Sentences with phrase «fine clothing»

Many of them are adapted to the new era and are example of very fine clothing for women.
This makes it a little difficult to see how fine the clothing and environment textures are in comparison to the E3 build.
The Friends protested against social inequalities by their refusal to wear fine clothing, to use different forms of address in speaking to persons of different social ranks, to lift their hats as a sign of deference, or to recognize ordained ministers as being more fit than common people to receive and transmit the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (the «Inner Light»).
Inside headquarters, a slim man presented himself, decked in fine clothing and smooth manners.
It has multiple markets with fine clothing stores, cafes, hair salons, book stores, DVD stores, supermarkets, photo studios, and sporting good stores.
Cambridge defines Zeen in apparel needs of women of today by fine clothing items at a quality of level best.
PACSUN MAXI DRESS (SIMILAR) / GLITZ FINE CLOTHING BELT (SIMILAR) / BELLA FORTE NECKLACE / ANNA SUI BAG (SIMILAR) Classes started again yesterday, and I'm on the never ending grind.
They are dilapidated and crumbling, but nonetheless majestic, echoing their former glory, like grand old dames whose jewelery has lost its gemstones and once fine clothing has become threadbare and moth - eaten.
Artists like Johannes Vermeer celebrated the nation's wealth with images of fine clothing, glimmering pearls and imported parrots.
U.S. congressmen from the Bay Area are among those who have introduced a similar measure in Washington, redefining industrial cannabis used in fine clothing and other goods as an agricultural product and not a drug.
Jewelry and fine clothing stores enjoy a strong presence, but finding a decent supermarket remains challenging for the upscale population in many pockets of the market, according to retail broker Michael Stone, senior director at Cushman & Wakefield's downtown office.
Participants wear their finest clothing.
If a man with gold rings and in fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, «Have a seat here, please,» while you say to the poor man, Stand there,» or, «Sit at my feet,» have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
1) appearance — clean, shaven, rich or fine clothing 2) by standing on raised platforms or «soapbox» 3) by loudness or clarity of words 4) by medallions or pins — striped uniforms
2 For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, 3 and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, «You sit here in a good place,» while you say to the poor man, «You stand over there,» or, «Sit down at my feet,» 4 have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
Another example comes from 1 Peter, where women are instructed to avoid elaborate hairstyles, gold jewelry and fine clothing.
This vintage spring summer 1985 Chanel suit came from my favorite estate of vintage designer clothing - the owner purchased the finest clothing from the best designers of the 1950's thr...
While machine drying some items like sweats and towels is fine, using a drying rack or air drying your finer clothing articles, when done properly, will leave them wrinkle free and crisp.
Wildwood & Company is a fine clothing and accessories store...
The stalks produce fiber and cellulose for everything from automotive parts and fine clothing to building products and fuel.
Rosen practised corporate law for some years and now runs the Canadian retail chain known for its men's fine clothing.
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