Sentences with phrase «firm view»

We have changed the way law firms view intake and lead management.
Suddenly instead of being straight talking with firm views on the corporate issues of the day — we find ourselves in full approval and suck up mode.
The separation of firms viewed as marginal now will continue to get separated into two piles, dead and survived.
I mean, many firms view their money market as something they have to offer, but not a driver of asset growth.
Firms view slow growth as the main reason for weak price pressures.
Finally, is it possible that large firms view blogs as giving away too much information for free?
However, at a bare minimum the parties are entitled to expect that the mediator / arbitrator will be open to persuasion, and will not have reached firm views or conclusions.
This would, obviously, be a major change in how law firms view and use their associate lawyers.
Now I'm not saying that law firms are full of malign penguin jewel - thieves, but it is often the case that CRM partners are parachuted into clients without, apparently, much consultation and I am left wondering how well the law firm view of CRM and the optimum CRM situation line up in all cases.
Residents on the Falklands Islands were waking up with a certain degree of trepidation today, after discovering an Argentine cardinal with firm views on the territorial dispute had become Pope.
«Meanwhile, any inflationary impulse from higher tariffs depends on whether firms view the increase as permanent and if the current state of the business cycle would contribute to a high pass - through rate from tariffs to final goods.»
IT as a Service (ITaaS) is the new direction that is transforming how legal firms view their IT infrastructure, IT operations, and IT staff.
But it's also a fact that most law firms view LPOs, if they view them at all, as a threat to their ability to leverage billable junior work out of associates and «train» those associates (I use the word advisedly) in how deals and cases are structured.
He claims his new analysis, which has been posted * for public review but has not yet been peer reviewed (more on that below), provides an even firmer view of human - driven warming than the 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Its effects compensate for all the sorrows that inevitably come to mind, when people with firm views about the way things are and should be sit down together to reflect on the lamentable fact that the world is in other hands than their own.
«While no one can look into a crystal ball and know exactly where the legal sector may be headed, we have begun to benchmark shifts and establish potential new trends that may significantly impact the way firms view and implement change,» Cushman said.
Part of the issue here is that, for smaller parties, the leader bears a larger part of the burden of representing the party (and, in the absence of sustained media coverage of the party, voters are likely to have less firm views on what the party stands for).
«Both dirty and clean firms are active in lobbying, suggesting that while dirty firms lobby to maintain the status quo clean firms view environmental regulation as an opportunity to gain firm - level advantages,» Magali Delmas, Jinghui Lim and Nicholas Nairn - Birch, researchers at UCLA, said in their report.
He has mastered the art of harnessing the spotlight to hammer away at firms he views as troubled.
A Deloitte study says technology is a «critical factor» missing in the potential efficiency of legal departments and law firms in Canada but just 15 per cent of chief legal officers and representatives of law firms view investment in new efficiency tools as a top priority.
The Burch & Cracchiolo law firm views bankruptcy - related proceedings as part of the larger continuum of Phoenix commercial transactions, a deal or financial relationship has simply gone awry.
Their answers revealed that more than 70 % of law firms view file sharing as «increasingly important» and 89 % use unencrypted email as «the dominant means for sharing privileged communications.»
Most US firms view diversity in terms of particular categories, such as race and gender, but cultural diversity embraces far more categories and more significantly, a different state of mind.
In that context, a lot of firms view profile spend as a sort of «relationship management fee», rather than a payment for a specific product which is expected to deliver a certain outcome.
• Within professional practice, Supervisors and Assistant Managers in business services are needed, with firms viewing quality candidates as potential future Partners.
In fact, because so many servicing processes are really focused on the collection and transfer of data from borrowers and third parties to investors and rating agencies, some servicing firms view themselves as technology companies that are active in the real estate markets.
Over the next six months if there is a sudden jump up in hourly earnings — by say 2.5 to 3.2 percent — then that gives a real firm view that the labor market is really tight.
It was refreshing to see law firms viewing LPO potentially as offering them a competitive advantage over competitors.
I have firm views on illegal immigration laws, and have met one or 2 who were truly bad, just like any other, but by and large most non native Hispanics I have met are very hard working and pay their bills.
«I have no problem if a government that's elected with firm views and ideas about what it wants to do — in this case in education — puts people in place with talent that happen to be Conservative supporters.»
Few big law firms view Legal Zoom as a threat, because its service is simple and that market is less profitable.
(Allegiant officials said they won't have a firm view of overall costs until further planning is completed next month.)
With Boeing's sales force and global services likely to enhance Embraer's product offerings, the firm views a Boeing - Embraer tie - up as a potential negative to Dassault Systemes SE (ADR)(OTC: DASTY), General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE: GD)'s Gulfstream and Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT).
Initiating coverage of 38 U.S. exploration and production, or E&P, companies — as well as Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) and Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM)-- Credit Suisse said it sees relative value in select E&P names, although the firm views the U.S. majors as...
The firm views the Ethereum community as «Web 3.0», a brand new and improved model of the web.
«My firm view is that the revised Cheadle DOCA is best for all parties through equitable valuation, liquidity clarity and a fair market future,» said Mr Pedersen.
According to a statement, the President is of the firm view that her contribution to the liberation of South Africa from the racist ideology of apartheid merits recognition and honour.
I am therefore of the firm view that it is better to follow strictly the dictates of our party and national constitutions, rather than put APC and its activities at grave risk.
I'm not telling them what to do, they have clearly come to a firm view on the offer that has been put to them.
I have taken a look at the Bill sponsored by Hon. Olamide Johnson Oni and I am of the firm view that it contains noble intentions to promote effective performance of police functions through the provision of adequate funds.
John Curtice explains the contradiction: «Our willingness to give contradictory responses to survey questions about electoral systems suggests that relatively few of us have thought through the trade - offs involved the choice of an electoral system or have firm views on the subject.»
It is our firm view that a government bureaucracy must be big enough to achieve the aims of the governing administration, yet lean enough to not waste the resources of state.
Although Blairite Al would be as big a misnomer as Red Ed, Mr Johnson has firm views that will not always accord with the leader's.
Another 30 % had no firm view.
Eastbourne and Lewes are two seats I know relatively well and my firm view is that neither will be particularly easy regains for the Lib Dems despite the small majorities in both.
His presentation suggested he might have a firmer view of reality than some may have thought.
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