Sentences with phrase «fire of inflammation»

On the one hand, oxygen is an essential element required for cells to survive; on the other hand, it also adds fuel to the fire of inflammation.
So the very last thing you would want to is foods that add flame to the fires of inflammation already burning after a hard workout.
, Nutritional Strategies That May Help Tame the Fire of Inflammation
But these anthocyanins may quell the fires of inflammation, possibly returning your fat cells to their fat, healthy, hormone - releasing selves.
Read on to learn more about acute and chronic inflammation, its causes and effects on the body, and what the research says about nutritional strategies that are purported to help tame the fire of inflammation.
Glutathione is our body's master antioxidant and is primarily used to help quelch the fire of inflammation and free radical stress.
The Revelation of Grounding — when you put your bare feet on the earth, and you're taking in the energy of the earth, or you're sleeping grounded, what you're really doing is dousing out the fires of inflammation.
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