Sentences with phrase «firmly grasp»

The edges around the screen on the front, or «bezels,» are thick, allowing you to firmly grasp the slippery - smooth Fire HD 10.
As you gain confidence, approach the scorpion from behind, and gently but firmly grasp its stinger between your thumb and forefinger.
Use a pair of tweezers or tick pliers to firmly grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull with steady pressure.
Firmly grasp the upper jaw with the thumb and index finger of the other hand.
Little Miss would want it in fire - engine red, with matching two - tone interior, windblocker, and central cupholders to firmly grasp both curds and whey.
Cadillac's dual rear cupholders, which firmly grasp drinks, soda cans and smaller mugs, are good enough for a third place finish.
Hunting in packs, the gastropods prefer to prey on the Northwest spotted owl, which the slugs stalk by smearing unspeakable slime trails on tree branches that the owl can not then firmly grasp.
Finally, your baby needs to have the ability to firmly grasp and let go of objects, manipulate them without help and, ideally be willing to try and pick items up with their forefinger and thumb (the pincer grasp).
Resurrecting the organization from its tailspin will require visionary leadership that firmly grasps how to invigorate teams of people far from headquarters and redirect attention to the future.
Myth and fact are inextricably entangled, and a person is not necessarily a more authentic Christian by being more firmly grasped by the one or the other: «For this is the marriage of heaven and earth: Perfect Myth and Perfect Fact: claiming not only our love and our obedience, but also our wonder and delight, addressed to the savage, the child, and the poet in each one of us no less than to the moralist, the scholar, and the philosopher.»
Results in the form of fertility could and would come only as men voluntarily chose to perform the necessary magical rites, but the fact to be firmly grasped is that the world of magical powers stood constant, whether or not man invoked it.
But at that point, the ball might be firmly grasped with his right hand (around the ball) and either his left hand or arm (which we can't really tell from available angles).
I was so afraid it was going to slip out of my hands and crash to the floor, that I didn't even want to walk with it unless I had both hands firmly grasping it.
Emotional — If the logic and reasoning behind an argument are firmly grasped and acknowledged, then emotional factors come into play and they need to be positive emotions.
The Mercedes cupholder firmly grasps a coffee mug better than any other holder on the road.
With the excitement of NaNoWriMo firmly grasping authors everywhere, it's easy to forget that there are newcomers each year who are still a little perplexed by the whole process.
This replicates the method employed by the mother dog or pack leader who gently, yet firmly grasps the dog's muzzle in the mouth.
Firmly grasping the bones of the legs will often cause these dogs to yelp.
Unless you missed EA's E3 press conference, you're probably aware of the fact that the publisher now has firmly grasped the UFC license, which was previously under THQ's possession for several years.
Video games can acknowledge their roots in film and, firmly grasping the lessons learned from that medium, move the idea of modern storytelling forward in ways that have never been imagined.
John Lang, you have firmly grasped the wrong end of the stick.

Not exact matches

Only those who have grasped the horror can help more firmly to ground the hope.
But if you have the Story firmly in your head, with a good grasp of various biblical ways of telling it, what you teach by opportunity will, over time, exhibit a visible coherence that it wouldn't otherwise have.
The exposure of the illusion which fixed an early date for the Lord's advent, while it threw some minds back into the unwholesome ferment of apocalyptic speculation, gave to finer minds the occasion for grasping more firmly the substantive truths of the Gospel, and finding for them a more adequate expression.
Seeking discord, and searching for its interpretation, but no one knows its true meanings except Allah, and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: «We believe in it; the whole of it is from our Lord»; and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.
We may grasp this aesthetic notion of value more firmly if we contrast it with the notion of evil, the contrary of value.10 Evil is a quality associated with trends, persons or phenomena that remain in or degenerate into chaos or triviality when the possibility of harmony and intensity is in fact open to them.
Robinson Grasp reflex is when a baby grasps and holds firmly the fingers put in the baby's hands.
To develop the grasp reflex let the baby firmly clutch at any object, and then slowly take it away.
Hold out a ball ornament and ask them to carefully grab the ball firmly while trying not to move the hand once grasped.
How to use her fingers and hands to make things work, such as grasping the pitcher firmly and dunking it in the water before pouring.
Her beliefs are so firmly entrenched that she can't grasp that vaginal tearing, bleeding, and afterpains are normal, no matter where you give birth.
And if yours is already firmly in your electronic grasp, please help spread the word!
Mr Brady said «all of us have a part to play» in Northern Ireland's future, adding: «I firmly believe that such a future is within grasp if each one of us can find the courage to take account of the needs of each other and not just those of our own communities.»
When the infant gorilla grabbed the lowered pole, the mother then grasped it more firmly, which allowed the infant to scurry up to join her.
It has 22 degrees of freedom, compared with the human arm's 30, and can grasp precisely and firmly without crushing fragile objects.
To do it, grasp the bar firmly with an underhand grip.
Lie on a sturdy bench and grasp the bench firmly above your head.
Sit straight with your feet flat on the floor, maintaining a slight arch in your lower back, and grasp the barbell firmly outside of shoulder width with a pronated grip, elbows pointing down and outward.
Grasp the dumbbells firmly in both hands, leaving the palms turned in towards the midline of the body
Grasp the handles firmly, with your torso upright, your back against the pad, and your hips pulled down securely into the seat.
With the ancient box firmly in their grasp and the Mayor's guards on their heels, Lina, Doon and Poppy begin an adventurous journey that offers plenty of moments of peril for the young heroes.
This is firmly within our grasp.
It also drew quite a few sidelong glances, with people probably thinking, «there's a man with a mid-life crisis firmly in his grasp».
Ruti reached out and grasped him firmly in her two hands.
I spring forward and stop her, grasping her firmly by the shoulders.
I undoubtedly want to firmly leave a swift note and let you grasp that in fact I've been reading your web page for quite some time.
Today, my risks, hard work and efforts are not a guarantee of security, but the results are more firmly in my grasp than those working for others.
With these concepts (referring to the types of annuities) now firmly in your grasp, it is important to remember that none of these is exclusive to either qualified or non-qualified annuities.
If you find a tick attached to your pet, grasp the tick with fine tweezers or your finger nails near the dog's skin and firmly pull it straight out.
Handling: Pick up your pig by grasping it firmly but gently around the chest.
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