Sentences with phrase «finite resources»

People are getting more sympathetic to the new sensibility of conserving finite resources.
While there are a lot of things that are different about divorce after 50, all of the differences boil down to the same thing: finite resources.
Emotional resilience and willpower to make it through a challenging job search or a re-training program are finite resources.
Both are finite resources and reflect a general distrust in governments and traditional financial institutions.
One of the main drivers behind these initiatives is the realisation that, given their necessarily finite resources, public authorities can not hope themselves to address all the harm caused to European markets by anti-competitive behaviour.
Appreciating that you will be choosing to spend finite resources (money and time), how do you best ensure you unlock value from involvement in your professional association?
With finite resources, the essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.
«We are moving from the old which saw a system of finite resources kept internally and containerized.
Dell, along with most of the industry, has realized that IT, like everything else, comes from finite resources and needs to be treated with care so that it will last as long as possible.
1) Robert Malthus, who at the end of the 18th century, published his simple but penetrating theoretical econometric model, «An Essay on the Principle of Population», that has turned out to have been «off» in the timing of its predictions (but I believe, probably is about «correct» in predicting what we must expect, if some appropriate changes in human behavior fail to accommodate — «in time» — to the reality of the finite resources of our planet); and
Burning finite resources may not be the best approach down the line.
They are both finite resources.
Admittedly, finite resources would still need to be optimally allocated: I wouldn't argue for throwing the entire discipline of economics out of the window.
Those that spend the least, by and large, consume a lesser amount of the world's many precious and finite resources.
In the big picture it's quite simple: In a world with finite resources, fewer people mean greater levels of resources equitably available to all, while greater numbers of people mean there's less to go around without running into conflict over those resources or tragically and perpetually marginalizing parts of our human family.
Earth's finite resources on a one - way trip to the dump.
A far more dangerous threat to the human endeavor is, in my mind, our reliance on finite resources and the difficulty our economic systems will have coping with a decline in the availability of cheap energy.»
Going 100 % renewable will deliver on our consumer promise to deliver brands that are responsibly produced in a world of finite resources.
Dawg - why do you feel that coal, oil and gas finite resources?
How long are people willing to wait to take actions that while limiting carbon dioxide emissions would also help to reduce consumption of finite resources and reduce emissions of other pollutants?
Rob Dietz and Dan O'Neill propose an alternative in Enough is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources.
«These renewable energy investments drive down greenhouse gas emissions, reduce our dependence on finite resources, and help keep our air and water clean.
«Footing the Bill: Art and Our Ecological Footprint» addresses the urgent need to live sustainably within the Earth's finite resources.
Some environmentalists say yes, in a world of finite resources, the walls of the petri dish are not far off.
Scattering the landscape with tiny houses is only gradually less demanding on finite resources than sprawling mansions.
Even if [geo - engineering] were able to stabilize climate change — which is doubtful... We still would be addicted to imported oil, still would be subsidizing terrorism with our gas dollars, still would suffer the cost and supply traumas that are inevitable with finite resources, still would send our children off to die in resource wars, still would pollute the air and cause respiratory problems for our children, and still would wipe out species, many of them beneficial to us, as we invade their habitat.
I think they are Neo-Malthusian ideologues and pseudo-leftists who believe our species is squandering and depleting the Earth's finite resources.
THE goal was advanced, most notably, by The Club Of Rome (Environmental think - tank and consultants to the UN)-- a group of mainly European scientists and academics, who used computer modelling to warn that the world would run out of finite resources if population growth were left unchecked.
We may recycle, substitute for finite resources or innovate in products and services.
THE goal was advanced, most notably, by The Club Of Rome (Environmental consultants to the UN)-- a group of mainly European scientists and academics, who used computer modelling to warn that the world would run out of finite resources if population growth were left unchecked.
With middle classes growing in middle - income countries, the challenge arises how to reconcile increasing consumption with finite resources.
We should have a discussion of how to respond to it, and, as with all public interest spending, should consider whether, in a world of finite resources, any given euro (or dollar, or...) is better spent on fighting climate change, fighting malaria, fighting hunger, etc..
While we applaud the effort of Copenhagen Consensus Centre to raise debates about how to prioritize finite resources on challenging global problems, we take issue with the results.
Third, given that gas fields are finite resources, developing a pipeline system in the offshore northwest shelf will stretch out the depreciation period for pipeline infrastructure.
Just saying no to what doesn't comply with the ideology, is hardly intelligent, or the most environmentally sound option, let alone the most economically savvy use of finite resources.
The goal was advanced, most notably, by The Club Of Rome (Consultants to the UN)-- a group of mainly European scientists and academics, who used computer modelling to warn that the world would run out of finite resources if population growth were left unchecked.
Locking away the fossil fuels don't mean it will never be used, it just means it will be used more slowly over time, which from a finite resources point of view is more sensible anyway in my opinion.
Beginning to use plant - based products will certainly help the company achieve its sustainability goals, though LEGO is just doing their part in a global economy still dominated by fossil fuels — finite resources that are the primary contributor to human - caused climate change.
Larger populations mean finite resources must be divided among more people.
There are an infinite number of possible problems we do nothing about and we only have finite resources.
In any time frame there are many problems to address but finite resources of time, energy, manpower, capital and attention to address them.
Modern humanity's appetite for finite resources is so great that even one of the great wonders of the natural world is not off limits.
Each one of us puts pressure on the natural world, consumes the Earth's finite resources and contributes to climate change.
We live in a world of finite resources.
That subsidy, which has enabled human population and wealth to grow exponentially, is based on finite resources and can not continue indefinitely.
Drew is quite upfront about the need to keep the short - lived climate agent mitigation from detracting from CO2 mitigation, but I think that realistically in a world of finite resources any incentives given to controlling e.g. methane will drain resources that would be better used for CO2 mitigation.
By using an interactive online format, Art Works for Change is looking to inspire activism and engagement about environmental issues in as many people as possible, by addressing «the urgent need to live sustainably within Earth's finite resources» through the lens of art.
grasp the reality of the operations of complex systems nor the idea of finite resources.
, which demands a corollary increase in our use of fuels — the most efficient of which is oil, which is, unfortunately limited, along with other similarly finite resources.
Our linear systems of production and consumption see the value of the world's finite resources lost, mined from the ground for chopped down to eventually be thrown away.
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