Sentences with phrase «findings in this new»

The city might be in such a state that institutions of all types feel it's necessary to throw resources at it, creating opportunities for young entrepreneurs who won't have to compete with as crowded a field as they'd find in New York or Silicon Valley, but that doesn't exactly solve the problem of what to do on a Saturday night.
The first seriously wonderful authentic taco I found in New York City was in the back of a Mexican market in Hell's Kitchen, a small place and strangely decorated (mirrored walls, tinsel, and a laser light disco ball) that had perfect al pastor and beef tongue.
Shake Shack, a burger chain founded in New York City, has disclosed it expects to price the company's initial public offering between $ 14 to $ 16 per share in a deal that Reuters estimates could value the company at up to $ 568 million.
Founded in New Orleans in 1972, Popeyes has 45 years of history and culinary tradition and is the franchisor and operator of Popeyes restaurants.
Even so, the Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute found in a new study that, for small businesses, their Websites were more important as sales - generation tools than any social media strategy.
Maintenance: A 25 - year - old building will inevitably lack the state - of - art air - handling systems, elevator cabs and other construction technology found in newer buildings, such as the nearby RBC Centre, completed in 2009.
Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel finds herself in new hot water.
At a minimum, California should allow for a provisional or short - term license or registration that would allow companies to come to market without having to meet the strict and costly requirements found in New York's BitLicense and then allow them to apply for a full license later on if they want to continue doing business in California or with California residents.
As DiscoverOrg found itself in uncharted territory, learning a new tech stack with a newly divided sales team, AJ also found himself in a new landscape — with new opportunity.
«Wine drinkers are beginning to sort themselves out,» said John Gillespie, president of the WMC, at a presentation of his findings in New York last week.
California family offices are typically sophisticated in their operations and structure but many single family offices are more private than you might find in New York.
The Plus also appears to have the improved speaker / mic system found in the new Echo, so it'll provide better sound quality while also recognizing your commands better.
Founded in New York in 1987, GFI provides competitive wholesale market brokerage services in a multitude of global over-the-counter (OTC) and exchange listed cash and derivatives markets.
Wall Street — A street found in New York City, is also used as the name for the financial markets of the United States as a whole.
Saudi authorities are also struggling to reconcile their desire for the biggest possible pool of capital to achieve a high valuation, probably found in New York and London, with their preference for relaxed regulation, which would point to Hong Kong.
There is much more packed into these two epilogues (as well as extensive bibliographical notes of recent books and articles), but these few examples give a sampling of the pleasures to be found in this new edition of Augustine of Hippo.
A politician who during a debate feels that the government should interfere with two people getting married because «a pisces and ares couple is an abomination» would soon find themselves in a new industry.
Organized religion, and I'm referring to organized «Christianity» in the USA, is a far, far cry from the «church» we find in the New Testament.
Having considered the possibility of religious belief as a new dimension of evolution, it remains now to describe the types of belief that can be found in this new sphere.
The findings in these new fields of inquiry may possibly require important modifications in the scientific account of human thought, but not, as far as now appears, in the direction of re-establishing a simple body - soul duality.)
Does this mean that what existentialism has done is simply to remove the mythological disguise and to vindicate the Christian understanding of Being as it is found in the New Testament and to carry it to more logical conclusion?
The preacher's task is to confront us with the distinctively Christian understanding of existence as that is found in the New Testament.
Therefore it was also natural that the kerygma as we find it in the New Testament should not only be couched in biblical terms but also that these terms require for their proper understanding an awareness of the whole Old Testament witness and record.
As we find ourselves in a new world, we must remember to speak love and truth, always using words filled with God's grace.
In truth, the abandonment of allegory was a revolt against the Church's tradition, including the tradition that is found in the New Testament itself.
«It's not minarets,» said Sultan, who described a mock - up of the proposed center as consistent with the latest architecture found in New York City.
Glory worthy of the name, the glory that is promised, will not be found in a new hero, system or political movement.
We are entitled to claim that the «tax collectors and sinners» frequently found in the New Testament may be understood as «tax collectors and other Jews who have made themselves as Gentiles».
Many of us find a God presented in much of the Old Testament who looks much different than the Jesus we find in the New Testament.
This may reflect the Christian emphasis on the justice of God being found in the new heavens and earth, rather than in this one.
Both Keillor's Minnesota (like his commercials for «Hotel Minnesota,» a chain found in New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, where all the guests bring their own fruit salad and deviled eggs) and his small hometown are real — they do exist somewhere in the imagination.
With this caveat, and along with it the honest admission that the material in the Gospels is not the kind that permits us (after the fashion of earlier «liberal» Protestantism) to pay Jesus what we might style moral compliments — as if he is indubitably known as in every sense, both in teaching and in behavior, to be ideally perfect — we can go on to consider his humanity, insofar as it can be recovered from the impressions of him found in the New Testament.
Most of instructions about sin and righteousness that we find in the New Testament from Jesus, Peter, and Paul was directed toward religious people.
But before we come to that discussion, it will be useful for us to turn our attention to the question of «resurrection» — first, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, about which so much of the earliest Christian writing found in the New Testament, and so much of the Christian experience of discipleship, turns; and second, to consider the point of the continuing Christian affirmation that those who have responded to the event of Christ are themselves made «sharers in Christ's resurrection».
I only wish at this point to serve notice that faith development theory as developed by Fowler does not describe what I find in the New Testament.
Of one thing most Christians were certain, the answer could not be found in the new European prophet, Karl Marx, nor in the more peaceful socialists.
Many years later, I found myself in New York City with a day to spend.
The Book of Mormon, in many ways, supports and corroborates the teachings of Jesus Christ that are found in the New Testament.
Obviously, if we allow one set of interpretations that is developed from positions found in the New Testament then we must allow others as well, so long as they are compatible with Jesus» message.
In St. Paul's letter to the Romans there is a celebrated and much discussed passage: I quote it in the version found in the New English Bible: «It was through one man that sin entered the world, and through sin death, and thus death pervaded the whole human race, inasmuch as all men have sinned.»
Isn't it a paradox that some of the most controversial words in Christian theology — «Trinity» and «atonement,» for example — are not to be found in the New Testament?
Unlike the bookish Oxford don, Keller is an urbane and culturally savvy communicator, as evidenced by the growth of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, which he founded in New York after moving to the city with his wife Kathy and their three children in 1989.
This is very common in Palestinian Aramaic of New Testament times, where the passive voice of the verb is very frequently used for this purpose, and it is often to be found in the New Testament.
If it is granted that being a homosexual person is different — but not sinful — then guidelines for sexual behavior found in the New Testament apply equally to homosexual and heterosexual Christians.
The crux of the matter is that we find in the New Testament tradition that Jesus addresses God as abba in Gethsemane, Mark 14.36: «Abba, Father... `, where «Father» is simply a translation of the Aramaic word.
The corrective is to be found in the New Testament experience; what emerged in the first century world was a profoundly revolutionary community, rooted in a new understanding of history and of human purpose.
Some scholars are convinced that Priscilla wrote the mysterious, anonymous letter to the Hebrews found in the New Testament.
But what you find in the New Testament, I think, is, first, people who were convinced through mysterious experiences that Jesus was, in fact, actually with them as their Lord and Master.
If the Church is deeply engaged in the civil rights movement, if it is struggling against right - wing misrepresentation of Christianity and of civil life, if it finds itself in a new phase of the Church - State relationship, if it is deeply involved in urbanization and in the passing of previous forms that once marked the so - called Christian epoch, then all these factors must have a profound impact upon theological education and the preparation of men for the ministry.
The Jesus of endless one - liners or short pithy sayings or even of modest social reforms was highly unlikely to cleanse the temple or get himself crucified during one of the major Jewish feasts, and certainly unlikely to generate the variety of Christologies one finds in the New Testament.
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