Sentences with phrase «finite universe»

Personally, God it his infinite wisdom understands that without suffering we as humans would begin to believe in our own divinity, each of us little Gods ruling our own finite universe.
Everything, matter and spirit, within the great design, generated within and one with the Alpha Christ, and in the fallen finite universe that is actualised, is blemished by original sin.
Is then this idea of a self - subsistent, finite universe which has disintegrated the old myth a fate which we must in all honesty submit to?
The show is conceived as a sensory and perceptive experience and opens with a small finite universe: a sphere of repaired mirrors that creates a world of infinite possibilities.
I'll quote your final line: «Personally, God it his infinite wisdom understands that without suffering we as humans would begin to believe in our own divinity, each of us little Gods ruling our own finite universe
So science confirms a finite universe.
To attribute perfection or eternal verity to anything in this finite universe, much less anything made by humans or possessed by humans, is the height of foolishness.
Jaki believed that many scientists» resistance to general relativity's finite universe was due to the attractiveness of the Greek idea of an eternal universe (ibid.
God is utterly beyond the finite universe, yet out of love He has entered into time to prove His limitless love for sinners in the sacrifice of His Son.
In the latter the finite universe was almost alive, filled with self - moving bodies seeking their natural place of rest: natures moved teleologically to seek fulfilment; the earth occupied the central, lowest point, to which all heavy bodies tended.
Elsasser argues that the number of distinguishable events which can occur in a finite universe is correspondingly limited.
It is simply untrue that, as even Bultmann appears to suppose, the idea of a self - subsistent, finite universe is accepted as axiomatic in the modern world.
They claim random behaviour sorts everything out: it can't, in a finite universe, and you can take any molecular aspect of our biology and prove it yourself.
Also, k = + 1 implies a spherical geometry and a closed, finite universe (k = 0 is a flat, unbounded, and infinite universe while k = -1 is a saddle shaped, open, unbounded, and infinite universe).
In a finite universe, never mind a finite world, all substances are of course finite.
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