Sentences with phrase «first allegiance»

The salesperson owes his first allegiance to the company employer, then to the client.
That's because most Boards» first allegiance is to management.
Get so preoccupied with the power struggles of an earthly kingdom that I forget my first allegiance is to a heavenly kingdom that expands through patience, love, mercy, and grace.
I'll probably check the box next to Barack Obama on election day, but I'll do it knowing that he does not have my first allegiance.
I may get into some trouble for this, but I would venture to say that as followers of Jesus whose first allegiance belongs to the Kingdom of God, moderation is a healthy way to approach American politics.
As we discussed last week, the point of Jesus for President is to remind followers of Christ that they are to be a set - apart people, that their first allegiance is to the Kingdom of Heaven, not to any earthly kingdom.
I think that as long as these other agreements do not contradict our first allegiance to Jesus, then it is not idolatry.
Allegiance — As followers of Christ, our first allegiance is to the Kingdom of God, not to any kingdoms of this world.
These verses are obviously a hyperbole to describe how a true disciple of Christ is one who is completely surrendered to God and whose first allegiance is to Jesus Christ.
My first allegiance is to Jesus and his Kingdom.
My first allegiance isn't to feminism.
romeny took the Blood of Atonement Oath in the Temple in the late 1980s — He has sworn his first allegiance to the church.He is regaled and powerful in the church because his gggg grandfather, Parley Pratt, was a founding member.
Mormonism demands adherents» first allegiance is to Mormonism (which isn't necessarily any different from other religions), and ALSO gives adherents an ethical obligation to lie if it benefits the religion.

Not exact matches

Wall Street donors flocked to Bush in the first half of 2015, but largely shifted their allegiance to Rubio toward the end of the year, according to the CRP.
IF your allegiance is first to Christianity and not to the United States of America and its elected leaders, then you ought not to be in the armed services.
The Kosovo threat was not the first time militants pledging allegiance to ISIS have threatened Francis.
My allegiance is first to God, then family, then fellow man and freedom.
First, because most people do not live their everyday lives in a manner dominated by political ideologies or allegiances.
It wasn't the summer that brought an end to my doubt, but it was the summer I encountered a different Jesus, a Jesus who requires more from me than intellectual assent and emotional allegiance; a Jesus who associated with sinners and infuriated the religious; a Jesus who broke the rules and refused to cast the first stone; a Jesus who gravitated toward sick people and crazy people, homeless people and hopeless people; a Jesus who preferred story to exposition and metaphor to syllogism; a Jesus who answered questions with more questions, and demands for proof with demands for faith... a Jesus who healed each person differently and saved each person differently; a Jesus who had no list of beliefs to check off, no doctrinal statements to sign, no surefire way to tell who was «in» and who was «out»; a Jesus who loved after being betrayed, healed after being hurt, and forgave while being nailed to a tree; a Jesus who asked his disciples to do the same...
In what follows we shall go on to think of the Gospel in the Synoptic Gospels, in John, in Paul, in Peter, in James, in Hebrews, in the letters of John, in II Peter and in Jude, and in the Revelation; but it is of the first importance to remember that we are not dealing with a series of Gospels competing with one another for our allegiance.
As followers of Jesus, our allegiance is first and foremost to the Kingdom of God, which expands not through power or war or elections, but through service and love.
With carefully chosen words and images charged with first - century political meaning, he constantly reminded his followers that they were to be a set - apart people, a people who lived counter-culturally by loving their enemies, praying for those who persecuted them, lending without expecting anything in return, and surrendering allegiance to a crucified and risen Lord.
While evangelicals carry the unfortunate reputation of being married to the Republican party, mainliners are missing a great opportunity to talk about what it means to pledge one's allegiance first and foremost to the Kingdom of God.
If our allegiance is to the Kingdom of God first, our passions are not subject to the rise and fall of our preferred political party.
I think those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ and His teaching need to pledge our allegiance first to Christ and His kingdom and not to a political party — maybe more clarity will come if we all prayerfully seek the will of the Lord and allow that to influence our political leanings — rather than the other way around.
When Christians say that «Jesus Christ is Lord,» meaning that since nothing else can command our total allegiance, the state and the government are not Lord, they are saying what Jews declare when they give assent to the first commandment: «You shall have no other gods before me.»
Whether we like it or not it would be blind not to admit that for most people in the modern world religion is first of all an identity, a label, a badge of allegiance of a group.
First, false messiahs will appear, claiming man's allegiance.
Shane helped me to move past nationalism towards a Jesus - shaped spirituality that puts people before countries, that gives me first and only allegiance to the Kingdom of God, never The Empire.
Christ and his body the Church is our first community, prior in time and prior in allegiance.
On the strength of this declaration, Christians from the first century to the twentieth have refused to let the State have their total allegiance, and not a few in our own time have died in Nazi concentration camps and Communist purges rather than render to Caesar the things that are God's.
No Christian in the first 300 years after Jesus would have pledged allegiance to Rome during a church gathering.
Often the first thing that comes along to offer ungrudging hospitality to their capacity for wonder and their need for metaphysical anchorage captures their complete allegiance.
The first sharp difference of opinion is documented in the New Testament — it was the difference between the original (or Jewish) form of Christian allegiance to Jesus Christ and the Pauline (or Gentile) form.
People born in recent decades have no first - hand experience of what active Christian allegiance was like at the beginning of the twentieth century, when practically everybody in the western world other than Jews claimed to be Christian.
Thus, as the framework of Christendom began to crumble under its own weight from the sixteenth century onwards, Christian belief and allegiance experienced a surge of new life, first in Protestantism and then in Catholicism.
At the beginning, the distinctive deity of the Hebrews was a tribal divinity to whom the clans of Joseph first gave their allegiance at the time of the Exodus from Egypt.
As Christians, we are reminded today that our ultimate allegiance belongs not to a political party or even a country, but to the Kingdom of God, where the first is last and the last is first, where the peacemakers and the poor are blessed, where enemies are forgiven and slaves are set free, where our King washes feet, where abundant life grows from a tiny seed into a tree — not by power or might but by the Spirit.
When trying to show why terrorism is the greater evil, Ignatieff lists his limiting conditions in mirror - image form: terror makes violence a first resort, «target [s] unarmed civilians and punish [es] them for their allegiance or ethnicity,» and seeks the death of politics itself.
It is a theory that at first would leave Arsenal fans furious, screaming «Wenger Out» over and over, but would lead to many of them being ecstatic, declaring their allegiance to AW (maybe not the second part!).
I will first preface everything I say here by stating I have no particular allegiance to, nor soft spot, for Mikel Arteta.
Even though he's decked out in Chargers gear today, Hernandez — like a lot of locals — dropped his previous allegiances to put the Knights first.
Samir Ujkani was one of the first players to pledge his allegiance to Kosovo, making the switch from Albania in order to represent the country of his birth.
Departures lounge: After Atletico Madrid's Marseille - born, versatile defender Lucas Hernandez was reportedly unable to switch allegiances to Spain, Lopetegui finally gave a first call to Chelsea wing - back Marcos Alonso for the March friendlies against Germany and Argentina.
We are there when our constituents need to get passports for that trip of a lifetime, are eagerly starting their own business with hopes of becoming the next Steve Jobs, buying their first house, paying off their mortgage after 30 years or proudly reciting the oath of allegiance to become a part of the American dream.
Even if they mended fences, she would always be the mayor's first pick... so where would she owe her allegiance?
First and foremost, the Independence referendum precipitated a shift in allegiances.
They have modified their approach to the first; have been roundly defeated on the second; and have been forced by their parliamentary leadership to swear a superficial allegiance to the third.
The detailed YouGov results provide much information about second and subsequent preferences, although they predict a rather unrealistic low switch in allegiance in AV first preference votes from FPTP voting intentions — both Labour and Tories, for example, are predicted to retain 96 % of their FPTP voters as first preferences which must understate the switch to UKIP and the Greens, for example.
Author Tom McNichol suggests that Edison's obsessive allegiance to DC was guided first by instinct and later by pride.
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