Sentences with phrase «finds no language so»

The mystic finds no language so well suited to express symbolically the relationship of his own soul to that of God as the language of love, and here he finds it superbly used.

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«Someone adapted the language of cables to describe this hot dog vending machine,» writes Nolan, «and other analysts found it so funny that it still was making the email rounds years after it was written.»
In other words, in the language of budget planners «we don't have a clue where to find the savings so we will put in a «plug» of $ 4 billion».
Use language appropriate to the visitor based on the target audience Heat maps show an F pattern is used when scanning content, so using bold headings and sub-headings to make it easier to scan and break up a copy Change paragraphs to bulleted lists Put the main point first (inverted pyramid) Use personal pronouns Put yourself in the place of the visitor and consider questions the visitor may have, then get to the point with the answer Add links, if appropriate, to keep the visitor engaged on your site and to keep them from searching elsewhere Name links (and anchor text) in a way that the visitor will know what to expect when they click Find out what keywords visitors are searching for to reach your site and write with these keywords in mind These tips are a great starting point for anyone wanting to optimize their website content.
All our thought and language about God is analogical, and we must ever keep in mind the caution of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) that «No similarity can be found so great but that the dissimilarity is even greater.»
Indeed, it was precisely the open - ended and mushy quality of Casey «s language that Judge Rothstein found so comforting when she analogized the right to die to the right to abort.
Scholars have determined that Matthew was not written in Greek, but in Aramaic, and was soon translated into Greek, so we have to go to the original written language to find the true meaning of this verse.
And just as that kingly grief of which we have spoken can be found only in a kingly soul, and is not even named in the language of the multitude of men, so the entire human language is so selfish that it refuses even to suspect the existence of such a grief.
«Trinity» did not originally mean, as it does for some later, that there are three kinds of revelation, the Father speaking through creation and the Spirit though experience, by which the words and example of the Son must be corrected; it meant rather that language must be found and definitions created so that Christians, who believe in only one God, can affirm that he is most adequately and bindingly known in Jesus.
We begin to formally educate a child at the age of six, and twelve years later frequently find we have failed, not because school material is intrinsically difficult (the task of learning a new language is much more so, yet the child masters it in thee years); we find failure because we have ignored the fact that the developing personality has a natural sway, to and fro, which Whitehead says results in a «craving» to be continually refreshed by the experience of starting anew.
It includes several sayings found also in Luke and one in both Mark and Luke, but so much of it is peculiar to Matthew and distinctive in content and language that the use of a special written source seems probable if not certain.
Here we find the endeavor to speak of the Kingdom of God in a Christian language even while refusing the language of the Christian theological tradition, and to do so in the spirit of Blake's marriage of «Heaven» and «Hell» and under the influence of the identification of nirvana and samsara in Mahayana Buddhism.
The ironic and indirect ways of affirming and denying — God bless the Czar and keep him far, far away — modes of speaking that are so important for Jewish humanism, are found in Yiddish, a plastic language that hung like a long suspension bridge over the chasm that separated the world of an isolated, vulnerable religious minority from the dangerous Gentile - dominated majority culture.
Most people, in the West or anywhere else, find the fact that there are so many languages in the world no more interesting than I would find a list of all the makes of Toyota.
There is an unsurprising lack of poetry throughout the New Testament, so finding similar language in the days after Jesus is trickier.
The committee wanted to deal «expressively» with evolving forms of sexuality, but it did not find the language to do so.
They must have a language so that they can discuss things and writing materials to record what they have found.
So John, a Jewish Christian, Will be found in his gospel expounding the meaning of Jesus Christ partly in the language of this mixture of Jewish and Greek thought.
At Acts 10:46, Luke used a variation of the same expressions found in 2:11 alongside «speaking in tongues,» so that prophesying in a foreign language is most probably meant again.46 Peter's companions from Joppa in a multilingual society would presumably have recognized other languages than their own.
In the sort of language we have used in these pages, man knows that he should be on the road to love, but he finds himself frustrated on that road; while at the same time he knows very well (once he is honest with himself) that he has so decided, often against his better judgement and in contradiction to his deep desires and purpose, to reject the opportunities to love and to receive love, that he is a failure.
David, I like and find your point interesting about «I treasure thoughts and love language, but they can only get us so far.
But in any society kin loyalty is likely to find expression in religious language, rituals, and so forth.
He has reached a point where he is prepared to take this risk and has found a language in which to do so.
So I find myself second - guessing the «leaving evangelicalism» language, not because it's an inaccurate representation of what I'm experiencing, but because I don't want anyone to think for a moment that this means walking away from the many, many people who identify as evangelical whom I love and respect very much.
I so do understand the questions of «why» and «what's the point» and and and... It's still a struggle at times to pick myself up and serve the «churched» as I've been doing for more than a decade now in two different countries to three different cultures, in three different languages... yet I'm also grateful that it's providing me with platform to promote a bigger vision and dream God might have for us as we find in the life of Jesus.
To seek the meaning of any given signifier is only to be confronted with an alternative signifier, and thus any kind of terminal meaning is forever scattered and «not yet,» so much so that even the reality of one's own selfhood must be found to be something thoroughly insubstantial and vaporous: in short, our condemnation is to «the prison - house of language
Your Panettone recipe is by far the best english language recipe I have found, it's so detailed.
Teff's name is derived from the word for «lost» in the Ethiopian language, Amharic because the grain is so tiny that if it falls to the floor, it may never be found.
Where are all the usual excuses like «I can't find my motivation after the World Cup as I had no holidays» or «I've moved to a new country so need time to settle in» or «I haven't learnt the language yet so can't communicate with my team - mates».
I could barely get through Dr. Amy's last two entries I found the language / sexuality to be so revolting.
THIAGO: If AP is not exactly something widely known and practiced in the United States, you can imagine how it would be in Brazil, where we can find so little material available in our language and so little local support for parents.
Personally, I find it rather ironic that you're lecturing the blog author on the rigor of language, when, faced with the need to support the claims made by a documentary that has faced absolutely no real standards of intellectual rigor or merit (the kind of evidence you apparently find convincing), you have so far managed to produce a study with a sample size too small to conclude anything, a review paper that basically summarized well known connections between vaginal and amniotic flora and poor outcomes in labor and birth before attempting to rescue what would have been just another OB review article with a few attention grabbing sentences about long term health implications, and a review article published in a trash journal.
We know that many people will find this news deeply upsetting and even frightening and we know that some people will condemn us for publicising the planned changes or for the language that we are using to do so.
These include the need for a purposively broad, liberal and benevolent interpretation of the Constitution as a whole, so far as the language of the constitution would admit, having due regard to the underlying values and principles that need to be promoted to safeguarded our system of participatory democracy, the principle that the constitution is a document sui generis, and allied to this, the principle that the constitution must be interpreted in the light of its own words, and not words found in some other written constitution» (Writ No: JI / 15/2015 [unreported] pages 23 & 24).
«For many Korean - American church leaders, community leaders and other constituents, English is not their first language, so he's really been helpful in speaking with them, finding out what they need, establishing relationships and finding out what their concerns and questions may be,» Lancman said.
So the researchers created new Wikipedia articles from scratch to find out if the language in them affected the scientific literature in return.
In fact, as the Next Wave editorial team has been finding out, there are ways that scientists who are so inclined can combine their research training and their interest in languages into a single job — scientific translating.
«Numerous studies have found speaking more than one language can enhance academic performance, so we would encourage parents to continue speaking their first language with their children.
The finding indicates that reclassification rules may need to be adjusted for special education students, so there is a reasonable and sensible plan for them to meet language requirements, Thompson said.
The proof is encompassed in four scientific articles that together fill about 500 pages, according to writer Marlene Weiss, who entered a mathematical realm where the language is so strange that hardly anybody but Mochizuki himself can find their way.
So entrenched has English become that «America no longer finds itself a required participant for the prestige and spread of its native language in science.
If so, it should be possible to find clues about how human language evolved from grunts or gestures by observing the communication of our close primate relatives.
«Our finding, in a species so distantly related to humans and lacking symbolic language, raises numerous questions about the kinds of understanding of «folk physics» and causality available to nonhumans, the conditions for these abilities to evolve, and their associated neural adaptations,» the authors conclude.
Borges, it is known, was fascinated by encyclopedias and by the Naturalis historia8 (perhaps the first encyclopedia in history), which in fact he mentions in «Funes the Memorious»: Funes asks the narrator (Borges) for any Latin text, and Borges obliges with volume VII of Pliny's encyclopedia and Quicherat's Thesaurus, just so the rube will be rudely disappointed upon finding out that one can not learn such a complicated language using only a book and a dictionary.
«However, many other as yet unknown genes are involved in language, so in the future these will have to be found and looked at in Neandertals.»
Another of the authors, Stephen Levinson, comments, «This is a bit of an unexpected finding, since many have thought that grammar might give us deeper insight into the linguistic past than vocabulary, but there is still some reason for caution: we compared highly conservative vocabulary with an unfiltered range of grammar variables, and the language family is unusual for the way it diversified during colonization of successive islands, But what is clear is that grammar and vocabulary changes are not closely coupled, even within branches of a family, so looking at them both significantly advances our ability to reconstruct linguistic history.»
The researchers said human facial expressions are very similar to other species on the whole, more so than human language, which is unique to humans, but these findings suggest that even though they look the same, they may be produced in different contexts.
The findings will likely be of interest to language researchers, especially those who study so - called «linguistic alignment» in relationships, Kaschak and his coauthor suggest.
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