Sentences with phrase «finds fullest»

This ongoing God - enabled pursuit of a holy life is an inner transformation that actualizes a life of purpose and eternal significance.Such a distinctly Christian way of living finds its fullest expression in Christian love, which was exemplified fully by Jesus Christ, and is characterized by humility, self - sacrifice, mercy and justice, and mutual submission for the good of others.
This fact points to their being not only distinctive but the authentic words of Jesus.20 However, it is in the parables that he finds the fullest evidence that Jesus believed he had been sent by God to inaugurate the kingdom.
This general view finds its fullest and clearest New Testament expression in the Fourth Gospel, as I have said, and in the First Epistle of John; (My friend, Ernest C. Colwell, argues very persuasively in John Defends the Gospel (Chicago: Willett, Clark & Co., 1936).
This general view finds its fullest and clearest New Testament expression in the Fourth Gospel, was elaborated in the great creedal discussions of several centuries later, and was finally and definitively formulated by the Council of Chalcedon in 451: «One and the same Christ, Son, Lord, only begotten, acknowledged in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation; the distinction of the natures being by no means taken away because of the union, but rather the property of each nature being preserved and concurring in one person.
God's true temple will endure forever and it finds its fullest meaning in the body of Christ which is the living temple of God.52
I am convinced this is where resurrection power, with all its joy, finds fullest expression.
This how John Paul consistently maintained that through her gift of self, Eve teaches Adam how humanity is to find its fullest realization.
In the first draft of Catholicism, now published thanks to Fr Nesbitt as Matter and Mind, we find a fuller discussion than Catholicism offers of Fr Holloway's view of this philosophical movement and its challenge to Christian belief.
Readers will find fuller treatment of it in other of my books.
There, and in the later volume, Man's Ultimate Commitment (1958), are found the fullest blooming and greatest depth of Wieman's insights into the problem he had set for himself.
Her circle of friends included the men who founded Fuller Seminary in 1947 and...
Arguably, Norman Rockwell's middle America found its fullest expression — sociologically, culturally, perhaps even theologically — in post-World War II evangelicalism, sometimes called the New Evangelicalism.
These views find their fullest expression in the Christian Identity movement, the most significant religious manifestation on the extreme right.
Nam offers detailed verbal cues and expert hands on adjustments / assists to help his students find a fuller experience in their yoga practice; emphasizing breath and proper alignment in each of his classes.
I often find fuller skirts to be a little overwhelming on me.
Contrary to popular belief, there is a huge niche dating market for men who find fuller figured, or larger woman sexy, beautiful, and desirable.
i sometimes find fuller's style overdramatic for my taste
Cat guardians, you can find a fuller explanation of this reply in chapter 1 of my book «FIP and Coronavirus.»
Originating from Dungeons & Dragons, it has found fullest fruit in the Fallout games, the Elder Scrolls games, and in the roguelike games.
This exhibition draws Ramírez into the critical orbit of art in California, where the crossover between Latin American art and American Modernism found its fullest realization.
The productive tensions between an abstract expressionist engagement with surface, paint, and gesture and a more decisive shift into the ambiguous terrain between painting, collage, and assemblage find their fullest expression in Untitled [black painting with portal form], specifically in the way the composition is structured around (and then decisively proceeds from) a tonal, monochromatic center: a flat, inky, double - truck sheet of newspaper.
And the way that he believed nature found its fullest expression in painting was through color.
I am passionate about working with both individuals and couples to help them identify and reach their goals in order to find a fuller and more satisfying life experience.

Not exact matches

For example, one study found that people who ate fiber - rich oatmeal for breakfast felt fuller and ate less at lunch than those who consumed cornflakes for breakfast (4).
Vancouver's Fuller family recently acquired a 50 % stake in Cactus Club, a rival founded by a pair of former Earl's waiters.
When Harvard researchers went looking for actual, real life companies where everyone was totally themselves, «companies that pursued competitive advantage by developing every person to his or her fullest potential,» how many such organizations did they find?
Fuller Brush Co. (1906 - 2012) built on the backs of door - to - door salesmen, found nobody home after women went to work.
Finding the perfect person to gel with your needs is not easy, but the right consultant can bring incalculable value to your business, provided they are utilized to the fullest.
A fuller discussion of Australia's experience with capital account liberalisation can be found in Debelle G and M Plumb (2006), «The Evolution of Exchange Rate Policy and Capital Controls in Australia», available at < >, Asian Economic Papers, 5 (2), pp 7 — 29.
History will deliver a fuller judgment on Travis Kalanick, but 2017 was undoubtedly an annus horribilis both for the Ubermensch and the company he founded.
Perhaps I can find those in recent times who have drawn on many sources and integrated these into a richer and fuller system.
We know that, ultimately, the fullest freedom for women is to be found only in Jesus Christ.
The fullest and most accurate analysis of it is found in H. Richard Niebuhr's Christ and Culture, which any reader will do well to consult.
Wherever we turn to the fullest and most total expressions of modern imaginative vision, as, for example, in Blake, Proust, and Joyce, we find that a new and total world of vision is established and maintained only by way of a dissolution or reversal of our given selfhood.
If the very laws of matter are aligned upon the Body of Christ and humanity finds its identity and fulfilment in the Incarnation, this does not distract from the drama of redemption but rather gives it a fuller context.
The immense mental health contributions of organized religion will be released only as increasing numbers of churches and temples become centers of healing and growth — centers for healing the brokenness of individuals and relationships, and settings where persons find stimulation for lifelong growth toward their fullest humanity.
If the features of the earthly city are most fully manifested in its civic rituals and symbols, the fullest expression of the holy and eternal city is found in the liturgy.
While Lindsell seems to find all criticism anathema, figures like George Eldon Ladd of Fuller would advocate a «devout criticism» (cf. his New Testament and Criticism, 1967) that affirms the method without capitulating to a reductionism based on rationalistic a prioris.
The author of The Battle for the Bible (Zondervan, $ 6.95) is Harold Lindsell, who served on the faculties of Chicago's Northern Baptist Seminary and Pasadena's Fuller Seminary before succeeding Carl F. H. Henry, founding editor of Christianity Today.
And in a review in Eternity magazine he criticized the book for its «spirit of suspicion and hostility» while finding it «intellectually superficial» — even though he would still find himself to the right of Jewett and others at Fuller.
All we have to do is to find the courage to accept our own mortality and live life to its fullest.
The same spirit in modernization has, along with missions of service to universal humanity making human life richer and fuller, produced also a good deal of power - crusades for conquest which has found expression in technology being used in the service of colonialism and transnational and national economic exploitation, totalitarian statism and destruction of nature.
Humbly, Fuller concludes with these words, «I sincerely hope that as I continue my historical grammatical exegesis of Scripture, I shall find no error in its teachings.
We are often instructed to look back into Israel's history or even into the New Testament times in order to find there the fullest appearance of God's revelation.
By attending sensitively and openly and perhaps in their own way prayerfully to all that this situation holds, they can begin to enter the realm of God's experience and find there a fuller meaning than they had found on their own.
As Plato described it in The Republic: «The city we have founded, if we have built rightly, will be good in the fullest sense of the word.»
Had we a fuller account of the words of Jesus, we might find him saying better things of the Pharisees than those which have led us to think unkindly of them.
The service of God involves both the profoundest respect for the way in which the orders serve justice and mutuality in any given situation, and a continual attempt to find where they block the fuller community of life with life.
Also - I have found that atheism is very comforting; because I don't believe in heaven or hell, I am living my life to the fullest while I am on the planet!
(A fuller statement will be found in the second Book.)
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