Sentences with phrase «fine with gods»

However, step by step we walk the Path, doing a perfect thing imperfectly — which is fine with God.
-- Will This Rock in Rio by Ken Lottis — Attack Upon Christendom by Soren Kierkegaard — Plan B by Pete Wilson — Electing Not to Vote edited by Ted Lewis — The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster — Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card — UnChristian by David Kinnaman — Resurrection of the Son of God by NT Wright — Church Without Walls by Jim Petersen — Repenting of Religion by Greg Boyd — Spontaneous Expansion of the Church Roland Allen — Unlearning Church by Michael Slaughter — The Open Secret by Lesslie Newbigin — When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert — The Ministry of the Spirit by Roland Allen — The Mission of God by Christopher J.H. Wright — An Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches by Ray S. Anderson — Provacative Faith by Matthew Paul Turner — Transforming Mission by David Bosch — The Roman Empire and the New Testament by Warren Carter — I'm Fine with God; It's Chrsitians I Can't Stand by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz — Jesus and Empire by Richard A. Horsley — Simply Christian by NT Wright — Jesus, the Jewish Theologian by Brad H. Young
In I'm Fine With God... It's Christians I Can't Stand: Getting Past the Religious Garbage in the Search for Spiritual Truth, Bickel and Jantz (who are also co-authors of the Christianity 101 series) express their...

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It is not what he did, or the historical account, it is only God himself and what he wants, that atheists have an issue with... the rest they're fine with.
The rest of the account, is fine with them... if God is removed... and that is wrong to do that, very wrong, and very short sighted.
well chutty - oh where to start - if you don't beleive in god, fine... then don't... i don't beleive in mermaids, but i don't espouse my non-belief as «passionate»... nor do i denegrate those who may believe in mermaids with derogatory labels like zionist or evangelist... if you don't believe in god, then your belief in your fellow man should be a little stronger than having to slap labels on them....
And if God didn't want anything at all, they'd then be fine with him too.
Well god made the rules so apparently he is fine with sin.
It's only by convincing his followers that his immoral acts are moral that you come to believe that we are somehow misunderstanding gods evil acts and that if we only read the bible again we'd somehow see that when he killed all the first born of egypt, or impregnated a married woman and left her with a kid or that he's fine with slavery under certain conditions as good things.
My soul is just fine and please don't confuse hatred with dissapointment in a God that never returned to save the innocent.
A Christian financial expert has said «God would be fine» with cutting benefits, as long as the people... More
I'm fine with someone believing in god, as long as he acknowledges that that is what it is: belief.
kevinite If you want to believe in God no matter how illogical it is, I'm fine with that.
If they could just pray a little harder, God would bless them with a fine woman.
And yes, even the demons believe that God EXISTS — that has nothing to do with faith IN God, that means, trusting Him in the darkness of our lives that He will lead us through it all and that all things will turn out fine — in the end.
Well, I'd say there's something worse: telling people who are just fine and are finding their path with God that God won't let them stay that way.
Scripture says that Joshua made the sun stand still, which harmonizes just fine with the Christian tradition that God can intervene in nature to suit his purposes, but which triggers all kinds of red alarms in my brain when I try to sort it out scientifically.
My education is fine... Nothing is wrong with my writing sense you were able to simply reply... Look how far this country has fallen without God... We took God out of schools and now school shootings are a common thing... I mean your insults are flattering because all it tells me is that deep down you know I am right but don't want to admit it..
Hey Dave, I know that winning the mug and voting for Richard M. are two separate issues and I'm fine with leaving both in God's capable hands.
Fine, as long as you acknowledge that it is a dream - wishful thinking - and don't claim it as fact, without a whit of verifiable evidence, as is your wont with your «God» character and the accompanying fantasy scenarios.
every thing that you said is gods truth.when you study is hard as you do you well fine the truth jeremy.i been stugglen with preach geting paid for a long time intill i started studing like help me a lot wolf slayer.
I wonder how we worship the same God, when Phil Robertson's God seems to hate gay folks and be perfectly fine with the subjugation of Black folks (and women).
Thousands of ministers over the country could echo with enthusiasm the sentiments of one of the Yale ministers who wrote, «The churches should be grateful to God for the many fine, active members that AA has saved and sent into their fellowship.»
It's fine to say, «I believe that God says the opposite in the Bible» but not to say «God disagrees with you» as though you are a spokesperson for the Almighty.
It seems that Al Mohler is fine with Christians loving God with their minds so long as they reach the same conclusions that he has.
God puts God's hands in the dirt and forms a human — rolls it, shapes it, wets the clay with spit and sculpts the finer details, the lips and toes.
Psalm 10: 3 - 4 — This talks about the wicked men, how they do nt have God in their hearts or in their minds, which is a fine piece of scripture but it can hardly be used for either myself or the maker of the video since we both seem to advocate a deep and personal relationship with the Lord rather than letting a group of «religious» people ruin it for you.
If you've already read The Language of God, consider checking out A Fine - Tuned Universe by Alister McGrath, Coming to Peace With Science by Darrel Falk, Saving Darwin by Karl Giberson, or I Love Jesus and I Accept Evolution by Denis Lamoureux.
If you want to fill in the gaps of our unknowns with God, that's fine and I respect your choice.
I'm fine with you or anyone else believing in a god, but to claim this discovery as proof or even support of that belief is unnecessary and even detrimental to the larger argument for a god.
So I'm fine with those that say God caused the Big Bang and started and guided evolution, so long as they are ok with those events occuring.
In its union with God that fact is not a total loss, but on its finer side is an element to be woven immortally into the rhythm of mortal things.
Of course, if we do end up giving something to God out of love and thanks to God for what He has given us, God is fine with accepting it, not because He needs or wants it, but because He recognizes such offerings as the acts of worship that they are.
Again, you may disagree with any of the premises, you may disagree that you are dumb, that you don't know what you are talking about, that God exists and loves everyone, and fine, even if the logic is perfect, the conclusion isn't valid for you, since you don't agree with the premises.
I am more than fine with saying that mega churches are an integral part of what God is doing in the world.
The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols popping, the bunched firecrackers hissing and spluttering; on every hand and far down the receding and fading spread of roofs and balconies a fulttering wilderness of flags flashed in the sun; daily the young volunteers marched down the wide avenue gay and fine in their new uniforms, the proud fathers and mothers and sisters and sweethearts cheering them with voices choked with happy emotion as they swung by; nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory with stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause, the tears running down their cheeks the while; in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener.
But I think that maybe instead of «No thanks,» God would say, «Anywhere you you want to go today is fine with me.
I wish only to state that despite Macquarrie's fine presentation of the major themes in Heidegger's work, and despite his often engaging if not always successful argument that those themes «can be interpreted in a way that is compatible with Christian faith,» there remains the nagging question whether a God who is thrown into the rough mix of human destiny is enough to prevent us from repeating the horrors of the Holocaust and Hiroshima.
Gods grace doesn't come with fine print or caveats.
If I was God I would have the finest freaks in the universe with me.
Therefore god is fine with gay marriage!
In doing this, we have also seen how one of the consequences of authentic preaching is a determination, established in the hearts and minds and wills of those who have assisted at worship, to give themselves more fully to the service of God — as «co-creators», in Whitehead's fine word, with God in the great work of «amorization», establishing in this world (so far as a finite order will permit it) a society marked by caring, justice, responsibility, interest in others, and relief from oppression, devoted to everything positive which promotes the fullest actualization of human possibility.
I divorced and remarried then both me and my husband became Christians, I was fine with this as we were not Christians before we got remarried, but i commited adultery with my exhusband and although i know God has forgiven me and my husband has forgiven me it has has an effect on my spirit, i don't feel the same since i commted adultery, i feel unclean and my 100 % security of eternal salvation isn't there now.
The sutra is inexhaustibly rich with deep and fine similes which express this anxious love.10 The wisdom of the Tathagata is so high, his knowledge is so deep, that to the man who is blind, erring, and engrossed in the world it must seem to be absolutely incomprehensible.11 However — and what Mahayana shows to us is the highest reconciliation between God and man — this compassionate love turns to each man with the appropriate means and in unique ways in order to show him that he too has within himself the potential not only of ending his own suffering but also of one day being himself transformed from one saved to a savior, a Tathagata.
It deals with Christology and the doctrine of God, as well as prayer, the resurrection, heaven, etc. and it provides a general introduction to Whitehead's thought.128 The Task of Philosophical Theology by C. J. Curtis, a Lutheran theologian, is a process exposition of numerous «theological notions» important to the «conservative, traditional» Christian viewpoint.129 Two very fine semi-popular introductions to process philosophy as a context for Christian theology are The Creative Advance by E. H. Peters130 and Process Thought and Christian Faith by Norman Pittenger.131 The latter, reflecting the concerns of a theologian, provides a concise introduction to the process view of God together with briefer comments on man, Christ, and «eternal life.»
That has always made sense to me, and I firmly believe that if I addressed God as «Joe,» He'd be perfectly fine with that.
It was extraordinary to see such a great and fine mind in such calm and simple communion with God.
If there is a god, he gave me this fine mind with which to examine the world around me.
There is a fine line between treating a pastor with the respect due to someone called by God to lead His people (if that is the case) and kowtowing to their every whim.
If we understand it as accurately telling what was in the mind and heart of God, then we have to deal with the issue of why did God create us in his image, knowing that he planned to destroy so many of us, and tell the rest of us that, at least in certain circumstances, it is fine with him if we destroy each other.
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