soccer.
(Editor's Note: please be advised that headline and paragraph 7 contain language that some readers may find offensive)
But their relatives, and those of their faith, find it offensive.
If gays must lie and hide for fear of offending someone elses moral code, then you should too because I find it offensive.
I guess... I guess I'm just ready to compromise, to «accept», for lack of a better word, positions that I would disagree with, even find offensive.
I think it's funny people find this offensive.
Now of course no one claims they are identical, but they certainly have a lot in common, whether you find it offensive or not.
Interesting Story, BUT does anyone else find it offensive that CNN releases this story on EASTER - the most sacred day of the Christian faith?
You sound angry and beligerant in your beliefs and I find it offensive.
Does anyone not find it offensive that christians continue to take credit for a holiday that was not originally theirs?
I don't find it offensive.
My life absolutely has meaning to me and I find it offensive that you presume to put words in my mouth after I have repeatedly said otherwise.
You might find this offensive, so first let me apologize in advance, because that's not my intention.
They find it offensive that people like you discuss their endeavors, which required years of education, research and effort, in the same breath as the wild and baseless allegations of religion (at least as science views it).
I find it offensive that you accuse people who don't agree with you of lying.
I find it hillarious how some people find it offensive that the elections and religions are being discussed by the «media» here... Hey, you!!
I drew a cartoon and wrote a post on anger today that I'm sure many people will find offensive.
That is a central Christian teaching which many Christians find offensive since they have fallen into the Galatian heresy of beginning in the Gospel, but returning to the Law: saved by Grace, but remain saved by our obedience.
The controversy over the «Fire in My Belly» video just pulled from the National Portrait Gallery appears, on the face of it, to be about using tax money to display art that some Christians find offensive.
Many of us find this offensive and disingenuous — and you should too.
I find it offensive because Bill Watterson's work has been appropriated way too many times.
A far worse fate, arguably, is the torrent of abuse thrown at you when you happen to express on social media an opinion other people find offensive.
Sometimes we have to pause before responding to others and think, «How can I respond with love to this person and situation, to what they've said or done or to what I find offensive about them?»
Mark believes it to be such and preaches ALL aspects of it... some of which people find offensive and uncomfortable.
You find this offensive?
And I find it offensive that some people are apologizing for our free speech — they can condemn the message but please do not apologize for our right to express it!
But what I found offensive on the video is the fact that the crowd cheered when the boy said something to the effect that «ai nt not gay getting to heaven.»
I find it offensive that Jews are lending validity to the practice by asking them to stop.
I'm a spiritualist with agnostic tendency, and I find it offensive that we observe Easter still, especially since it's on a Sunday and comes so close to spring break.
I'm sorry but I find this offensive... It's like churches want to hijack the benefits science has brought to the healing of AIDS patients as a miracle of their god.
Whle their contribution to helping these people should not be completely discounted, I find this questionable I do ot expect that pharm comanies do all of their work as «charity» but, I find it offensive that they consistently align themselves with lobgbyists and politicians who are would rather cut funding for programs like ADAP here in the US.
I hope you don't find this offensive.
«We the undersigned find it offensive and inappropriate that Leicester Cathedral are allowing Shakespeare's biased version of Richard to be performed in the place where his mortal remains are supposedly at rest.»
However, I still don't get why some LDS members can't understand why some people find it offensive, and refrain from undertaking it for groups who have clearly made their displeasure known.
If the tables were turned and you were being baptized after your death by another faith I'm sure you too would find it offensive.
This insistence on winning public recognition for one's piety Jesus found offensive; he called it hypocrisy.
i am nazarene and find this offensive jesus of nazareth means he was a nazarene haha good point above though
Some of you may find this offensive, well that is not my goal here.
We should be free to believe and practice religion without government interference — even if that's an idea that some people find offensive.
Many people will choose not to listen to Kanye West or other music they find offensive.
I find it offensive that you purpose to know what I know..
However, on a limited scale, there's no denying that there's something appealingly rogue about how Mrs. Cox went about solving her problem — by purchasing every single shirt she found offensive in the entire store so nobody else could, and planning to return them all one day shy of the 60 - day return policy limit.
She had no right whatsoever to destroy a piece of art because she found it offensive.
As an atheist I find it offensive that other likeminded people are attacking the faith of their fellow citizens when it's their God given and Governmental affirmed rights to do so.
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